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74 Cards in this Set

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Population changes as it occupies different habitats
Darwin published his theory?
1859. "On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection"
Evolution Before Darwin
*Anaximander- Life arose from water
*Aristole- Species are fixed and do not evolve
Paleontologists construct
Phylogenic Trees or Evolutionary Trees
Alfred Russel Wallace
* Independently discovered natural selection (spent 11ys along the Amazon)
* Influenced by the same factors as Darwin.
*Naturalist working in Malaysia
*Jointly presented theory with Darwin
How do scientists depict evolutionary relationships?
*Phylogenetic trees- show patterns of relationships
*Ernest Haeckel
Oldest Fossils
Prokaryotes - 3.6 BYA
Examples of Natural Selection
*Found in Galapagos Islands
*Show change from common ancestor
*Beaks are adaptations to food source
*All are thought to be from a single common ancestor from the mainland
Comparative Embryology
*shows relatedness among organisms
*Similarities among embryos pt out to common ancestors
*Similar genes w/new instructions overtime
Earth's believed age during Darwin's time
6,000 to 10,000
What provides strong, direct evidence for evolution?
Studying changes in molecular record.
Earth's estimated age today?
4.6 bya
Was Darwin the first to suggest Evolution?
No. Lamarck proposed evolutionary ideas before Darwin.
* He observed species inheritance by acquired characteristics
* He believed species change because of need
Two types of Fossil Dating:
1. Carbon Dating & 2. Radioactive Dating: give accurate time relationship, shows that time existed for organisms to develop ancestoral forms
Why are Fossils important?
* Fossils create an ordered record of life w/in the earth's crust bottom layer(oldest) to the top (newest) layer
Comparative Anatomy
*Related organisms have the same structure as common ancestor
*Modifications reflect adaptions
*Homologous same embryological origin
Name the (4) Evidences of Evolution
1.Fossils & 2.Comparative Anatomy: Influenced Darwin along w/ Geology
3. Modern Day: Comparative Embryology & 4. Molecular evidence (Most Profound)
* Example Genetic Variation
Mosquitos-DDT(pesticide) Genetic variation killed off mosquitos affected by the DDT and increased moquitos w/ geneic variation that as not affected by DDT
Genetic Variation
* raw material of evolution
* Heritable difference among individuals
Sickle Cell Mutation
*Single nucleotide mutation
*Sickle cell disease is recessive
*Heterozygous resistant to malaria
*Not affected by disease
*Confers adavantage
What causes mutations?
1. Spontaneous occurence
2. Radiation
3. Chemicals
4. Transposons
Adaptive Traits
* Allows individuals to live to reproduce
*Provides opportunity for future environmental change
Example of Genetic Variation
Mosquitos DDT(pesticide): genetic variation killed off mosquitos affected by the DDT and increased mosquitos w/ genes resistant to the DDT.
Results of Mutations:
*Non-adaptive *Eliminated by selection
*Adaptive *Selected and persist
*Neither adaptive nor non adaptive
*May or may not persist in a gene pool.
Sexual Reproduction
*Major source of genetic variation
*Mixing of genes in sexually reproducing populations creates more genetic variation
*Eukaryotic Organism genes are shuffled and dealt ou to offspring in fresh combination
*incorporates new knowledge of genetics
*Population genetics
*Modern synthesis - incorporates both darwinism and neodarwinism
Natural Selection acts on:
Phenotypes, affecting genotypes of population
What is Sickle Cell?
Mutation of protein in RBC and they become trapped in the capillaries
Natural selection acts on phenotypes which reflects the underlying:
a) environmental influences b) genotypes of population members
c) lack of variation in population members
d) All of the above
Genotypes of population members
When a donkey and a horse are mated, a mule is produced that cannot reproduce. This is an example of:
a. mechanical isolation
b. hybrid inviability
c. hybrid breakdown
d. hybrid sterility
hybrid sterility
A new source of alleles in a population is
a) Inbreeding
b) Sexual reproduction
c) The environment
d) Mutation
The sexually transmissible disease gonorrhea has become increasingly resistant to treatment with antibiotics. What is the most likely explanation?
a) The germs learned to avoid the antibiotics.
b) The germs changed their genes when they sensed antibiotics.
c) Antibiotic-sensitive germs died out and antibiotic resistant germs flourished.
d) The germs developed a mutation when they sensed the antibiotic
Antibiotic-sensitive germs died out and antibiotic resistant germs flourished.
