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126 Cards in this Set

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Are Fungi Heterotrophic?
Yes, because they cannot synthesize their own food source.
Plants and Fungi are Eukaryotes and Have cell walls?
How do we classify the diversity of Animals?
Whether they have and what type of... Body Symmetry, Tissues, Body Cavity
The history of animals may span more than a _____ years
Animals are multicellular heterotrophic eukaryotes with tissues that develop from _________
Animals can have 3 types of Body Cavites
1: None
2: Pseudocoelom
3: Coelom
No body type
Acoelomates, or Acoelom: These organisms don't have a body cavity.
These include the prorifera (sponges), Cnidaria (Jellyfish, coral, sea anemone), and Platyheminthes (flat worms)
Pseudocoelomates have a body that is partially lined with mesoderm. Fluid filled. Not as well-organized as a coelomate. These include the rotifers and nematodes (round worms)
Ceolomates have a fully lined cavity lined with mesoderm. These include the Annelids (segmented worm), arthropods, Molluscs, Echinoderms, and Chordates
Body Symmetry
1: None
2: Radial
3: Bilateral
Radial Symmetry
Can be cut into many different sections and have symmetry. Cnidaria (jellyfish, coral, sea anemone) exhibit this.
Bilateral Symmetry
Can be cut in half and display symmetry. All other animals have this.
Three different tissues that animals have
1: None
2: Ectoderm/Endoderm
3: Ectoderm/Endoderm/Mesoderm
No Tissue
Porifera (sponges). Cells are not orgnized into tissue
Animals that have Extoderm and Endoderm
These are called diploblastic. The Cnidaria have this.
Animals who have ectoderm, exoderm, and mesoderm.
They are called triploblastic. These include all other animals besides the Porifera and Cnidaria.
Is the embryonic tissue that forms into the outside layer of skin
is the embryonic tissue that forms the outside layer of guts, respiratory tract, and urinary bladder. Glands associated with gut and respiratory tract
forms muscles, connective tissues, skeleton, kidneys, and circulatory and reproductive organs.
Are annelids, arthropods, molluscs: They develop a mouth first
these are the echinoderms and chordates. These develop an anus first.
Why Animal Diversity?
Diverse sources of nutrition and Diverse Environment
How is diversity of animals generated?
Mutations and Selection for advantageous traits
circulatory system
This is your blood and muscles
Ecological Niche
Where an organism lives and eats
must obtain organic
compounds and energy by absorption or
Example of a Novel Mutation
Fruitfly wing mutation.
Homeotic: two wings
Apterous: stub wing
Are animals monophyletic?
Chemoautotrophic bacteria
use chemical energy to fix carbon. provide sugar to things that host them! Live near hydrothermal vents
Random movement of molecules due to thermal energy.
hydrogen bonds
caused by polarity in water molecule
Scaling affect
bone size has to increase more than mass
Reynold's Number
Effect of size of animals/cells in water gives ratio of inertial forces to viscous forces. For very small #'s: viscosity predominates and inertia is negligiable. IE Bacteria is 10^-5 and a whale is 10^8
Animal Structure and
reflect the functional needs of animals within the constraints of physical laws
the similar needs of animals
nutrition, gas exchange, get rid of waste, contorl of internal environment, communication, internal and external, reproduction, move, reduce chance of dying
Molecules have_____ energy due to ____ energy
kinetic, thermal
organisms at temperature of environment. Most live in stable temp or must adapt.
countercurrent heat exchange
when the veins are close to the arteries. dolphins and geese exhibit this
What is temperature's effect on physiological processes?
for every 10 degree C increase, physiological processes increases by 2-3 fold. But some will speed up more, some less. Wrecks coordination of physiological processes.
Temp affects cell components such as
lipid bilayer membrane
a way to regulate body temperature. Iguanas use it when swimming in cold
when muscles contract to produce heat instead of movement
What do animals need to get from their food?
raw materials (building blocks), chemical energy, essential nutrients
what is chemical energy
fuel to burn. oxidation of energy-rich organic material
essential nutrients
these are obtained by food that animals cannot make from raw materials. ie vitamins and minerals, amino acids, fatty acids
make complex organic molecules from simple ones
have to ingest complex organic molecules
2 autotrophs
photoautotroph: plants and algae
chemoautotroph: hydrothermal vent bacteria... oxidize sulfides
Essential nutrients need by heterotrophs
809 essential aas
few essential unsaturated fatty acids
extracellular digestion occurs in
gastrovascular cavity
vertebrates can/cannot do intracellular digestion
can, but not for general nutrition
gastrovascular cavity
Only one opening
Alimentary canal
ingestion, mechanical digestion, enzymatic/chemical digestion, absorption, elimination
essential amino acids can be obtained from..
meat, grains, legumes
reqd in small amts, fat and water soluble, foudn in fruits and vegies, in skin, made by bacteria in colon (K)
what are minerals needed for?
needed for bone, blood, normal functioning, osmotic balance, enzyme funtion
The Alimentary Cannal in the Mammal
Mouth, esophagous, Stomach, Liver, Intestine, Anus
Mechanical, Enzymatic (saliva contains amylase)
Mechanical, enzymatic (pepsin), chemical. pH is 2!
What does the pH in ur stomach do?
denatures proteins!
what prevents stomach from eating itself?
protease active in lumen!
cells continually divide to produce more cells
Liver produces ___ that goes to the ___ ___ and aids in ____
bile, gall bladder, digestion
Produces digestive enzyme, raises pH, and produces insulin
Small intestine
breaks down proteins by enzymatic action. Finish digestion, nutrient absorption, water resorption.WHERE MOST ENZYMATIC DIGESTION OCCURS
Large Intestine
water resorption
increase surface area for absorption
pouch inbetween small and large intestine, digests cellulose. much bigger in herbavores
Herbavories require specialization becase...
plant tissue is harder to break up, it contains cellulose, nutrients less concentrated than in meat
Animals ___ break down cellulose
digestion can involve ___
digestive symbionts are bacteria and protozoa and algae and they...
breakdown fod, produce vit k, pruce gases

