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139 Cards in this Set

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What is the CNS?
Central Nervous system-everything inside the skull and spinal cord
What is the PNS?
Peripheral nervous system-outside the brain and spinal cord. Nerves, muscles, etc
What are the 2 major PNS divisions?
Somatic nervous system-sensory input and voluntary motor control
Autonomic nervous system-mostly involuntary motor control (organs & glands)
What are the 2 divisions of the autonomic nervous system?
Sympathetic-prepares body for action by increasing heart rate, blood pressure, etc. (emergency system-fight or flight)
Parasympathetic-non-emergency; digestive-rest & digest
Sterotaxis atlas
3-dimensional guide used to locate any given structure relative to the landmark
Coronal (frontal; transverse)
plane shows brain structure in sections as seen from the front or rear
plane shows brain structures in sections as seen from the side.
plane shows brain structures in sections as seen from above or below.
toward the midline of the body, away from the side
toward the side, away from the midline
near to a structure
far or further away from a structure
Blood brain barrier (BBB)
protects brain from many chemicals and toxins
3 insulating tissue layers are called
Name and describe the meninge layers
dura-tough outer layer
Arachnoid-middle layer
Pia-thin layer with capillary blood supply attached to brain surface
Cerebal Spinal Fluid
made in choriod plexus (cells found in 4 cerebral ventricles), similar to blood plasma
Ventricles (Ventricular system)
1. lateral ventricles (left & right)
2. third ventricle
3. fourth ventricle
4. central canal-filled with CSF descends down center of spinal cord
Functions of (CSF) Cerebral Spinal Fluid
maintain proper balance of electrolytes, nutrients, & intracranial pressure. acts like a shock absorber in some areas. flows through spaces between meninges & brain-(mainly between arachnoid & pia layers.). There is a partial barrier between CSF & brain tissue, somewhat similar to the BBB
12 Cranial Nerves
provide sensory, motor, output, or both
Spinal Cord
Part of CNS located in spinal column, communication between CNS & most of the body.
Grey Matter
lies in center of spinal cord, packed with cell bodies & dendrites
White Matter
lies in periphery of spinal cord, comprised mainly of myelinated axons
Each Spinal cord segment
receives motor commands from the brain that are sent to muscles & glands. receives sensory information from the body & sends most of that sensory info to the brain.
Bell-Magendie Law
communication between spinal cord & body is organized according to:
Dorsal root (back)
afferent (input)
enters the spinal cord carrying information from sensory organs
Ventral Root (front)
efferent (output), mostly motor, exits spinal cord carrying info to & from muscles & glands
Spinal cord has 31 pairs of nerves
Sympathetic nervous system
fight or flight system (action), ganglie are near spinal cord & are closely linked, neurotransmitter is mainly norepinephrine; only a few use acetylcholine
Parasympathetic nervous system
relaxation & digestion, constis mainly of cranial nerves from sacral region; ganglia locatied close to target organs, neurons use acetylcholine as neurotransmitter.
Major divsions of the brain
hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain
most posterior, oldest part-evolutionarily similar across species. 2 divisions: cerebellum, pons & medulla
Pons (bridge)
involved in arousal & sleep patterns,
Cerebellum (little brain)
organizes sensory info that guide movement, fine tunes motor commands, smooth coordinated movements & posture control, timing functions
Medulla Oblongata
controls basic bodily functions-HR, breathing, BP, damage or drugs can be life threatening,
Reticular Formation (net like)
system that runs from medulla thru pons up to the forebrain, controls all levels of sleep & wakefullness-arousal
Locus coeruleus-norepinephrine cell bodies; control rapid eye movement sleep.
Raphe nucleus-serotin cell bodies, control slow wave sleep. All sensory input to brain sends info here; important target for drug that alter sleep & arousal
Midbrain (middle) central portion, 2 major divisions-tegemental, tectum
Tectum (roof, dorsal part)-superior colliculi-controls eye movement, reflexive blinking, pupil size.
Inferior colliculi-auditory reflexes, adjusting ear direction & orientation towards sounds
Tegementum (under, ventral to tectum) includes; Substantia nigra-dopamine cell bodies, axons projecto to striatum/caudate which controls movement.