Two fish that live nearby in similar environments look totally unlike each other. The following conclusion can be made about this observation.
a) They are not the same species
b) The are the same species
c) The are not related to each other
d) There is not enough information given to determine their relationship
There is not enough information given to determine their relationship
Which of the following is an example of hybrid inviability:
a) A horse and donkey mate to produce a sterile mule
b) A watermelon pollinates a cucumber plant producing fruit with no seeds
c) A dog and coyotes mate to produce several generation of wild dogs
d) A hybrid population of mustard plants produce offspring that readily die from diseases
A hybrid population of mustard plants produce offspring that readily die from diseases
Presence of blue eyes is due to a recessive allele Individuals with blue eyes can be represented by the following allelic combination(s)
a). Bb
b) bb
c) BB
d) A and C
e) B and C
The over harvesting of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay has resulted in (read environmental contamination):
a. an inhospitable environment for manatees, giant sturgeon, and whales
b. a change in climate in the area around the bay
c) little to no impact overall on the fishing business
d) an improvement in water quality in the bay
an inhospitable environment for manatees, giant sturgeon, and whales
Miller’s experiment was conducted to test which hypothesis?
a. How did life originate on Earth?
b. Primitive atmosphere formed conditions for the formation of complex organic molecules.
c. Enzymes are constructed from amino acids.
d. Life originated 3.6 billion years ago.
Primitive atmosphere formed conditions for the formation of complex organic molecules.
Which organism is an example of overspecialization?
a. cheetah
b. Dodo birds
c. Homo sapiens
d. Blue butterfly
Blue butterflies
When did the first primates appear?
a) 200 million years ago
b) 65 million years ago
c) 100 years ago
d) 50 years ago
65 million years ago
Presence of blue eyes is due to a recessive allele Individuals with blue eyes can be represented by the following allelic combination(s)
a). Bb
b) bb
c) BB
d) A and C
e) B and C
The over harvesting of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay has resulted in (read environmental contamination):
a. an inhospitable environment for manatees, giant sturgeon, and whales
b. a change in climate in the area around the bay
c) little to no impact overall on the fishing business
d) an improvement in water quality in the bay
an inhospitable environment for manatees, giant sturgeon, and whales
Miller’s experiment was conducted to test which hypothesis?
a. How did life originate on Earth?
b. Primitive atmosphere formed conditions for the formation of complex organic molecules.
c. Enzymes are constructed from amino acids.
d. Life originated 3.6 billion years ago.
Primitive atmosphere formed conditions for the formation of complex organic molecules.
Which organism is an example of overspecialization?
a. cheetah
b. Dodo birds
c. Homo sapiens
d. Blue butterfly
blue butterflies
When did the first primates appear?
a) 200 million years ago
b) 65 million years ago
c) 100 years ago
d) 50 years ago
65 million years ago
The over harvesting of oysters in the Chesapeake Bay has resulted in (read environmental contamination):
a. an inhospitable environment for manatees, giant sturgeon, and whales
b. a change in climate in the area around the bay
c) little to no impact overall on the fishing business
d) an improvement in water quality in the bay
an inhospitable environment for manatees, giant sturgeon, and whales
Miller’s experiment was conducted to test which hypothesis?
a. How did life originate on Earth?
b. Primitive atmosphere formed conditions for the formation of complex organic molecules.
c. Enzymes are constructed from amino acids.
d. Life originated 3.6 billion years ago.
Primitive atmosphere formed conditions for the formation of complex organic molecules.
