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11 Cards in this Set

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Forms of random mating

Assortative/disassortative, inbreeding

Inbreeding depression

Lower mean fitness value if homozygous offspring have a lower fitness value

Genetic drift

Changes in allele frequency due to random chance

Bottleneck effect

Population dramatically reduced in size due to catastrophe

Founder effect

A few individuals from a population start a new population with a different allele frequency than the original population

Neutral variation

Changes in genes in proteins that do not improve reproductive success

Gene flow

Transfer of alleles between populations

______ is favored in directional selection

Extreme phenotypes

________ favors intermediate phenotypes

Stabilizing selection

Negative frequency dependent selection

He more common a phenotype is, the less favored it is

In diversifying selection

THe fitness value of an allele is high in some regions and low in others