Ventral temental area-dopamine cell bodies, axons project to nucleu accumbens, medial frontal cortex-involved in motivation & reward
Red nucleus-communicates with cerebellum involved in posture control
Hypothalamus, Thalamus, Basal Ganglia, Basal Forebrain:Hippocampus, limbic system-amygdala, septum, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, olfactory bulb
Hypothalmus-control ANS, regulates most biological drives, monitor nutrients, body fluid levels, blood hormones, controls pituitary (master gland), involved in agression, emotion, sexual behavior
Thalmus-sensory relay station=eyes, ears, touch, taste; receive sensory input then send to region of cortex, integrate sensory info w/emotion & memory; drug effects here alter awareness & perception of sensory stimuli
Basal Ganglia
control motor movement, deterioration involved in Parkinson & Huntington; includes Caudate (striatum), Putamen, Globus pallidus
Basal Forebrain
several structures taht lie on dorsal surface of forebrain, contain nucleus basalis; receives input from hypothalamus & basal ganglie; send axons that release acetylcholine to cerebal cortex; part of brains system for arousal, wakefullness & attention
Hippocampus (sea horse)
large, located between thalamus & cerebral cortex toward posterior of forebrain; critical for storing certain types of memory
Limbic System
interlinked sturctures that form a border around brainstem: includes olfactory bulb, hypothalamus, hippocampus, amygdala, & cingulate gyrus of cerebral cortex
amygdala (little almonds)-fear & aggression, taste, order & other sensory inputs
agression, affective tone
Hippocampus-memory; emotional tone
Cingulate gyrus
fear & aggression
Olfactory bulb
mediates smell, has connections to areas that interpret importance of odor,
Cerebral Cortex
cellular layers on outer surface of cerebral hemispheres-2 halves, joined by 2 axon bundles-corpus callosum & anterior commisure, highly developed in humans than other species
Organization of Cerebral Cortex
6 distinct laminae (layers), many neurons arranged in columns perpendicular to laminae, cells within a given column have similar properties.
4 main lobes of cerbral cortex bordered by landmarks: Sulci-deep grooves. Gyrus-hills or bumps
Frontal lobe
newest part of cortex, anterior to central sulcus
Prefontal cortex:most anterior portion of frontal lobe, receives integrated info from sensory systems, involved in cognition, learning, planning.
contains precentral gyrus-primary motor area, controls body movement,
Prefrontal lobotomy: disconnection prefrontal cortex from brain to control psychological disorders like impulsivity & aggression-leads to emotional blandness & lack of planning.
Parietal lobe
between occipital lobe & central sulcus; postcentral gyrus or primary somatosenory cortex, processes body sensations & info from muscle stretch & joint receptors, ie skin, touch sensations
Occipital lobe
posterior portion of cerbral cortex; primary visual cortex (striate cortex) part of system mediating visual capabilities, damage to area causes "cortical blindness"
Temporal lobe
located laterally in each hemisphere near temples; primary projection area for auditory info, also some visual functions (visual memoreis-discrimination) some emotion & behavior, language comprehension in left lobe for most humans (Wernicke's area); damage results in Kluver-Bucy syndrome-failure to show normal fear, anxiety & agressiveness
Methods & Strategies of Research
correlating brain acitivity with behavior: (phrenology, CT scans, MRI)
Record brain activity during behavior: (electrophysiological EEG, chemical PET scans, fMRI)
Examine effects of brain damage: (autopsy, animal lesions)
Examine effects of stimulating a brain area: magnetic stimulation or electrodes.
Stereotaxic instrument
holds head rigid, has calibrated moveable arm for precise placement in 3 dimensions; a coordinate system from a stereotaxic atlas-allows precise placement for manipulation of deep brain structures.
Markers on skull surface (bregma) provide reference points: anterior-posterior, dorsal-ventral, medial-lateral
Stimulating/manipulating neuronal activity
techniques that stimulate/manipulate a specific brain site should logically cause a change in the behavior mediated by a particular brain area. Stimulation-increases in some behaviors. Damage (lesions)-impairs certain behaviors
Microinjection technques-stereotaxic placement of injection cannula to adminster small quanities of drug on specific brain areas w/out chemical affecting other areas of brain.
