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27 Cards in this Set

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but then, what can I say? It just came out
mais là, comment dire? c'est sorti tout seul!

how to say/what to say?
-use of c'est with masc
se x-keep one's temper
"deep within us"
on maitrise a fond l'art de la diplomatie habile,
de l'elegante litote....
this is the....

standard conversation
c'est le dialogue standard des couloirs au bureau

-tendancy to use de,
use of english word standard
but, however, that day,

the usual "how are you you?"

to have a quick retort
sauf que ce jour-la/
je ne sais pourquoi/
a ma boss marmonnant l'habituel "tu vas bien/
j'ai repondu du tac au tac

-split up repondre and a (phrasing)
it would be better if...

talk about, and OF that which I can expect from this...
ca va, mais ca irait mieux si on pouvait parler/

de l'evolution de mon poste/
et de ce que je peux attendre de cette boite
stammer, splutter

I didn't realise that it had come to this (stage)
elle a bafouill'e, ahurie,

"ah, chavais pas que c'etait a ce point"
I was already visualising myself at the (job centre)
deux jours plus tard, elle me convoque- je me voyais deja a l'ANPE

(present-imperfect tense)
but no/ she offers me/ a new case to handle/ with a payrise/ to boot!
non,/ elle me propose un nouveau dossier a traiter/, avec augmentation/ a la cle!
why wasn't-I?

to be honest (with someone)
pourquoi n'ai-je pas ete franche plus tot?

"get my breasts remodelled"
je venais de me faire refaire les seins
summer arrives/I buy heaps of/

-tempting tops

/and I wear them!

family holidays/the time comes..
l'ete arrive,/j'achete des wagons de maillots irresistibles et de tops affriolants/ et je les mets! (do)

/vient le temps des vacances en famille (verb is put first)
meaningful looks

to start (a conversation)
apres deux jours de regards qui-en-dise-long, ma mere se lance, un soir:
stopped (saying) her remarks on...
ma mere a arrete ses reflexions sur (on) "ces femmes siliconees si vulgaires"
ball and chain/cannonball

(Personne dont on n'arrive pas à se débarrasser, qui est pesante.)
le nouveau mec de ma soeur est un boulet
he spends his time..
il passe son temps a jouer a World of Warcraft
she asked me what I thought of him
elle m'a demand'e ce que j'en pensais (not de lui)

-en can be used to replace pronouns
you deserve better/ he's doing nothing with his life/ spends his time ON the computer/rather than taking you out
tu merites bien mieux/il ne fait rien de sa vie/et passe son temps sur l'ordi/plutot que de/t'emmener au resto
I don't understand what you see in him
je ne comprends pas ce que tu lui trouves (IO)
mistake, the conversation turned into a fight
erreur, la discussion a vire au pugilat

-can say discussion for just chat
--to swerve into a fight
prendre garde, faire attention

I am only frank if/I accept one being it/to me
maintenant, je fais gaffe/ et je ne suis franche que si/j'accepte qu'on le soit/avec moi
It (had) been six months that Lucy (had) talked to me about her hot colleague
use of imperfect:

il faisait six mois que Lucie me parlait de son beau collegue
She was falling head over heels/
Mark this, Mark that../unending conversations about...
elle craquait/et Marc par-ci, et Marc par-la...des (discussions) interminables sur le theme: " "
Finally/I sighed: " I think that it isn't going anywhere,/ he's not interested in you/

if it was going to happen/it would have happened a long time ago
a bout/j'ai soupire: "j'en penses que (reply to "t'en penses quoi") c'est mort/ tu ne l'interesses pas

si ca avait du se faire, ca se serait fait depuis longtemps

(it would have happened=it would have been done-se faire, long ago in this case must be depuis longtemps)
ok, i went a bit far but.../result, the next day she finally made her move and invited him to diner
ok, je susi allee un peu fort, mais../resultat, le lendermain elle s'est enfin bougee et l'a invite (do) a diner (not a-verb)
which was true, I must admit
ce qui etait exact, je dois l'admettre

(devoir for faut here-use more often)
a work dinner

(was raving about-different words) Sophia Coppola
j'etais a un diner boulot et tout le monde se pamait devant Sophia Coppola
and even then I fell asleep half-way through
et encore/je m'etais endormie (anecdote happening in past time!!) a la moitie