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62 Cards in this Set

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When something takes place in the Old Testament it is
BC Before Christ
Events in the New Testament take place in
AD – Anno Domini
Noah was instructed to build a boat because
The Earth was filled with Violence and God wanted to wipe it clean
What happened on the fourth day
God made the sun, moon, and stars
What happened on the second day
God made the sky
What happened on the seventh day
God rested
God made man in his own image, how?
Man was made from dust, woman from man’s rib
What were God’s three commands in the garden?
Do not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil; Subdue the earth, rule over the animals and plants; multiply and fill the earth
What happened at the Tower of Babel?
God mixed up language
Who was the man that God promised would father nations?
Abraham and Sarah, in their old age, were promised a son, and his name would be
Isaac’s wife was named
Isaac’s two sons were
Jacob and Esau
Why was Joseph enslaved?
His brothers were jealous and sold him
Joseph escaped prison in Egypt by
Interpreting Pharaoh’s dream
Joseph’s brothers went to Egypt for food because
Only Egypt had food during the famine
Who are Joseph’s two sons?
Manasseh and Ephraim
The name of the man that purchased Joseph was
Pharaoh was the name of
The title of the king of Egypt
Pharaoh ordered Hebrew parents to throw their male babies into the river because
The Hebrew people had become too many and too strong
Moses fled Egypt because
Pharaoh wanted to kill him because he killed an Egyptian.
Moses survived the Hebrew purge because
He was sent down the river in a basket and found by the Pharoah’s daughter
Moses married___________, the daughter of__________.
Zipporah, Jethro
God called to Moses on Mt. Horeb from a
Bush that burned but wasn’t consumed.
The Bible is divided into two parts
The Old and New Testaments
The oldest written story is
There are how many books in the Old Testament
The Old Testament was written when
Before Jesus was Born
In the Old Testament, there are books of
Law, History, prophecy, and poetry
There are how many books in the New Testament
The New Testament was written when
After Jesus was Born
For many years, copies of the Bible were written on
Papyrus scrolls
The European Printing Press was invented by
What was papyrus?
A writing material made of plant material
Before the creation of writing, information and history was shared by
Oral tradition
What helped mass production of written words and spread the Bible across Europe
Printing Press
Which is true of stone tablets vs papyrus?
Papyrus was easier to write on but more fragile
Which book means Beginning
Which book means second law
Which tells the counting of God’s people
Means “going out”
A Greek word meaning books
Named after the tribe of Levi
The Old Testament was written in
The New Testament was written in
Moses wrote the books of
First and Second Chronicles are books of
The books of Poetry are
Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon
The Jewish feast that remembers and celebrates God redeeming the Israelites from Egypt is called
When Moses asked God’s name
God said, “I am.”
Joshua set up a monument of twelve stones from where
The Jordan river
Gideon found it hard to believe that God had chosen him to do what
lead, so he asked
Samson’s hair was cut because.
He was tricked into revealing his strength
Who were more advanced, the Philistines or the Israelites
The philistines
At which point in the cycle did the Israelites start worshiping Idols?
At which point in the cycle were the Israelites conquered by other cultures?
Who decided to return to Bethlehem with Naomi?
Whose fields did Ruth work in to feed her and her mother-in-law?
Ruth and Boaz were the great grandparents of which king?
What tragedy befell Naomi?
Her husband and sons were killed by a plague

Name one of the Ten Commandments

You shall have only one God, You shall not make or worship idols, You shall not misuse God’s name, Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy, Honor your parents, Do not murder, Do not be unfaithful to your spouse,Do not steal, Do not lie, Do not want what somebody else has

Name one of Jacob’s sons

Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulon, Dan, Naphtali, Gad, Asher, Joseph, Benjamin