Electrical brain stimulation
in animals:implanted electrodes: apply brief-low levels of stimulation to specific site, net effect is to activate surrounding neurons.
humans: accomplished by applying magnetic fields to scalp (brief, low intensity pulse)
Brain damage effects on behavior
1)describe brain damage after an accident or stroke, examine damage thru brain scans-CT, MRI, or post mortem; correlate brain damage with observed deficits in behavior or other changes.
2)cause intentional damage in animals by experimental destruction or lesions of specific brain areas.
Effects of Brain Damage
Paul Broca-damage left frontal hemisphere associated with loss of ability to speak.
Probelms with studying brain damage
humans:lack of control over what area is damaged since no 2 people have exactly the same type of damage
animals:hard to specify exactly how behavior has changed after the damage & what connections may be interrupted.
Experimental ablation
removal of brain area to infer funtion of ablated area by observing deficits in behavior
surgical removal or aspiration; typical used for an exposed surface-cortex
Experimental lesion (destruction)
infer the function of the area in control of behavior after destruction.
Permanent techniques: electrolytic, radio frequency, chemical (neurotoxic), knife cuts (prefrontal lobotomy)-severe connections between brain areas
Temporary techniques: KCL, Cholchicine-slows axoplasmic transport of NT, Cryogenic cooling-cold probes chill surrounding tissue.
Cautions interpreting lesion studies
Generally no signle brain region exclusively mediates a behavior, there are many interconnected areas, may damage unintended areas; Sham lesions are an important control manipulation; damage must be confirmed by histology.
Localizing neuronal activation techniques
2-DG (deoxyglucose)-non metabolizable form of glucose radiolabeled to allow imaging of neuronal activity in brain & neural tissue
c-Fos expression-a protein that is produced in the nucleus of neurons in response to stimulation-usually from incoming neuronal synapses
Receptor Binding (grind&bind)-radio labeled ligands to measure in vitro receptor binding, can assess receptor affinity
uses radiolabeled ligands to measure in vitro receptor binding; usually in slices of tissue; allows a picture of regional densities of receptors
Uptake assays-uses radiolabled tracer molecules to measure NT uptake sites
uses immune reactions to target particular neurochemicals with antibodies; measures static regional levels of NT in brain tissue
Microdialysis-measures levels of released NT
Imaging techniques
CT or CAT scan-computer enhanced analysis of scanning X-rays; 2-D slices thru brain
MRI-better resolution than CT, relies on computer analysis of radio waves interacting with a strong magnetic field.
PET scan (positron emission tomography)
uses radio-labeld chemical tracer thats injected, detectors map area of brain with highest level of radioactivity, can be used to measure brain activity or binding of a drugto different brain areas.
(fMRI) Functional MRI
measures regional brain metabolism; can give a picture of regional brain activity during specific ongoing behavioral tasks.
Brain size & intelligence
moderate correlation betwen IQ & brain size (.3), amount of grey matter may also play a role, IQ is correlated with amount of grey matter.
BUT: Men have larger brains then women but IQ is same; Elephants brains are 4x our size, Chihuahuas have highest brain to body ratio, Squirrel monkey have higher brain to body ratio than humans; common tropical aquarium fish has a higher ratio than humans
Brain Development
nervous system begins to form when embryo is approx 2 weeks old
dorsal surface thickens forming neural tube surrounding a fluid filled cavity; forward end enlarges & differentiates into hindbrain, midbrain, forebrain; rest of neural tube becomes spinal cord.
Average brain size
birth 350 grams-by 1yr 1000 grams
average adult 1200-1400 grams
5 steps of neural development
Proliferation-production of new cells along ventricles of brain divide to become glia & neurons.
Migration-movement of primitive neurons toward final destination in brain:chemicals, immunoglobins & chemokines guide new cells to their eventual destination in the brain
Differentiation-neurons develop into axons & dendrites.
