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34 Cards in this Set

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interpersonal attraction

is the phenomenon of us liking other people.

what are factors that influence interpersonal attraction or us liking other people?

1- appearance: golden ratio of face is desired, symmetry

2-similarity: similar views

3- Difference: if they are complimentary, if differences compliment each other

4- Self-disclosure= talking about deep ****.

5- Reciprocity= we like people when they like us.

6- proximity= could be out of convience. maybe exposure o


behavior that is harmful or increases social dominance. behavior could be verbal or non-verbal.

what are the biological factors that could influence aggression?

-Brain: 1- Amygdala

2-Pre-frontal cortex: responsible for controlling impulsive behavior, reduces emotional reactivity.

-Hormones: as in testosterone

-psychological state= Cognitive Neoassociation model: aggression is linked to negative emotions

which part of the brain is activated during aggressive behaviors


firing rate....channels influences the firing rate

Alton in bio

attachment was studied by two psychologists. Who are they

1-John Bowlby after WWII

2-Mary Ainsworth 1970's

what are the four types of attachment identified?

1- Secure: positive, child needs caregiver. Child will grow up with good social skills

2-Avoidance: not ideal, caregiver does not respond, the child does not care either.

3-Ambivalent: inconsistent response to child's distress. Child feels insecure, amivivalent

4-Disorganized: absent caregiver, mixed of different reactions by child.

Kids with what attachment types grow up with deficit in their social skills?

Avoidance. Ambivalent. Disorganized.

Social support

1-emotional support: listening affirming and empathizing

2-Esteem support: affirming qualties and skills of a person

3- material support: providing financial or material support.

4- informational: providing info that will help someone.

5-network: group of people provide a support.

evolutionary fitness

1-mating system


Mating system

1-polygamy: one male mating with one female

2-Promiscuity: any female mates with any male

3- Polygyny: one man, many females

4- Polyandry: one female, many males.

In mating system, what is the difference between phenotypic qualities and indicator traits?

phenotypic qualities: Observable traits that make a potential mate more attractive.

Indicator traits= a trait that SIGNIFIES good health and well being.

what is a fisherian selection

particular trait that has no significance over survival that becomes exaggerated overtime.

Game Theory

attempts to describe the decision making behavior:

inclusive fitness

a measure of an organism's success in the population.

what are the four different possibilities of the game theory

it has to be -with respect to..ex: organism 1 or 2...and such

Atrusim- one shares and affects itself badly.

Selfishness- one shares the other does not

spite= both organisms do not

cooperation= both are happy to share.

Evolutionary stable strategy:

natural selection will prevent other strategies from arising.

social perception/cognition

our ability to make judgments and impressions on others.

Impression bias

our selection of cues to form interpretations of others that are consistent over time

Primacy effect Vs. recency effect

primary effect: the idea that first impressions are more important than subsequent effects.

recency effect: more recent information we have about someone are the most important in forming our impression.

The four types of impression bias are

1- reliance on central traits: individuals tend to rely on the target's most relevant traits to the perceiver.

2-implicit personality theory: quick judgements on a person's personality



Halo effect

general influence of a person allows us to make specific judgements about a person.

shes hot, she must be smart too.

Just-world hypothesis.

Consequences due to a restoring force. (karma).

self-serving bias:

success is from our hard work; failure is from external forces.s

self enhancement

maintaining self worth. internal attribution of success. external attribution for failure.

Attribution theory

natural tendency of people to infer the causes of other people's behavior.

what did Fritz Heider do in the attribution theory?

he divided it into two causes,

1- Dispositional: depending on the person's qualities

2- situational: attributions are due to surroundings

Cues influence our attriubution outcome to either siutational or dispositional. What are some cues

1-consistency: does the behavior happen all the time from the same person

2- Consensus: does everybody do the same thing?


fundemental attribution error

our tendency to blame a negative event on dispositional aspect.

cultural attributions:

collective: situational

individualistic: dispositional


irrational negative or positive attitude toward a person, group prior to an actual experince.

factors that influence prejudice




stereotype---->prejudice---->discrimination; this is the correct flow. right or wrong

Right; however, JUST because there is stereotype does not mean there is discrimination.