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40 Cards in this Set

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What are the four functions of FEMALE REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM?
1. produce eggs
2. deliver eggs to site of fertilization.
3. provide for fetal dev't
4. give birth
What are the four parts of anatomy in the female rep sys?
1. Ovaries
2. Uterine Tubes
3. Uterus
4. Vagina
are teh four parts of this
What are the two major partos of OVARIES?
1. medulla
2. cortex
...are the two part of this.
Where does the action happen in the ovaries?
More of this happens in the cortex of the ovaries.
What does the medulla contain? (3)
arteries, veins, nerves
are contained within this part of the ovaries.
Thru what doe blood vessels and nerves go in the ovaries?
These pass thru SUSPENSORY LIGAMENT in ovaries.
What part of the ovaries do eggs develop?
These develop in the CORTEX of the ovaries.
Where do eggs develop specifically?
Descibe them.
These develop in the follicle, fluid-filled bubble-like sacs.
When are mature eggs released?
These are released during ovulation.
Follicle ruptures to release egg
What are two other names for UTERINE TUBES?
These are also called oviduct or fallopian tubes.
How long are uterine tubes?
These are about 10 cm long (4 in.)
What does uterine tube look like near ovary? What's it called
This expands into funnel-shaped INFUNDIBULUM.
What does the infundibulum have?
This has finger-like FIMBRIAE that hang over ovary.
What are the FIMBRIAE lined with?
These are lined with CILIATED EPITHELIUM.
What muscle is in the uterine tube?
Smooth muscle lines these tubes.
What moves egg from ovary to uterus? (2)
1. smooth muscle contraction
2. beating of cilia
move the egg from here to uterus.
What are the walls of uterus like?
Thick, very muscular
How big is the UTERUS?
This is about 7 x 4 cm (not pregnant)
What are the three parts of the uterus?
1. Fundus
2. body
3. cervix
What are the three parts of the uterine wall?
1. perimetrium
2. myometrium
3. endometrium
Where do many complications occur in Female Rep Sys?
Uterine may cause these.
What is the perimetrium?
Outer serosa layer.
What layer of uterine walls are very responsive to hormones?
The myometrium are very responsive to these.
What layer produces labor contractions?
What control them?
The myometrium creates these contractions which are under hormonal control.
What is endometrium?
What is mostly lost during mentruation?
The superficial part of the endometrium is mostly lost at this time.
Where does the embryo implant?
This implants in the endometrium.
What important part of fetal dev't does the endometrium produce?
This layer forms part of the placenta.
What is the birth canal?
How big is it?
The vagina.
8-10cm long
What's egg production called?
This is called Oogenesis.
What are eggs in terms of chromosomes?
These are haploid (1N) cells.
What cell division produces eggs? From what?
These are produced from a diploid cell by meiosis.
When does OOGENESIS begin?
before birth this begins.
How many 2N form before birth?
What are they called?
About 6-7 million OOGONIA (2N) form at this time.
What do some OOGONIA differentiate into?
Some of these differentiate into primary oocytes.
After birth, how many primary oocytes remain?
What's it called when the rest have died?
About 2 million of these remain after birth.
Rest have died, called ATRESIA.
After puberty about how many primary ooctyes remain?
400,000 of these will remain after puberty.
After puberty, what stimulates primary oocytes to undergo meiosis I?
What does Meoisis I produce? (2) What are they?
1. polar body - tiny cell that dies
2. secondary oocyte - 1N cell
If a secondary oocyte is not fertilized what happens? what doesn't happen?
never finishes meiosis II and dies.