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16 Cards in this Set

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What are the myelodysplastic syndromes characterized by?
An insufficient number of funny looking cells that don't work well!

1. Cytopenia of one or more lineages
2. Dysplastic cellular appearance
3. Impaired cell function
4. Variable predisposition to transform to AML
Are patients with myelodysplastic syndromes usually symptomatic or asymptomatic?
(cytopenia detected on routine lab tests)
What type of lab value abnormality is most common in myelodysplastic syndromes?
(almost universal)
Which abnormal RBC shape is commonly seen in MDS?
Oval macrocytes
What type of erythroid abnormalities are seen in MDS?
1. Anemia
2. Low retic count
3. Normocytic or slightly macrocytic
4. Oval macrocytes
What are some leukocyte abnormalities seen in MDS?
1. Granulocytopenia
2. Nuclear changes (decreased segmentation--"pseudo-Pelger-Huet" anomoly)
3. Decreased or absent cytoplasmic granules
What is a common histologic abnormality that can be seen in the bone morrow in any variant of MDS?
Ringed sideroblasts
What is the most common dysplastic change in MDS?
Refractory anemia
What is the difference between RA and RARS?
RARS is like RA, but >15% ringed sideroblasts
What are the characteristics of RCMD (Refractory cytopenia with multilineage dysplasia)?
1. Dysplastic changes in >=2 cell lines
2. >10% of cells with dysplastic changes
3. Blasts in <1% blood, 5% marrow
Which condition predominantly occurs in older women and is associated with marked macrocytic anemia and a deletion in the long arm of chromo 5?
5q syndrome
Does 5q syndrome often transform to AML?
No; rare transformation
How is MDS diagnosed?
Diagnosis of exclusion
What are the most common causes of death with MDS?
1. Infections** <-- most common
2. Bleeding
3. Leukemic transformation
List the treatment options for MDS.
1. Supportive (transfusions, antibiotics, GFs)
2. Cytotoxic therapies (young pts, aggressive variants)
3. Allogenic stem cell transplantation (young pts)
What are the 3 main problems associated with MDS?
1. Infections
2. Hemorrhage
3. Transformation to AML (~25% cases)