Which organism is an example of overspecialization?
a. cheetah
b. Dodo birds
c. Homo sapiens
d. Blue butterfly
Dodo birds
When did the first primates appear?
a) 200 million years ago
b) 65 million years ago
c) 100 years ago
d) 50 years ago
65 million years ago
Multicellular organisms originated in this era:
a) Archean
b) Paleozoic
c) Proterozoic
d) Cenozoic
17.Which pair would have the most similar gene sequences?
a) Horse and cat.
b) Whale and cat.
c) Deer and whale.
d) Cat and hippopotamus.
e) Whale and hippopotamus
Whale and hippopotamus
Which pair has the most recent common ancestor?
a) Horse and cat.
b) Whale and cat.
c) Deer and whale.
d) Cat and hippopotamus.
e) Whale and hippopotamus
Whale and hippopotamus
Archean (4.6 bya)
Origin of earth 4.6 bya
First Rocks Form 3.8 bya
First living cells appear 3.5 bya
First Stromalites form
Proterozoic (2.6 bya)
Oxygenation of atmosphere and oceans
Eukaryotic cells appear 1.8bya
Multicellular organisms 1.2bya
fungi appear
Multicellular animals appear 600mya
from 544 mya to 250 mya
Mesozoic 250 to 65 mya
Dinosaurs appear
Pangea super continent formed
210 mya major extinction
flowering plants appear
major dinosaur extinction
Cenozoic 65 mya
Primates appear 43 mya
Homo species 2 mya
Homo sapiens 200,000 yrs ago
Morphological Species
Groups organisms based on appearance.
Problem: two members of the same species can look different.
Biological Species Concept
1. requires groups of interbreeding nat. pop.
2. requires reproductive isolation
3. widely accepted, difficult to prove
4. reproductive isolation blocks exchange of genes btwn species & keeps their gene pool separate
Isolating Mechanism
Pre-mating (maintain genetic isolation)
Geographical Isolation- finches on different islands
Habitat Isolation-regions with different conditions fungi top of cliff and bottom of cliff
Temporal Isolation-breeding sites are diff, breeding time diff ex: frogs
Behavioral Isolation: different courtship behavior peacock
Mechanical Isolation:reproductive structure differs
Isolating Mechanism
Hybrid inviability- hybrids die before reaching maturity
Hybrid sterility-produce sterile offspring (mules)
Localized Distribution
a particular species lives w/in a very small geo range, in the event of a catastrophic geo change that small location the species will be on the verge of extinction bc it lacks the capability to adapt.
Low genetic variability
threatens Cheetah's survival. species does not have enough genetic diversity/ containing diff genotypes.
Factors in Extinction Process
1. Habitat Loss-deforestation
2. Environmental Contamination-toxic substances
3. Overkilling- chesap bay. oysters
4. Commercial use and abuse
Stanley Miller Harold Urey
Could Organic Molecules From Spontaneously?
Complex molecule formed!
Biological Organic Molecules
-precurser Molecules - organic compound
amino *acids>Proteins>Enzymes: (speed things but cant make itself)
*Fatty Acids>Lipids
*Nucleotides>Nucleic Acid (DNA RNA) RNA makes DNA> DNA makes itself
The universe formed from an explosion about 15 bya
*Big Bang Theory
-explosion of super condensed matter
-universe was born approx. 15 bya
The gases and dust from the big bang produced an early generation of stars which further gave rise to space debris to give birth to new stars and planets.
Origin of earth
* Early stars exploded forming nebulae
*Space debris gave rise to stars and planets
* the molten collection of mass (earth) cooled forming a hardened outer crust. took a billion of years to cool.
* The oldest rocks on earth formed 3.8 bya
*3.6 bya life began
Organic molecules
are carbon containg natural compounds along w/ H and O, sometimes also N,P,S
*There is a total of 92 naturally occuring elements
Primordial Soup Theory
stated that life arose in the sea as elements ans simple compounds of the primitive atmosphere reacted to form simple organic molecules like amino acids and sugars.
The Formation of enzyme from amino acids would have lead to the formation of complex organic molecules like RNA then eventually DNA.
* in the 300 mya btwn th etime when the Earth cooled and the first bacteria appeared, biochemical evolution became biological evolution
Prosimians (lemurs, Lorises, and Tarsiers)
*Extant, primitive primates
*Most noctural
*Today only on Madagascar
*Monkeys, apes, and humans
*Rounded molars
*Diurnal (DAYTIME)
*Color Vision
*Larger Brains
*Live in social groups
*Lesser Apes
*Great Apes Chimpanzee, Orangutan
*Extinct human species
* Modern human