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18 Cards in this Set

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According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, how was G-d (or the G-ds) created?
Babylonian Myth- Sweet-water and salt-water G-ds mixed together to produce G-d offspring.
Genesis 1-2: G-d was never created-always existed=ETERNAL
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, how does G-d (or the G-ds) act?
Babylonian myth- violent, mean, mob, complain, whine, battle.
Genesis 1-2: Peaceful, no rivals to fight with.
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, how is G-d (or the G-ds) described? What emotions do they show?
Babylonian myth-Selfish, lazy, anger, hatred, jelousy, voilent, mean, pain, cry. FEEL HUMAN EMOTIONS
Genesis 1-2: No human emotions. G-d is beyond us. G-d is all-powerful and organized.
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, in what way is the world created?
Babylonian myth-World is from the dead corps of an evil sea-monster goddess after a battle.
Genesis 1-2: World is 'good', organized, and structured. Peaceful.
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, Why are people crated? What purpose do we serve on earth?
Babylonian myth-Humans work for the G-ds so the G-ds can relax. Humans are G-d's slaves.
Genesis 1-2: To fill earth and rule animals. Be fruitful and multiply. To tend G-ds garden. To make the world 'very good.'
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, how are people created? Of what materials are we composed?
Babylonian myth-Clay+blood and spirit and flesh of an intelligent but rebellious G-d, G-d's spit.
Genesis 1-2: Dust of earth+breath of G-d. In the image of G-d (woman from a man's rib).
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, what is our relationship with G-d (or the G-ds)?
Babylonian myth-We are G-d's slaves. We fear G-d's randomness and immortality.
Genesis 1-2: We love G-d, partners with G-d in ruling. G-d cares for our needs.
According to the Babylonian myth, and the Genisis 1-2, what central values and beliefs does the story reflect? What lessons are readers ment to learn?
Babylonian myth-
G-Ds are evil, irrational, scary, violent...
WORLD is bad, discusting
PEOPLE ae slaves
EVIL comes from G-ds.
Genesis 1-2;
G-D is caring, good, organized, all powerful
WORLD is good, orderly, harmoneous
PEOPLE are partners with G-d
EVIL comes from us
According to the SOURCE tecnique, explain the basic differences of the two stories: style of writing, order of things created, and name used for G-d.
get from erika.
According to the SOURCE tecnique, explain the view of the world [its orderlines and goodness] from both stories.
Story 1-Everything is good=perfect. Very organized and structured. Everything is planned out.
Story 2-Neutral, not perfect. Mistakes must be corrected. More random.
According to the SOURCE tecnique, explain the view of humanity [our purpose and relationships with the world and G-d] according to the 2 stories.
Story 1-Man and woman were created on the same day. Humans are in G-d's image and ule animals. We are fruitful and multiply, and make the world 'very good'. Partners with G-d in ruling the earth.
Story 2-Man is created first, created by dust of earth and breath of G-d, created to tend G-d's garden. Women are man's companion. Animals are our companions. G-d cares fo us and provides for our needs.
According to the SOURCE tecnique, explain the view of G-d [G-d's perfection and description] according to the 2 stories.
Story 1-G-d is all powerrful, mater of the world. Organized planner. Beyond humans-transcendans.
Story 2-G-d is compassionate and caring, close to us. Makes mistakes like humans-imanent.
Describe how Rashi solves the problems of the switch in the name of G-d.
G-d at first created the world through justice [elikeen[ only. But nothing could survive through strictness, so G-d mixed in mercy [eloheem]
Describe how Rashi solves the problems of the two ways woman seems to be created.
Orotionally, the human was created with both male and female sides, then G-d split the sides to create a woman and a man.
Gen 1 says both man and woman were created on day 6, but Gen 2 says specifically how.
Describe how Rashi solves the problems of the seeming 'restert' of the story in genesis 2:4.
Gen 1 tells in general when things were created, but leaves out how. So, Gen 2 goes back and fills in the specific details.
Describe the structure of the six day creation and explain it's meaning: why the structure and why the changes?
It is a parallel structure:
1-light-->4-sun, mooon, stars
2-heaven+waters-->5-birds and fish
3-land and vegetation-->6-land animals and humans.
Fist half matches second half: days 1-3 set up for days 4-6.
The changes are emphasized:
G-d did not see that the ocean was good because he isn't done with it (noah story)
G-d does not bless vegatation because it's food, and we bless food.
Sun, moon, and stars are not named because G-d does not want people praying to them. Same with animals.
Humans are VERY good.
Describe the structure of the centrality of Shabbat in structure and word counts, and explain its meaning.
-8 cycles are focused into 6 days of creation in order to set up the 7th day as shabbat
-G-d rests on the 7th day, unlike any other days.
-Days 6 ad 7 are THE days, all other are just called days.
-'the 7th day' repeats 3 times, all others are named once.
-Day 7 is the only day organized as a chiasmus
-Different words repeat 6 and 7 times.
Describe the stucture of the sub-section structures of Genesis 2:4b-24 and explain its meaning.
Inclusio shows life and death-G-d creates trees for life in the beggining, G-d creates trees for death in the end.
Chiasmus's Xs- one is humans being created and the other is animals being created.
Inclusio lev/heart- in the beggining, G-d says it's not hood for a human to be alone [LEVado], and in the end it says a man clings to his wife so that they become one flesh [LEVshar].