Myelination-glia cells produce myelin sheath around axons for rapid transmission of AP, 1st in spinal cord b4 forming in brain, begins in prenatal period & continues into adulthood.
Synaptogenesis-formation of synapses is last step in neural development & continues thru life.
Original belief was NO new neurons were formed after early development BUT new research indicates otherwise.
Stem cells-undifferentiated cells found in interior of brain, generate daugher cells which can transform glia into neurons.
Olfactory receptor cells-new ones continually replace dying ones
Songbirds-replacement of new neurons in singing area of brain.
Adult hippocampus-stem cells differentiate into new neurons & facilitate learning-axons travel great distances across brain to form correct connections. .
Competition amoung axons & synapses
postsynaptic cells strengthen synapses of some axons & weaken others
Neural Darwinism-a selection process keeps some synapses & rejects others
Neurotrophins (factors)
chemical that promote the survival & activity of neurons
Nerve growth facotr (NGF)
in PNS. axons from ganglie that synapse with muscles survive if receive enough NGF; otherwise degenerate and die
Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
in brain, promotes survival & activity of neurons.
axons that aren't exposed to neurotrophins after making connections undergo APOPTOSIS-preprogrammed mechanism of cell death.
healthy adult nervous system conetains no neurons that failed to make appropriate connections.
After maturity apoptotic process becomes dormant & brain neurons don't need neurotrophins to survice, however neurtrophins increase branching of axons & dendrites thruout life; deficiences of neurotrophins lead to cortical shrinking & are linked to several brain diseases.
(FAS) Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
excessive alcohol expsure during pregancy, particularly 3rd trimester
symptoms: decreased alertness, hyperactivity, facial abnormalities, mental retardation, motor problems, & heart defects.
Prenatal exposure to cocaine
can lead to slight decreases in IQ & somewhat greater decreases in language skills
Chronic stress 2 mom: can cause academic & social problems for offspring
Differentiation of the cortex
ability to fine-tune, change & adapt thru experience.
Environmental enrichment leads to: thicker cortex, increased dendritic branching, improved performance on learning tasks.
Some benefit maybe due to physical activity; thickness declines in old age but much less in those that are physically active.
People blind from birth are better at discriminating between objects by touch; have increased activation in their visual cortex while performing this task-area normally devoted to vision now receuited for sense of touch
Extensive practice of a particular skill
musicians: larger auditory cortex response to pure tones; planum temporale structure 30% larger in left temporal lobe
Violin players have a larger area devote to the left fingers in the somatosensory cortex than nonmuscians.
Plasticity after brain damage
survivors show subtle 2 significant behavoral recovery.
some of the mechanisms of recovery include those similar to mechanisms of brain development such as new branching of axons & dendrites.
Brain trauma
includes insults to head that break or puncture skull & directly impact brain tissue
Closed head injury
caused by sharp blows to the head that dont puncture the skull & brain, but cause brain damage to impact the inside of the skull
Stroke or cerebrovascular accident (CVA)
most common cause of human brain damage in adults. leading cause of long-term disability; symptoms depend on area of brain affected.
common symptoms: numbness or weakness of face, arm, leg, especially one side of body.
trouble seeing in one or both eyes, difficulty walking, dizziness, loss of balanace/coordination, severe headache with on known cause, confusion, trouble speaking or understanding, unexplained dellusions or hallucinations, appreciable memory loss or cognitive deficits.
2 types of strokes
Ischemia-obstructive; most common, loss of blood flow due to arterial blockage, sufficient duration causes cell death due to lack of oxygen & nutrients, especially glucose.
Thrombus-blood clot.
