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36 Cards in this Set

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average age of first marrage for men, women
25, 27
at this age most americans are married
nuclear family
most common type of family in US, mother father and dependent children live in one household
percentage of children who live with married biological parents
median household income
50k per household
% of children who live in traditional family configuration where mom stays home and dat works
cost of raising a child to 18
more than 200k
divorce rate, for physicians
50% up to 20% higher for physicians
physician populations with highest divorce rates (2)
female physician choosing psychiatry, medical students married before graduation
factors associated with high divorce rates
short courtship, teenage marraiges, premarital pregnancy, absence of family support, prior divorce, different SES/religion, couples that experience serious injury , illness,or death of a child
what prcentage of children live in single parent families
sole/joint residiential/split custody
sole custody = one parent has all legal power, other pays support and has visitation joint residential= 50/50 or some other agreed upon dividing of residence and decision making... split = dividing of siblings (usually teenagers) between parents
risks of adopting children after infancy
these children have a higher risk for behavioral problems in childhood/adolescence
general consencus on what to tell adopted children about their origins
tell them they are adopted at earliest possible age, tell them about their parents
age 30 transition
you pretty much peak at 30 physically/achieve some level of financial independence/have a defined role in society.
intimacy vs isolation
erickson described early adulthood as time were it is critical to develop a loving/emotional/sexual relationship
early adulthood
age 20-40
middle adulthood
age 40-65
according to freud this in addition to love is essential to emotional health of adulthood
gratifying work
sandwich generation
refers to the middle adult period where parents are in poor health and becoming dependent on them, at the same time that young adult childen are remaining financially dependent on them
generativity vs stagnation
realization at midlife that unreached goals are becoming less atainable as more of life is behind than in front. Triggers often vast behavioral changes "midlife crisis"
physiological changes that occur in men/women during midlife ; identified as menopause in women
vasomotor instabilty
hot flasshes common in menopausal women
estrogen replacement therapy for menopausal women
risks of ERT
increased risk of uterine cancer and breast
benefits of ERT
prevention of menopausal symptoms such as osteoporosis and vaginal dryness
old age
65 and older
ego integrity vs despair
described by erickson as the point in life (old age) where one looks back on their life either proud of their accomplishments or sad that they have wasted their lives.
prevalence of dementia
less than 10% of elderly population, however occurs in as much as half the population over age 85
average life expectancy male,female, both
how does NT availabilty in the brain decrease with age
secretion decreases, MAO activity increases, and NT receptors lose esponsiveness
depression in elderly is commonly characterized by memory loss and cognitive problems, these can be mistaken for dementia
kluber ross stages
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
anniversary reaction
recurrence of grief for loss of loved one that occurs around significant dates, this is consistant with normal grief
abnormal grief
characterists of bereavement persist and intensify over time, lead to depression
when should severe symptoms of norml grief subside, moderate symptoms
2 months , 1 year