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22 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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Nouns, Adjectives, Pronouns, Verbs, Adverbs, Prepositions, Conjunctions, and Interjections are the eight P_____ of S_______
Parts of Speech
the name of a person, place, thing, or idea
Names of particular persons and places are called ....
Proper Nouns
Nouns which are not Proper Nouns are called ...
Common Nouns
the name of a quality or idea: as, audácia, boldness; senectus, old age is known as ....
Abstract Noun
the name of a group, class, or the like: as, turba, crowd; exercitus, army is a .....
Collective Noun
a word that attributes a quality: as, bonus, good; fortis, brave, strong is an ...
a word that attributes quality like an adjective, but, being derived from a verb, retains in some degree the power of the verb to assert: as,
Caesar, cónsul creátus,
Caesar having been elected consul,
is known as...
A Participle
a word used to distinguish a person, place, thing, or idea without either naming or describing it:
is, he;
quí, who;
nos, we
is known as...
A Pronoun
a word used to express the time, place, or manner of an assertion or attribute: as, gloriously or today is known as ...
An Adverb
a word which shows the relation between a noun or pronoun and some other word or words in the same sentence: as,
per agros ambulo,
I walk through the fields;
e pluribus unum,
one out of many
is known as a ....
A Preposition
a word which connects words, or groups of words, like:
et, and;
sed, but

is known as a ....
A Conjunction
exclamations such as
heus, halloo!
hercle! for Hercules
euge! hurray!
are known as
The Genders distinguished in Latin are three: M......, F........, and N......
Masculine, Feminine, and Neuter
Singular and Plural
the case of the Subject of a sentence
is the Nominative
the case which express possession, and is translated as "of ..."
The Genitive
the case of the Indirect Object. It may usually be translated as "to or for ....".
The Dative
the case of the Direct Object of a verb
The Accusative
the case we translate as
from, by, with, in, at ...
The Ablative
In names of towns and a few other words appear traces of another case denoting the place where: as, Rómae, at Rome; rúrí, in the country known as ....
the Locative
In Latin, as in English, there are three degrees of comparison: the P......, the C........., and the S...........
the Positive, the Comparative, and the Superlative