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126 Cards in this Set

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alloy v.
to debase by mixing with something inferior
appropriate v.
to take for one's own use
arrest v.
to engage, holding's someone attention

. to catch and hold; attract and fix; engage: The loud noise arrested our attention.
august adj.
majestic, venerable
bent n.
broach v.
bring up, announce, begin to talk about
brook v.
to tolerate, endure
cardinal adj.
chauvinist n.
1. zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory.
consequential adj.
# Following as an effect, result, or conclusion; consequent.
# Having important consequences; significant: "The year's only really consequential legislation was the reform of Social Security" (New York Times).

1. Important; influential: a consequential figure in the academic community.
damp v.
"check to vibration of sound,
die n.
a tool for shaping
essay v.
to test or try
exact v.
to demand, call for, require
fell v.
to cause to fall by striking
fell adj
1. fierce; cruel; dreadful; savage.
2. destructive; deadly: fell poison; fell disease.
flag v.
to sag or droop, to become spiritless, to decline
flip adj.
ford v.
to wade across the shallow part of a river or stream
grouse v.
to complain
guy n./v.
a rope, cord, or cable attached to something as a brace or guide.
intimate v.
to imply, suggest
list v.
to tilt or clean to one side
lumber v.
to move heavily and clumsily
meet adj.
adj. Fitting; proper:

"It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place" (Shakespeare).
milk v.
to exploit, to squeeze
mince v.
pronouce or speak affectedly, to take tiny steps
nice adj.
exacting, fastidious, extremely precise
obtain adj.
to be established, accepted
occult adj.
hidden, concealed, beyond comprehension
pedestrian adj.
commonplace, unremarkable
pied adj.
pine v.
2. To wither or waste away from longing or grief: pined away and died.
plastic adj.
moldable, pliable, not rigid
pluck n.
"courage, spunk, fortitude
prize v.
To move or force with or as if with a lever; pry.


1. Leverage.
2. Chiefly Southern U.S. Something used as a lever or for prying.
rail v.
"to complain about bitterly.
rent v.
"torn, past of rend
quail v.
to lose courage, turn frightened.
qualify v.
to limit
sap v.
"to enervate
sap n.
a fool or nitwit
scurvy adj.
singular adj.
1. extraordinary; remarkable; exceptional: a singular success.
2. unusual or strange; odd; different: singular behavior.
3. being the only one of its kind; distinctive; unique: a singular example.
stand n.
a group of trees
steep v.
to saturate or completely soak, as in to let the tea bag steep: She was steeped in esoteric knowledge.
strut n.
the supporting structral cross- part of a wing
table v.
to remove from consideration. They tabled the motion an will consider it again later.
tender v.
"to proffer or offer.
waffle v.
to equivocate
wag n.
. a person given to droll, roguish, or mischievous humor; wit.

a joker
abjure v.
to renounce or reject solemnly
adumbrate v.
to foreshadow vaguely or intimate
anathema n.
a solemn or religious curse
anodyne adj./n.
soothing, comfort
apogee n.
farthest or highest point
apostate n.
one who abandons long held religious or political convictions
apotheosis n.
a model of excellence or perfection
asperity n.
severity, rigor.
asseverate v.
To affirm or declare positively or earnestly.

But of course it is! asseverates Herman Woodlife.
assiduous v.
diligent, hard-working
augury n.
omen, portent
bellicose adj.
calumniate v.
to slander, make a false accusation
captious adj.
1. Marked by a disposition to find and point out trivial faults: a captious scholar.
2. Intended to entrap or confuse, as in an argument: a captious question.
cavil v.
1. to raise irritating and trivial objections; find fault with unnecessarily (usually fol. by at or about): He finds something to cavil at in everything I say.
–verb (used with object)

2. to oppose by inconsequential, frivolous, or sham objections: to cavil each item of a proposed agenda.
celerity n.
speed, alacrity
chimera n.
an illusion
contumacious adj.
insubordinate, rebellious, scorn
debacle n.
compete failure
descry v.
to discriminate
desuetude n.
The cessation of use; discontinuance of practice or custom; disuse.

Probably only one in a hundred girls who give birth clandestinely even knows that an edict of King Henry II, now fallen into desuetude, once made their action punishable by death.
desultory adj.
random, aimless
different adj.
reserved, lacking self confident
dirge n.
a song of grief
encomium n.
glowing nad enthusiastic praise
eschew v.
"to shun or avoid.
excoriate v.
declare to be evil
exegesis n.
critical examination, explication.
expiate v.
"to atone or make amends for
extirpate v.
to destroy, cut out
fatuous adj.
fractious adj.
rebellious, irritable
gainsay v.
to deny, dispute
heterodox adj.
imbroglio n.
difficult or embarrassing situation.
indefatigable adj.
not easily exhaustible, tireless
ineluctable adj.
certain, inevitable
inimitable adj.
insouciant adj.
carefree, unconcerned
inveterate adj.
deep rooted, babitual
jejune adj.
1. Not interesting; dull: "and there pour forth jejune words and useless empty phrases" (Anthony Trollope).
2. Lacking maturity; childish: surprised by their jejune responses to our problems.
3. Lacking in nutrition: a jejune diet.
lubricious adj.

1. having a smooth or slippery quality; "the skin of cephalopods is thin and lubricious"
2. characterized by lust; "eluding the lubricious embraces of her employer";
mendicant n.
a beggar
meretricious adj.
cheap, showy
minatory adj.
nadir n.
low point, perigee
nonplussed adj.
bewildered, at a loss for what to do or think
obstreperous adj.
noisily and stubbornly defiant, aggressively boisterous
ossified adj.
tending to become more rigid, conventional, turned into bone
palliate v.
to make s.th seem less serious

I had held a hope that she would take my class, that I would have the chance not only to cope with but to help palliate her pain.

He was widely praised in both East and West as a humanitarian seeking to palliate the excesses of a cruel regime.
panegyric n.
formal praise, eulogy
parsimonious adj.
"cheap, miserly
pellucid adj.
transparent, easy to understand, limpid
peroration n.
the concluding part of a speech.
plangent adj.
1. Loud and resounding with a plaintive sound: plangent bells.
2. Expressing or suggesting sadness; plaintive: "From a doorway came the plangent sounds of a guitar" (Malcolm Lowry).
prolix adj.
puerile adj.
childish, immature
puissance n.
power, strength
pusillanimous adj.
remonstrate v.
protest, object
sagacious adj.
having sound judgement, perceptive
salacious adj.
salutary adj.
remedial, causing improvement
sanguine adj.
cheerful, confident, optimistic
saturnine adj.
gloomy, dark, sullen
sententious adj.
1. abounding in pithy aphorisms or maxims: a sententious book.
2. given to excessive moralizing; self-righteous.
3. given to or using pithy sayings or maxims: a sententious poet.
4. of the nature of a maxim; pithy.
stentorian adj.
extremely loud and powerful
stygian adj.
gloomy, dark.
sycophant n.
self seeking flattered
tendentious adj.
biased, showing marked tendency
timorous adj.
timid, fearful
tyro n
vitiate v.
corrupt, spoil
voluble adj.
fluent, verbal, having easy use of spoken language