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131 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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a bonus scheme
een bonussysteem
a high salary
hoog salaris
the opportunity to travel
mogelijkheid om te reizen
a permanent contract
een vast contract
long holidays
lange vakanties
rapid promotion
snelle promotie
a degree course
een universiteitscursus
a university degree
a certificate
thorough knowledge
grondige kennis
to learn something with experience
iets door ervaring leren
professional development
professionele ontwikkeling
a management training course
management opleiding
to go on a course
cursus volgen
a trainee computer technician
stagiair computer technicus
a hands-on course
opposite: a theoretical course
day one
your first day at work
throw you in at the deep end
have to learn sth difficult with little training or experience
promote from within
move people inside to a higher position
to become a high flier
achieve great professional success
to shuffle up the ladder
get promotion slowly
to make sure that
garanderen dat
as soon as you join
van zodra je er bij komt
the programme is introduced at your office
het programma is gegeven in jouw kantoor
the training covers all kinds of topics
de training beslaat verschillende onderwerpen
to attend a range of courses
een reeks cursussen bijwonen
it is provided at no cost
het wordt “geleverd’ zonder kost
to have a consistent record of promoting
stabiele promotiecijfers hebben
to keep it that way
het zo houden
a set of training courses backed up by specialist project work
een set cursussen ondersteund door gespecialiseerd project werk
career development
carrière ontwikkeling
getting a higher position in the company quickly
to be in the fast lane for promotion
training while you are working
on-the-job training and promotion
in-house training
training ter plekke
to make a special effort
to go out of your way (he has gone out of his way to do sth
to supervise
to monitor
training inside the company
internal training
essential basic skills
core skills/key skills
people who have learned at university and who are learning the job
graduate trainees
assessments, evaluations
people at the same level in the company as the writer
completely paid
fully funded
amount of work to do
Why don’t we + inf
Why not + inf
How about + ing
What do you think
Do you agree?
Unit 2 Job descriptions and job satisfaction
Chief Executive Officer
Chief Information Officer
Personal Assistant
Human Resources Manager
Director R&D
Director of Research and Development
Public Relations Officer
Marketing Consultant
marketing consultant
How well parts of the company are doing
To launch a product
Put new products on sale
Recruitment (of new staff)
Finding new staff for the company
Prs who looks after financial records
Reducing, making easier
Project teams
Groups of people who work together on a project
Objectives which a company or team decides it wants to reach
Money which is reserved for a particular activity
Meeting deadlines
Doing things within the correct time
To supervise the budget
Controle houden op het budget
To represent the company
Het bedrijf vertegenwoordigen
To monitor the financial performance
Het financiële in de gaten houden
To control the costs
De kosten controleren
To give advice
Advies geven
To market a product
de marketing van een product doen
To develop a product
Een produkt ontwikkelen
A secretarial task
Een secretaressewerk
To set up meetings
Vergaderingen organiseren
To organize the travel
De reizen organiseren
To deal with the daily correspondence
De dagelijke correspondentie afhandelen
To ease the workload
De werkbelasting verlichten
To build up the project teams
De project teams opzetten
To provide them with the necessary resources
Hen met de nodige middelen voorzien
To meet targets
Doelen halen
To meet deadlines
Deadlines halen
A trainee accountant
Stagiair boekhouder
Following my graduation
Na mijn afstuderen
A commercial environment
Een commerciële omgeving
A divisional management account
Een accountant v e bep afdeling
To have financial managerial responsibility
Finaciële beleidsverantwoordelijkheid?
A high-profile project
Een belangrijk project
To produce reports
Rapporten schrijven
To supply information
Informatie aanleveren
The working hours
De werkuren
Fin. Doorlichting
To work long hours
Lange uren maken
At headquarters
Op het hoofdkantoor
Letters of enquiry and applications
prijsaanvragen en sollicitatiebrieven
To work in teams
In team werken
Challenging work
Uitdagend werk
Friendly colleagues (spelling!!!!!!)
Vriendelijke collega’s
The company’s reputation
De goede naam vh bedrijf
A good working atmosphere
Een goede werkatmosfeer
A level of responsibility
Een bep niveau van verantwoordelijkheid
The main satisfaction is..;
De meeste voldoening is…
A fixed timetable
Een vast werkschema/werkuren
The job has variety
Er is afwisseling in de job
There are opportunities for promotion
Promotiekansen zijn aanwezig
Opportunities to travel
Inside the company
In house
Pleasant additional things
Added bonuses
A nine-to-five kind of person
Een 9tot 5-er
I’m supervising
I’m standing over …
Take over a job
Een taak v iem nu zelf doen
Places where public events happen
A venue
Lowest level of the organization
The entry level
To enquire about the career opportunities
Informeren naar carrieremogelijkheden
I am in my final year
In zit in mijn laatste jaar
A four-year course of studies
Een 4jarige opleiding
My particular specialization is …
Mijn specialiteit is..;
Useful phrases:
I would like to know whether I have the right qualifications.
Useful phrase
I would be most grateful if you could send me information about what opportunities exist in your company.
Useful phrase
Could you tell me how I should apply?
Useful phrase
I’d be interested to know when the final date for applications is.
een CV
A summary of relevant work experience
Een overzicht van nuttige werkervaring
My availability for an interview
Mijn beschikbaarheid voor een interview
References from other employers
Referenties van andere werkgevers
The job training
De (job)opleiding