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22 Cards in this Set

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What is a neuroanatomical state network?
group of neurons that spread their fibers out diffusely throughout the cortex; "tunes the brain"
What is a neuroanatomical channel network?
network of interconnected cortical areas; dedicated to processing specific types of information
What did we learn from the patient Tan?
Damage to Broca's area = Broca's aphasia (non-fluent, agrammatic speech)
What did we learn from the patient HM?
Explicit and implicit memory; implicit memory not dependent on hippocampus
What did we learn from Phineas Gage?
frontal cortex tied to affect, personality, judgement, and decision-making
What is psychodynamic theory?
Looking at motivation of behavior by unconscious forces
Defense mechanisms: repression
forcing thoughts, memories into unconscious - they are forgotten
Defense mechanisms: denial
disbelieving reality to avoid negative emotion
Defense mechanisms: projection
feelings, thoughts unacceptable to the self are attributed to others
Defense mechanisms: splitting
view others as "all good" or "all bad"
Defense mechanisms: reaction formation
converting unacceptable emotions into their opposite
Defense mechanisms: conversion
converting psychological conflict into physical symptoms
Defense mechanisms: dissociation
drastic modification of personal identity (temporary)
Defense mechanisms: displacement
feelings redirected from source to acceptable replacement
Defense mechanisms: intellectualization
overthinking things to avoid feelings
Defense mechanisms: isolation of affect
separating an idea form the feelings that accompany it
Explain concept of transference in doctor-patient relationship
patient transfers feelings towards previous authority figure (e.g. father) towards physician; can be positive or negative
Explain concept of countertransference in doctor-patient relationship
Feelings that the doctor brings into the relationship from previous experience
classical vs. operant conditioning
classical conditioning: pairing of environmental events/stimuli
operant conditioning: learning occurs as effect of individual's responses
unconditioned stimulus
unconditioned response
conditioned stimulus
conditioned response
unconditioned stimulus: stimulus that does not normally elicit response
unconditioned response: normal response to specific stimulus (e.g. salivation)
After pairing occurs, neutral stimulus is now conditioned stimulus, response is now conditioned response
Terminology in operant conditioning:
reinforcement, punishment, extinction
Reinforcement: increases behavior (can be positive or negative)
Punishment: decreases behavior
Extinction: absence of result following a stimulus, which eventually leads to no response with stimulus
Characteristics of reinforcement schedules in operant conditioning: fixed ratio, variable ratio, fixed interval, variable interval
fixed ratio: rapid learning, rapid extinction
variable ratio: slower learning, greatest resistance to extinction
fixed interval: slower learning, behavior is "clock dep"
variable interval: slower learning, resistant to extinction