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41 Cards in this Set

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When is anxiety abnormal?
Autonomy, inappropriate intensity, duration is longer than expected, behavior
Physical manifestations of Anxiety?
Increased sympathetics, tacchycardia, tachypnia, diaphoresis, diarrhia, light-headedness
Affective manifestations of anxiety?
Edginess, irritability, terror, feeling that going to die or lose control
Behavior manifestations of anxiety?
Avoidence, compusions
cognition manifestations of anxiety?
Worry, apprehension, obsession
Neurophysiologic etiology for anxiety?
Locus ceruleus, GABA, limbic system
Serotonergic etiology for anxiety?
Behavior formations
Development etiology for anxiety?
Threat to ego
Epidemiology for Anxiety?
Primary relatives have increased incidence, risk factor for suicide, associated with alcohol abuse, life problems, premature CV mortality
Probably not anxiety disorder if?
Symptoms after 35, no family Hx, no childhood HX, no significant life events
Differential for Anxiety?
COPD, Endocrine(Hyperadrenalism, hyperthyroid, hyperparathyroid), drug related, caffein, cocaine, sypathomimetics, theophylline, steroids, thyroid, withdrawal, hypoxia, metabolic and neurologic disorders
Anxiety is present in other disorders?
Delusional disorder, schizophrenia, major depression, adjustment disorder
Prevalence Panic disorder?
1.5-3.5% lifetime prevalence
Age of onset for Panic disorder?
Late teens to 20's
Gender and Panic disorder?
F>M, men self-medicate more
Panic disorder can lead to?
Chronic stress and depression
Criteria for panic disorder?
recurrent unexpected attacks, atleast on attack folled by one month of worrying, may have agoraphobia
Panic attack contains?
At least four symptoms: Cardiac, pulmonary, GI, Neurologic, autonomic, psychological
Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Age of onset of Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Childhood or adolescence
Gender and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder?
Excessive anxiety and worry for >6 months, 3 of:Restlessness, easily fatugued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, sleep disturbance
Not axis one, cause ignificant distress
Prevalence of specific phobia?
Subtypes of Specific Phobias?
Animal, nature, blood, injection, injury, situational....
Criteria for specific phobia?
Persistant unreasonable fear, exposure provokes anxiety response, phobia is avoided, causes impairment
Prevalence of social Phobia?
Gender of social phobia?
Criteria for social phobia?
Fear of scruitiny and embarrasment, exposure causes anxiety, fear recognized as excessive, interferes with life
Prevalence of PTSD?
8%, any age
Complications of PTSD?
Social withdrawig, depression, suicide, alcohol and drug abuse
Common trigger for PTSD?
Child abuse
Criteria for PTSD?
Traumatic event, event is re-experienced, avoidence of stimulus associated with trauma
Subtypes of PTSD?
acute is 3-6 months
Chronic is >6 months
Delayed onset is >6 months after trauma
Prevalence of OCD?
Age of onset for OCD?
mid 20's, rare after 35
OCD patient presents when?
decreased functin, depression, anxiety
Criteria for Obsession?
Recurrent, persistant, intrusive thoughts, impulses or images that cause anxiety, patient recognizes that thoughts are their own
Criteria for Compulsion?
Repetitive behavior in response to obsession, aimed at preventing some dreaded event, causes marked impairment
Biological Manegement of Anxiety disorders?
Antidepressants, benzos, Beta-blockers, buspirone
Psychological Manegement of Anxiety disorders?
CBT, desensitization
Sociological Manegement of Anxiety disorders?
Behavioral changes and lifestyle changes