Embolus-obstructive blood clot
Hemorrhage-less common; caused by bleeding due to a rupture in artery; floods surrounding area with blood, excess oxygen, glucose, calcium, impairs neuronal functioning & causes death, excess ions toxic to neurons by disrupting ionic balance across cell membrane
accumulation of fluid in brain resulting in increased pressure on the brain increasing probability of further strokes.
disruption of sodium potassium pumps lead to increase of potassium ions inside neurons. Edema triggers release of excitatory NT glutamate which leads to overstimulation of neuron-excess NA & other ions entering neuron in eccessive amounts. Excess +ions block metabolism in mitochondria & kill neuron
as neurons die; glia cells proliferate to remove waste products & dead neurons
Assessment & diagnosis of brain damage: via neurological/neuropsychological tests for:
deficits, sensory, language, memory, tests of logic & cognitive abilities, IQ test, emotional tone & responsiveness, appraisal of motivation: judged relative tto available information before damage
Blood flow tests may include
ultrasound-probe placed over suspected artery is determined by ultrasound generated images.
angiography-dyes injected into blood vessels & imaged with X-ray
Drugs & other therapy
(tPA) Tissue plasma activator-breaks up blood clots & can reduce effects of ischemic stroke
research has begun to attempt to save cells in the PENUMBRA region or region that surrounds the immediate damage by: blocking glutamate synapses & opening potassium channels

Cooling the brain: most effective used to minimize damage; mechanisms uncertain but is useful in first 3 days.
minimize cell lose after stroke, closed head injury or other brain damage, benefits likely due to antioxidant or anti-inflammatory actions
Omega 3 fatty acids-major component of cell membrane, may help block apoptosis & other neural damage.
Neural death; decreased activity in surviving neurons in damaged area due to death of neurons that previously synapsed with surviving neurons.
Receptor supersensitivity (denervation supersensativity)
occurs under conditions of reduced synaptic input due to damage to presynaptic axons or lack of use.
increas in number or response of the postsynpatic receptors.
Collateral sprouting
surving neurons, often new branching of axons form new synapses or perhaps attach to synapses taht were vacated whenanotehr neuron was destroyed.
systems in brain may reorganize & spared systems may compensate for deficits in damaged systems; age of patient influence recovery
Kenard principle: recovery that occurs earlier in life is more likely than recovery from damage later in life.
New Neurosurgical/neurobiological techniques
brain grafts of healthy neurons from a donor, graft neuronal tissue taken from another tissue of the same patient, implanting neurons grown in vitro, impanting cells that can differentiate into neurons (stem cells)
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Visible light 380-760 nanometers in wavelength
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Visible light 380-760 nanometers in wavelength
protective layer of eye
protective layer of eye
opening in the center of eye
opening in the center of eye
colored portion of eye
colored portion of eye
focuses light on the retina
light rays are inverted after entering the eye; light from the left side of eye strikes the right side of the retina; light from below strike top 1/2 of retina
focuses light on the retina
light rays are inverted after entering the eye; light from the left side of eye strikes the right side of the retina; light from below strike top 1/2 of retina
process of lens changing shape to focus objects (light) on the fovea
process of lens changing shape to focus objects (light) on the fovea
contains sensing cells; cells that transducen(sensations into action potentials) light into bioelectric signals; is the rear surface of eye & is lined with visual receptors
made of 3 layers of cellsat the back of eye.
divided into 3 primary layers with 6 different cell types.
Electromagnetic Spectrum
Visible light 380-760 nanometers in wavelength
contains sensing cells; cells that transducen(sensations into action potentials) light into bioelectric signals; is the rear surface of eye & is lined with visual receptors
made of 3 layers of cellsat the back of eye.
divided into 3 primary layers with 6 different cell types.
center or focal point of the retina, specialized for detailed vision; greatest visual acuity (ability to resolve spatial detail)
protective layer of eye
center or focal point of the retina, specialized for detailed vision; greatest visual acuity (ability to resolve spatial detail)
receptor cell that contains photopigments; transduces visble light into black & white (doesn't detect color); more sensative to low levels of light than cones thus important for night vision; located in periphery of retina away from fovea; acuity(spacial detail) is poor relative to cones
receptor cell that contains photopigments; transduces visble light into black & white (doesn't detect color); more sensative to low levels of light than cones thus important for night vision; located in periphery of retina away from fovea; acuity(spacial detail) is poor relative to cones
opening in the center of eye
receptor cell that contains photopigments; transduce light according to frequency of electromagnetic wave & distinguishes color; 3 types-each sensative to 1 of 3 wavelengths (blue, red, green); highest cluster is at fovea-only cones here & most visual acuity
receptor cell that contains photopigments; transduce light according to frequency of electromagnetic wave & distinguishes color; 3 types-each sensative to 1 of 3 wavelengths (blue, red, green); highest cluster is at fovea-only cones here & most visual acuity
colored portion of eye
focuses light on the retina
light rays are inverted after entering the eye; light from the left side of eye strikes the right side of the retina; light from below strike top 1/2 of retina
process of lens changing shape to focus objects (light) on the fovea
contains sensing cells; cells that transducen(sensations into action potentials) light into bioelectric signals; is the rear surface of eye & is lined with visual receptors
made of 3 layers of cellsat the back of eye.