breakdown cellulose, produce vitamisn

provide sugars, found in hydra, anemones, corals
Cellular respiration occurs in _____
How animal respiration works
sugar + oxygen go inside mitochondria, carbon dioxide and water are produced as well as lots of ATP
oxygen needs to diffuse short distances in...
very small organisms, gastrovascular cavity, water vascular cavity, gills, tracheal system, lungs
hydra is several mm long, so can it use diffusion?
yes, because it has a gastrovascular cavity and it is hollow
What adaptions enhance gas exchange and enable larger size organisms?
increased surface area, respiratory system, circulatory system
Water Vascular system has...
ring canal, radial canal, and tube feet. in echinoderms
Respiratory system in relation to gas exchange
brings in gas
circulatory system in relation to gas exchange
distributes gas
an example of an animal with open and an animal with closed circulatory system
insect, annelid
gills increase the surface area by..
20 times
example of animal with 2 chamber heart
3 chamber heart
Has two atriums but one ventricle which the blood leaves. in Reptiles
pH decreases as CO2 increases. Causes us to breath harder.
closed circulatory system present in..
annelids, squids, octopus, vertebrates
open circulatory system present in...
arthropods, many mollusc
reptiles are ___ monophyletic
birds are ___
study of interaction between organisms and environment. science behind environmental and conservation decisions
wat 2 factors are involved in ecology?
abiotic: temp, moisture, sun, wind, minerals, changes in these factors
biotic: all living things and their products
three different types of ecology
community, population, ecosystem
wat is the primary source of energy?
wat is the key abiotic factor in ALL environments?
What is a key abiotic factor in terrestrial environments?
Because of ___ ____, arid and tropical environments are found
solar radiation
____ and ____ also affect precipitation
wind , mountains
What seasons do water mix?
Spring and Fall
clean water
dirty water
WHat is population ecology?
study of population size, its sex and age of individuals (composition)
Factors that affect changing populations
Resources (food, habitat), competitors, predators, pathogens
Demographic factors that affect populations
age structure, sex ratio, fecundity, mortality, generation time
1 male mates with many females
life history traits
time to reproduction
reproductive lifetime
number of offspring
quality of or energy expenditure into offspring/gametes
population growth is...
carrying capacity
max number of species that can survive in environment
community ecology
interactions between different species affect community composition
competitive exclusion principle
only one species can live in a particular ecological niche. either
1: one dies off
2: choose to live in part where they don't compete
3: adapt
Biogeographic factors
location, size
equilibrium #
number of species balance of immigration and extinction
what is the affect of a disturbance in environment
removes organisms and alters abiotic factors
ecological succession
allow new species to come into community and eliminate other species
chemicals are...
energy __ and ____
enters , leaves
Net energy production pyramid
sun, plants, insects, rodents, snakes
What produces nitrogen?
nitrogen-fixing bacteria in root nodules of legumes and nitrogen-fixing soil bacteria
humans alter chemical cycling by...
deforestation --> eutrophic conditions
Burning fossil fuels --> acid rain, global warming, acidification of ocean (corrosive to shells and skeletons of marine life)
bioaccumulations of environmental toxins
small animals eat toxins with small concentration DDT, large animals eat small orgs with high conc. DDT
led to ozone hole in antarctica
conservation biology
seeks to preserve biodiversity
restoration ecology
bring endangered population back return degraded ecosystem bac
Levels of Biodiversity
Genetic diversity: allows for adaptation
species diversity: specific species have specific functions
ecosystem diversity: biogeochemical cycle, ecosystem services
example of genetic diversity
crop improvement
what are some threats to biodiversity?
loss of habitat, fragmentation or degradation, non-native invasive species, overexploitation all lead to:

reduce pop size and genetic diversity, degrade community and ecosystem
restoration ecology
protect individual species, look at declining species,why?
The wildlife corridor
promotes dispersal, connect habitats