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26 Cards in this Set

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large ball with trabeculae
Shadow cells
Multiple Pilomatricoma condition assoc with
Myotonic dystrophy
looks like BCC except no retraction
have stromal/stromal clefts
concentric fibroblast rich stroma
subtype of trichoblastoma
swiss cheese nodules
papillary mesenchymal bodies prominent
Desmoplastic trichoepithelioma
doughnut on young womans cheek
central dell
Paisley tie pattern
Ca, horn cysts
Paisley tie tumors
desmoplastic trichoep
Microcystic adnexal carcinoma (firm plaque on upper lip, medial cheek or chin)
Morpheaform BCC
Syringoma (small papule lower lids)
Lymphadenoma (adamantinoid trichoblastoma)
tumor islands with 1-2 layers of basaloid cells peripherally
centers of each island composed of clear cells/inflam cells
fibrous pink orb
basaloid strands with no hair fibers
syndrome assoc with multiple fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas, acrochordons
Birt Hogg Dube
Brooke Spiegler
multiple trichoepitheliomas and cylindromas
Rombo syndrome
milia, hypotrichosis, trichoeps, BCC, atrophoderma, vasodilation with cyanosis
small hair follicles emptying into central large follicular infundibulum
multiple red cheerios/eyeglasses
differentiates towards infundibulum
Basaloid follicular hamartoma
looks same as infundibulocystic BCC histologically
sometimes segmental blaschkoid distribution
dilated pore of winer
dilated follicular ifundibulum
small radiating red finger-like epithelial projections
pilar sheath acanthoma
dilated pore of winer on steroids
acanthotic fingers
smooth lobules of clear glycogenated cells hanging down from epidermis
thick glassy basement membrane
DDX: clear cell acanthoma
multiple trichilemmoma
Desmoplastic trichilemmoma
smooth outline, but centrally broken jagged islands separated by dense pink stroma
Postpubertal nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn
broad, bald, bumpy and bubbly
no hair follicles, papillomatosis, apocrine glands
secondary tumors in nevus sebaceus
syringocystadenoma papilliferum and small trichoblastomas
prepubertal nevus sebaceus of Jadassohn
broad, bald
primitive epithelial germs, resembling fetal hair germs present
sebaceous hyperplasia
large cluster of sebaceous glands around a follicular opening
Sebaceoma/sebaceous adenoma/sebaceous epithelioma
basaloid cells and mature sebocytes in varying proportions
syndrome assoc with sebaceous neoplams
Muir-Torre syndrome

marker; loss of MSH-2 or MLH-1
Sebaceous carcinoma
foamy cells with sebaceous differentiation
buckshot pattern or nested
common on eyelid