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33 Cards in this Set

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What are 11 reasons we should preach?
1) God's prophet's preached
2) Jesus preached
3) The disciples preached
4) Paul preached
5) The early church preached
6) Great spiritual movements begin with preaching
7) Preaching is God's gift to the church
8) God's plan for evangelism involves preaching
9) God's word commands us to preach
10) Preaching brings glory to God by changing lives forever
11) The nature of Revelation demands that we preach
What is the simplest answer to the question, why should we preach?
Because God has spoken
What are the two most important questions concerning the purpose of preaching?
1) Where are you going?
2) What will get you there?
Heisler's understanding of the purpose of preaching says, "The goal of a spirit-empowered, expository ministry of the Word of God is to change lives through preaching that...
1) Engages the Mind
2) Inflames the Heart
3) Moves the Will
4) Engenders faith in the hearer
What is the four-fold purpose of Scripture?
1) Teaching
2) Rebuking
3) Correcting
4) Training

(2 Tim 3:16)
Three answers Heisler gives to the question "Why use Expository Preaching?"
1) Because the nature of Biblical Revelation demands it.
2) Because the power of the living Word of God to transform lives
3) Because of the authority it provides
What are D.A. Carson's eight benefits of expository preaching?
1) It is the method least likely to stray from Scripture.
2) It teaches people how to read and study their Bibles.
3) It gives confidence to the preacher and authorizes his sermon.
4) It meets the need for relevance without letting the clamor for relevance dictate the message.
5) It disciplines the preacher to preach the tough texts of God’s Word.
6) It enables the preacher to expound systematically the whole counsel of God.
7) It provides a balanced diet and helps avoid "hobby-horse" preaching.
8) It eliminates "Saturday night fever" and helps with planning a preaching program.
What are the five pre-commitments of an expositor?
1) To a high view of scripture
2) To the profitability of all Scripture.
3) To a proper view of preaching
4) To Deep Thinking and Praying
5) To limit your sermon to authorial intent
What is Hadden Robinson's definition of preaching?
Expository preaching is
1) The communication of a biblical concept,
2) Derived from and transmitted through a historical, grammatical, and literary study of the passage in its context,
3) Which the Holy Spirit first applies to the personality and experience of the preacher,
4) Then through him to his hearers.
Who are the three parties in communication
1) The preacher
2) The listener
3) The Holy Spirit
What are the two key questions concerning the "biblical concept" of preaching?
1) What is the author talking about (theme/subject)
2) What is the author saying about what he is talking about (thrust/compliment)
What are the two components of preaching?
1) The Mechanics (hermeneutics, composition, etc)
2) The Dynamics (worship, prayer, etc)
What are seven hindrances to the dynamic elements of preaching?
1) Unconfessed sin
2) Prayerlessness
3) Strained/Broken relationships
4) Unyieldedness to the truths you are preaching
5) Pride
6) Fear of man
7) Anger, Bitterness, Jealousy
What are eight helps to the dynamic elements of preaching?
1) Never stop growing spiritually
2) Never professionalize your sermon prep.
3) Never make an idol out of your sermons
4) Prepare your sermon on your knees
5) See your sermon prep as an act of worship
6) Confess your inability/Embrace your weaknesses
7) Be an authentic worshiper of God
8) Never forget your saved by grace
What are four ways mentioned in the notes for the preacher to pray?
1) For Consecration
2) For Illumination
3) For the Congregation
4) On the Day of Delivery
What are eight ways to plead with others to pray for you?
1) To stay clean and close to Jesus
2) To be a godly husband and father
3) To listen to God speak through His Word
4) To guard my time alone in study and prayer
5) To burden my heart for the lost
6) To protect me from Satan's temptations
7) To be humble in all things
8) To feel the gravity of souls in the balance
What are the three testimonies of preaching?
1) The Scripture
2) The Holy Spirit
3) The Preacher

(They all point to Jesus. Triangle illustration)
What are 10 ways the Holy Spirit is involved in preaching?
1) Conversion of the Preacher
2) Call of the preacher
3) Character of the preacher
4) Inspiration of the biblical text
5) Illumination of the biblical text
6) Empowerment of the preacher to deliver the message
7) The revealer of Jesus Christ
8) The convictor of sin and the opener of hearts to God
9) Specific application to the hearer's heart
10) The production of the fruit of the spirit in the believer
Do we have to know the seven key texts of the Holy Spirit given on page 7 of "The Preacher and His Prayer Life?"
Probably. Will I? No.
What are the six keys to empowerment?
1) Brokenness and Humility
2) Conviction of the awesomeness of the task
3) Prayer
4) Fullness of Spirit/Saturation of Word
5) Weakness
6) Authenticity
What are the six hindrances to empowerment?
1) Unconfessed sin / Unrepentant heart
2) Anything in life that might quench or grieve the Spirit
3) Absence of prayer
4) Fear
5) Pride
6) Outright unbelief/Lack of faith.
What are the six steps in determining the textual unit?
1) Seek complete thought units within the text.
2) Pay attention to Textual markers (Intros, changes, summaries, etc)
3) Thematic elements like repeated thoughts, phrases, etc
4) Grammatical hints
5) Context immediately before and after text
6) Understand the genre you're in.
What are two phrases Heisler says to "burn on our hearts and minds" concerning setting the context?
1) Context is king
2) Context is critical
What are five sources for doing contextual study?
1) The text itself
2) NT/OT Survey
3) Bible Dictionary
4) Background Commentary
5) Biblical Theology
What are the sub-contexts within our contextual study?
1) Set the textual context (Where are we in scripture?)
2) Set the theological context
3) Set the historical context
What are the five steps for digging into the text?
1) Structural dig
2) Grammatical dig
3) Lexical dig
4) Cross-Reference dig
5) Theological dig
Define the Central Truth of the Text?
The central truth of the text is the singular theme and thrust of the biblical text around which the details of the biblical text are woven.
Also called: Big Idea, Textual Idea, CIT, CPT, Subject, and MIT.
Define the THEME of the text
The theme of the text is the author’s subject matter and answers the question: "What is my author talking about?"
Define the THRUST of the text
The thrust of the text is how the author goes about developing the theme of the text, and answers the question, "What is my author saying about what he is talking about."
What is Heisler's formula for the central truth of the text?
Author + "wrote" + Text + "in order to" + (function) + theme + thrust.
What are the six steps in identifying the central truth of the text?
1) Pray for Illumination
2) Saturate in the setting, structure, and substance of the text
3) Answer the question "What is the author talking about?" first.
4) Answer the question "What is the author saying about what he is talking about?" second.
5) Make sure your CTT is unique to the text you are covering and completely covers the assertions of the text.
6) Develop a question that the sermon will answer
What are four reasons that the CTT is so critical?
1) It is the key to preaching with power
2) It is the key to clarity
3) Determines what to put into the sermon
4) Gives shape an progression to the sermon
What are the four steps taken to move from the Central Truth of the Text to the Central Truth of the SERMON?
1) Move from past tense to present tense
2) Move from original audience to contemporary audience
3) Keep the function the same
4) Keep the theme and thrust the same.