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22 Cards in this Set

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what’s the similarities between Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic cells ?

- Nucleic material

- cell membranes outside

- ribosomes

- cytosol in the inside.

Eukaryotic cells have organs within the it called organelles

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the nucleolus ?

found within the nucleus. area where the ribosomes assemble.

the nucleus ?

the DNA is here. controls when the cell makes things like protein and enzymes.

the ribosomes?

dots in the cell. the function is to build protein. the mRNA travels through the subunits of the ribosome. both prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells have different ribosomes.

the vesicle?

a membrane bound container. it transports material around the cell.

the rough ER ?

a membrane that is continuous with the nucleus. ribosomes sits outside of the ER. the factory within a cell. it has a membrane and a ribosome that sits on top of it and the mRNA travels through and makes proteins.

the golgi body?

so the proteins were made in the ER, then transports through vesicles and then to the golgi body apparatus. they basically modify, add carbohydrates. like a UPS for the cell.

the cytoskeleton?

it keeps the structure of the cell together. has 2 parts. the Microtubules that provides the compressional support and the microfilaments that provide tension support.

the smooth ER ?

missing ribosomes. it produces lipids, cholesterol in the cell. it detoxify things.

the mitochondria ?

the area where energy is obtained by ATP .

the vacuole?

found in plants not animals. stores water.

the cytosol ?

the dissolved material. the concentration gradient within the cell.

the lysosomes?

the suicide sac of the cell. it has digestive enzymes so when the vesicles come with materials to be broken down ; the enzymes break them down. OR if the sac pops, the enzymes would go everywhere and destroy the cell completely. that process is called apoptosis.

the centriole?

part of the centrisome. it’s important with positioning in the cell. it initiates the formation of the spindle.

Glycolysis summary

takes place in the cytoplasm


requires 2 ATP

Glycolysis summary

takes place in the cytoplasm


requires 2 ATP

difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells

E cells have a nucleus present where P doesn’t

E is most times multi cellular where P is usually unicellular.

E is present in animals and plants where P is present in bacteria and archaea.

E has er and P doesn’t

the three stages of cellular respiration?


the kebbs cycle

electron transport chain

where does cellular respiration take place in the cell?

glycolysis takes place in the cytoplasm.

krebs and ETC takes place in the mitochondria.


refers to the concentration of solutes. Comparing two different solutions.




what are enzymes

a macromolecule , usually a protein that serves as a biological catalyst. it changes the route of the reaction but the catalyst stays the same