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27 Cards in this Set

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absolute risk reduction
recuction in risk assoc w tx compared to placebo
1/abs risk red
1/attibutable risk
pygmalion effect
researcher's belief in the efficacy of a tx changes the outcome
hawthorne effect
group being studied changes behavior since they know they are studied
type I error (alpha)
stating there is a difference when there is not
probability of rejecting null hypothesis when it is in fact false, or likelihood of finding difference if one in fact exists
confidence interval
if includes 0, then no sig dif, if includes 1, then null not rejected
if CI between 2 groups overlaps, then no sig dif betw
t test measures difference between
means of 2 groups
correlation coefficient
closer absolute value of r is to 1, the stronger the correlation
therapeutic privilege
can ethically withhold info from pt if disclosure would severely harm pt or undermine decisions
if pt desires unnecessary procedure
don't refuse to see him or refer to another dr
pregnant minors
retain the rights to make decisions about their child
if pt finds you attractive
use direct, close-ended questions and chaperone
if pt angry about wait
don't explain delay
referral fees
pts must be told
dr makes mistake
always inform, even if no harm
highest suicide rate
elderly males
awake, eyes open
beta (high freq/low amp)
awake, eyes closed
light sleep (stage 1)
5%, theta
deeper sleep (stage 2)
bruxism, 45%, sleep spindles and k complexes
deepest sleep (stage 3)
25%, bedwet, night terrors, etc. delta (lowest freq, highest amp)
25%, beta. ACh. NE reduces. incr pulse/BP. paramedian pontine reticular formation resp for eye movements. occurs every 90 mins, duration incr thru night. penile/clitoral tumescence
initiation of sleep
serotonin, raphe nucleus
enuresis tx
imimpramine. reduces stage 3 sleep
circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus, controls ACTH, prolactin, melatonin, nocturnal NE release