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28 Cards in this Set

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Who created the cell theory?
Robert Hooke
What is the cell theory?
cells are the basic units of structure in all living things
What defines a eurkaryote?
presence of a nucleus,membranous organelles and cytoskeleton
What are the membranous organelles in a Eukaryote?
nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi apparatus,motochondria, lysosomes, peroxisomes
What are the nonmembranous oranelles in a Eukaryote?
ribosomes, microtubules, centrioles, flagella, and cytoskeleton
What happens in the nucleus?
genetic control center, holds DNA and a nucleolis
What happens in a nucleolis?
ribosomes are made
What is DNA called in the nucleus?
What is any membrane for and in a cell made of?
double layer of phospholipids. phospholipid bilayer
What happens in the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
ribosomes attached to it which make proteins and string them into the RER where sugars might or might not be attached to it. also makes more membrane
What happens in the smooth ER?
lacks attached ribosomes, enzymes embedded in membrane, synthesis of lipids, it detoxifies so very prevelent in liver cells, and calcium storage in muscle cells
What happens in the golgi apparatus?
finishes, sorts and ships cell products
What are transport vesicles?
has bilayer and moves products from rer to golgi ap and I'm sure other things, they also fucntion in making more membrane and lysosome formation
What does a lysosome do?
digests the cell food and waste. consists of digestive enzymes, destroys harmful bacteria, recycles
Lysosome storage diseases?
pompes diseas-lacking glycogen digesting enzyme. tay-sachs disease- lack of lipid digesting enzyme.
What does a vacuole do?
general maintenance of cell
What kind of vacuoles are there?
food, central, contractile vacuole(regulates water concentration in protist)
What does a choroplast do?
converts solar energyto chemical energy, photosynthesis
What compartments are in the chloroplast?
intermembrane space, stroma, granum
What does mitochondria do?
harvest chemical energy from food, powerhouse of cell, produces ATP
What composes the mitochondria?
intermembrane space, mitochondrial matrix (cellular respiration), cristae (folds)
What is a cytoskeleton?
supportive meshwork of fine fibers present in all eukaryotes
What 3 fiber make up the cytoskeleton?
microfilaments, intermediate filaments, microtubules
what does the intermediate filament do?
ropelike, bears tension, anchors organelles in place
what does the microtubule do?
gives the cell rigidity
what is pasmodesmata?
plant cells connected to each other by cell junctions called plasmodesmata.
Do animal cells have cell walls?
What kind of cell juntions are in animal cells?
tight juntions, anchoring juntions, communicating junctions.