divided into 3 primary layers with 6 different cell types.
center or focal point of the retina, specialized for detailed vision; greatest visual acuity (ability to resolve spatial detail)
receptor cell that contains photopigments; transduces visble light into black & white (doesn't detect color); more sensative to low levels of light than cones thus important for night vision; located in periphery of retina away from fovea; acuity(spacial detail) is poor relative to cones
receptor cell that contains photopigments; transduce light according to frequency of electromagnetic wave & distinguishes color; 3 types-each sensative to 1 of 3 wavelengths (blue, red, green); highest cluster is at fovea-only cones here & most visual acuity
Bipolar layer
primary synapse (main connections); middle layer of retina which connects photoreceptors to ganglion cells; transmits transduced information about light between photoreceptive cell and ganglion layer
Amacrine & Horizonal cells
transmit info parallel to retina surface.
Ganglion layer
receives info from biopolar cell; axons join at point on retina called the optic disk to form optic nerve; optic disk also called blind spot since no photoreceptors exist at this point in the retina.
chemicals contained by both rods & cones that release energy when struck by light. Consist of 11-cis-retinal bound to proteins called opsins
Steps in transduction of light energy (11)
1. light converts quickly to all-trans retinal.
2. light is absorbed & energy is released that acitivates 2nd messengers within the cell.
3. causing hyperpolarization in photoreceptors
4. less inhibitory transmitter is release.
5. which depolarizes bipolar cell.
6. thus, more excitatory NT is released at ganglion cells synapse-increase rate of AP in ganglion cells.
Color Vision
perception of cllor is dependent on wavelength of light. Visible wavelengths are dependant on species receptors. Shortest wavelengths humans can perceive is 400nm (violet), longest is 700nm (red)
color that is perceived, corresponds to the dominant electromagnetic wavelength (frequency)
(intensity) corresponds to height of EM wavelength or intensity of EM radiation
Saturation (purity, richness, or paleness)
corresponds to mixture of visble light, a pure color represents 1 wavelength & is said to be saturated.
White light
mixture of all wavelengths; called ADDITIVE color mixing; as more wavelengths are combined the perceived color becomes increasingly pale; however the color of an object we perceive is caused by SUBTRACTIVE color mixing
pigments that lend color to objects absorb certain wavelengths, wavelengths NOT absorbed (subtracted) are what we perceive; combining more pigments causes less light to be reflected; combine many many pigments the object appears dark brown-black.
2 major interpretations of color vision
Trichromatic theory/Young Helmholtz theory

Oppenent-process theory
Trichromatic theory
Color perception occurs thru the relative rates of response by 3 types of cones: Short, Medium & Long wavelength. Each cone is sensitive to a different set of wavelengths; Ratio fo activity across the 3 cone types determines the color; More intense light increases the brightness of color but doesn't change the ratio thus doesn't change the perception of the color itself.
Color Vision deficiency (Color blindness)
inipairment perceing color differences; often caused by either lack of a type of cone or cone abnormalities-most common form is distinguishing between red & green; Results from the long, medium wavelength cones having the same photopigment
Opponent-process theory
suggests we perceive color in terms of paired opposites:white-black, red-green, yellow-blue; possible mechanism for this theory is that bipolar cells are excited by one set of wavelengths and inhibited by another.
Evidence for this theory includes:negative afterimages, prolonged stimulation of retinal color receptors after extended starting at one color iwll cuase the opposite color to be perceived when the stare is moved to a white background-staring at green causes red to be perceived.