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30 Cards in this Set

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A devout and wealthy Israelite living among the captives deprted to Nineveh from the northern kingdom of israel in 721 BC, suffers severe reverses and is finally blinded.
Having fasted and prayed, she dresses in her finest garments and proceeds to the Assyrian camp, where she succeeds in killing Holofernes while he lies in a drunken stupor. The Assyrians panic when they discover this, and the jews are able to rout and slaughter them.
Derives its name from the successor of Moses, with whose deeds it is principally concerned. The Purpose of the book is to demonstrate God's fidelity in giving to the Israelites the land he had promised them for an inheritance.
Derives its title from the 12 heroes of Israel whoes deeds its records. They were not magistrates, but military leaders sent by God to aid and to relieve his people in time of external danger.
The book name after a Moabite woman who was joined to the israelite people by her marriage with the influential boaz of Bethlehem.
The greek translators called these the first and second books of Kingdom, a title St. Jerome later modified to "kings". The Hebrew titles alludes to the leading figure in the first book, who was responsible for the enthronement of David. It is David's history that the second book recounts.
1 & 2 Samuel
It tells the story of the plot of Haman the Agagite jealous and powerful vizier of king Xerxes of Persia, to destroy in a single day all the jews living in Persian empire. She was chosen queen by Xing Xerxes in place of Vashti and averts the progrom planned against her people and has the royal decree of extermination reversed against Haman and the enemies of the jew.
Means "hammer" and is applied to Judas, third son of the priest Mattathias and first leader of the revolt against the Selucid kings who persecuted the jews.
1 & 2 Maccabees
An oriental chieftain, pious and upright, richly endowed in his own person and in domestic prosperity, suffers a suddenand complete reversal of fortune.
Numbers of 150 songs
Derives its name from the author Jesus, son of Eleazar, son of Sirach. The author, a sage who lived in jerusalem, was thoroughly imbued with love for the law, the priesthood, the temple and divine worship.
His ministry may be divided into three periods, covering the reigns of Jotham, Ahaza and Hezekiah. The First period belong, for the most part, the early oracles which exposed the moral breakdown of judah and its capital, Jerusalem. With the accession of ahaz, the prophet became adviser to the king whos throne was threatened by the SyroEphraimite coalition.
The prophepts name in hebrew means "who is like Yahweh?" He was known as the fearless champion of the cause of the oppressed and the underprivilaged. He was a peasant who lived in a period when the wealthy landowners were opressing the peasants. The priest and the prophets were like merchants and judges who could be bribed. He could not remain silent in front of the stench od social sin which offended God and man.
The prophepts name in hebrew means "Yahweh consoles". The book describes the downfall of Nineveh and Assyria.
The prophepts name in hebrew means "plant" or "fruit tree". He questions God's ways in governing the World. The book in chapter 3 decribes in magnificent poetry the coming of God as a warrior to destroy Babylon and to save his Chosen People.
The prophepts name in hebrew means "Yahweh protects". This book is the first prophetic work since Isaiah and Micah, announcing the coming of the Day of the Lord. Judgment Day for all nations is a warning to the Chosen People and should lead them to repentance, obedience and humility. He attacks foreign ways and idolatry. He lived i a period of violence and of the decline of the religious life in the people.
The title of this book was given to the septuagint translation of the book because of its concern with the origin of the word, of the human race, and particular, of the Hebrew People.
From the greek word "departure" because the central event narrated in it is the departure of the Israelites from Egypt.
Derives its name from the account of the two censuses of the Hebrew people taken, one near the beginning and the other toward the end of the journey in the desert.
Means "second law". It contains not a new lab but a partial repetition, completion and explanation of the law proclaimed on Mount Sinai.
Living transmission of the apostolic preaching accomplished in the Holy Spirit.
Sacred Tradition
1 & 2 Maccabees, Baruch, Tobit, Sirach, Judith and Wisdom of Solomon.
Deuterocanonical books
Was born about 650 B.C. of a priestly family from the little village of Anathot, near Jerusalem. While still very young he was called to his task in the 13th year of King Josiah (628), whose reform , begun with enthusuasm and hope, enede with his death on the battlefield of Megiddo (609) as he attempted to stop the nirthward march of the Egytian Pahroah Neco. About this time, 598-587, this prophet utterd the great oracle of the The New Covenant.
This prophets name means "my judge is God" or "El judges". He presented as living in babylon during the reign of the last kings of Neo-Babylon during their first succesors, the early kings of Medes and of those jews who had beend deported to babylon. He belonged to a noble family. He was taken by Nebuchadnezzar into his household and was given a chaldean eduction.
This prophets name means "Yahweh saves". The book describes God as a lover filled with indignation at the infidelityof his beloved(israel). He brings out clearly that God is a God of love as wall as of justice. He conveys this idea by using his own tragic unhappy marriage with Gomer who had left him and had becomea prostitute in one if the shrines of Baal. Because of his constant love for her, he took her back despite her infidelity.
The prophets name in hebrew means "Yahweh is El". This book is about the coming of the day of the Lord, foreshadowed by a plague of locusts which had invaded the land of Judah.
The prophets name in hebrew means "dove". The book is about a stubbornly defiant prophet who was commissioned bt God to preachat Nineveh, the capital city of assyrian empire but he boarded a ship and sailed in the direction opposite of where God was sending him.
Is a Greek translation of the hebrew name. Qoheleth meaning, perhaps, "one who convokes an assembly." It does not consist of a public addresses, but is a treatise, more or less logically developed, on the vanity of all things.
Means the greatest of songs and contains a exquisite poetic form the sublime portrayal and praise of the mutual love of the protrayal and praise of the mutual love of the Lord and his people.
Songs of Songs
The author wrote in greek in a style patterned on that of a hebrew verse. At times he speaks in the person od Solomonm placing his teachings on the lips of the wise king of hebrew tradition in order to emphasize their value.