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74 Cards in this Set

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glorification of military
pride for ones country (blind-maybe)
manipulating another country for ones own resource gain
assassination of archduke ferdinand
catalyst for world war one
triple alliance
germany, austria-hungary, italy
triple entente
france, russia, britain
girls with yellow hands
factory girls whose hands turned yellow from ammunition chemicals
otto dix
famous artist, trench soldier, depicted realist situations
vera brittain
woman who wrote diary about how she lost fiancee, brother, and best friend
material promoting or demoting a cause
when a group of people get to rule themselves (not ruled by other countries)
14 points agreement
wilson's plan/requirements to end great war and prevent future wars
paris peace conference
convention where us, france and britain met to discuss peace treaty (all other countries left out)
armistice day
11-11, day when fighting stoppped
fighting to just to kill, no clear purpose
part of battle of ypres, nasty & miserable conditions, ordered by general haig to finally overthrow germany, unsuccessful, shows the pointlessness of ww1
symbolic battle, last stop before paris to be attacked, frenchmen fighting to save their country
launched by britain against germany, sky high casualties, worst single day combat loss ever for britain, trying to get somme river, tried to weaken germany off with strong blow and then finish off easily
poison gas
virtually undetectable gas, causes choking, and a slow, miserable death, internal bleeding
stabbey thingy on an end of a gun
technology of ww1
cutting edge for the time, poison gas, air warfare, guerilla warfare, trench warfare, tanks, machine guns all invented
long term causes of ww1
instability of balkan countries
short term causes of ww1
many deaths, people wanting to prevent future similar wars, germany humiliated, all countries in lots of debt, east balkans divided up, land ruined b/c of trench warfare
idea posed by russia saying that slavic descended people should protect/defend each other (stick together)
part of triple alliance, assasination of franz ferdinand=major catalyst of war, divided up after war
part of triple entente, biggest army but not strongest, major slavic country, forced to pull out of war b/c of russian revolution
csar nicholas
head of russia, cousins with willhelm, didn't originally want to go to war (as seen in willy/nicky telegrams)
kaiser willhelm
head of germany, cousins w/ nicky of russia, strong militaristic attitude, very prideful
part of triple alliance, stayed out of war b/c britain asked them to (in exchange for land), upset when didn't get it at end of war
had a fast, strong industrial revolution, very strong army, second strongest navy, very militaristic, depicted as menacing people in ally propaganda
dragged into war b/c of friendly understanding w/ france, strong navy
otto von bismarck
"iron chancellor" of germany, not a nationalist (real politiker) used nationalism to gain power, asked to step down by willhelm
franco-prussian war
war over alsace-loraine between france and prussia (germany), germany wins alsace-loraine, france bitter
central powers
austria-hungary and germany
france, russia and britain
friendly understanding
depending on the situation of our country, we probably might help you out if you go to war
ottoman empire
had secret alliance with germany, armenian genocide happened there, became turkey
gallippoli (dardinelles straight)
located in turkey, port wanted by britain/france but defended and kept by turks/germans, had it been captured, access to sea for turkey
gavrillo princip
man who executed franz and sophie ferdinand, subsequently sending countries into world war
the black hand
turkish terrorist group, trained young serbs to be assasins
wilfred owen
english poet/soldier during great war, had shell-shock (ptsd), wrote realistic accounts of misery of war
dulce et decorum est
well-know poem by wilfred owen showing that the old saying (it is sweet and right) to die for ones country is a lie
blank check
support germany offered austria-hungary when it came to their war with ottoman empire
schlieffen plan
germany plan that assumed way to much (that france would be defeated shortly and russia would take a long time to mobilize)--attack and defeat france in less than six weeks then focus on russia
secret alliances
alliances made unknown to everyone else that ended up unneccessarily dragging everyone into the war
western front
france, belgium, britain, etc.; where most of the reparations from germany went
eastern front
russia, balkans,
trench warfare
when you dig yourself into a trench and sit and hide there somewhat "protected", miserable conditions, shoot over the top to other side
trench foot
when your foot "rotted" off-- or was taken off b/c the infection would spread, the mold growing from moisture in feet would rot of feet
no mans land
land in between trench, really dangerous (will most likely get shot)
when neither side has the advantage in the war--fighting just to stay even
australia-new zealand army core, troops from down under who supported the allies
zimmerman note/telegram
note from germany to german embassy in mexico asking german ambassador to convince mexico to attack and distract us in exchange for germany's assistance in gaining back previously mexican land
woodrow wilson
us president, created 14 pts agreement, sent us to war b/c he was upset about unrestricted submarine warfare and the lusitania
david lloyd george
german prime minister at paris peace conference
georges "le tigre" clemenceau
french president, known as the tiger b/c of his fierce war policy
total war
when 100% of a country's resources go towards the war they are fighting
unrestricted submarine warfare
policy taken on by germany that would shoot down all boats originating from an allied (france, britain, russia) port
ship with tons of americans on it sunk by germans (and unrestricted sub policy), one of the final straw for woodrow wilson
treaty of versailles
treaty signed by allies and germany blaming germany for the start of the war and forcing germany to pay reparations, and giving some balkan countries self-determination, but handing over germany african colonies to other countries
general haig
british commander in chief, ordered major ally offensive, tons killed
hindenburg/hindenburg line
germany's last major offensive before armistice, named after general vonhindenburg
open rebellion against authority (i.e. soldiers just refused to go to fight that day)-- created lots of tension between officers and soldiers
ptsd, nervous systems reaction to an intolerable reality
league of nations
league created for open communications between countries, didn't have much real power, but a good precursor to the united nations
sigfried sassoon
british soldier and writer, wrote about the tragedy of war in his poems, friends with wilfred owen
jean jaures
leader of socialist movement in france, really didn't want war, although homeland should be defended, weapons=waste of $, stop suffering instead of creating it
general haig
british commander in chief, ordered major ally offensive, tons killed
hindenburg/hindenburg line
germany's last major offensive before armistice, named after general vonhindenburg
open rebellion against authority (i.e. soldiers just refused to go to fight that day)-- created lots of tension between officers and soldiers
ptsd, nervous systems reaction to an intolerable reality
league of nations
league created for open communications between countries, didn't have much real power, but a good precursor to the united nations
sigfried sassoon
british soldier and writer, wrote about the tragedy of war in his poems, friends with wilfred owen
jean jaures
leader of socialist movement in france, really didn't want war, although homeland should be defended, weapons=waste of $, stop suffering instead of creating it