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34 Cards in this Set

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The spermatogenic cells that line the seminiferous tubules produce sperm.

(True or false)


infertility is failure of ovulation due to hyposecretion of hormones from the_____.

anterior pituitary gland

A circumcision removes____.

The prepuce

About the time of ovulation, the anterior pituitary gland releases a surge of____.


The structure of a testis can be described as composed of___.

about 250 lobules, each of which contains 1 to 4 seminiferous tubules

The female structure that corresponds to the male penis is the___.

The Clitoris

The structure the sperm enters upon exiting the ductus deferens is the___.

Ejaculatory duct

Gonadotropins include FSH and LH.

(true or false)



All the Above:

*consists of sperm and secretions.

*is alkaline.

*includes prostaglandins and nutrients.

Male secondary sex characterisitics include____.

All the Above:

*thickening of the bones.

*increased muscular growth.

*increased growth of body hair.

Each epididymis emerges from the bottom of a testis.

(True or false)


The hormone responsible for the development and maintenance of male secondary sex characteristics______.


Primary oocyte production begins before birth.

(True or False)


The epithelium of the seminiferous tubules consists of_______.

spermatogenic cells and sustentacular cells.

The primary organs of the female reproductive system are the uterus and vagina.

(true or false)


Fertilization normally occurs in the______.

The Uterine Tube

(Fallopian tubes)

An increase in the level of FSH at approximately day 14 causes ovulation.

(true or false)


The prostate gland is the size and shape of a______.

Walnut or Chesnut

The interstitial cells of the testes produce______.


Sperm cells mature in the_____.


In females, which structure is immediately anterior to the vagina?


The hormone mainly responsible for the development and maintenance of female secondary sexual characteristics is______.


The epididymis, coiled on the outer surface of the testis, becomes the______.

Ductus deferens

The head of a sperm is mostly ____.


Undescended testes cause infertility because_____.

sperm development is impeded by the higher internal body temperature.

The inner mucosal layer of the uterine wall is the________.


The ductus deferentia are muscular tubes, each about 25 centimeters long.

(True or false)


The number of sperm cells that form from a primary spermatocyte is______.


A Pap smear is used to detect abnormal cells in the_____.


In the reproductive cycle, estrogen _____, whereas progesterone _____.

stimulates uterine wall development; stimulates the uterine lining to become more glandular

The first step in oogenesis is a____.

primary oocyte divides to form a secondary oocyte and a first polar body.

Male reproductive functions are controlled mainly by hormones from the hypothalamus, and____.

anterior pituitary gland and testes.

Which of the following correctly describes an erection?

Parasympathetic neurons release nitric oxide causing dilation of small arteries in the penis.

Meiosis is necessary because___.

otherwise the fertilized ovum will have too much genetic material.