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40 Cards in this Set

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what years make up "school age"

7 to 11

what is the concept of industry vs inferiority?

defined by erikson to describe oppurtunity to develop skills through hard work at the age of 7-11 that can result in a lifelong sense of confidence

what is the concept of concrete operations? when do most children grasp it?

children develop the ability to reason and that objects can have multiple properties (ie red and metal)

occurs by age 7

what is the concept of conservation (of substance, liquids, area)

substance- 6-7y

liquids - 6-7y

area- 9-10y

ex: transfering water from a tall skinny pitcher to a short wide one does not change the quantity of water

what is the latency period

time of sexual quaiescence seen in 7-11 year olds

how is morality exhibited by school age children

first seen around 6-7 years. At first the concept of right and wrong in all areas is very important with more flexibility as they get older.

older child may cheat in monopoly, younger child more likely to be strictly adherent to the rules

when do children begin to understand the finality of death, understand that it could happen to them too and begin to fear it?

around 6 understand death

around 9 fear their own death

what is early middle and late adolescence

early: 11-14

middle: 15-17

late: 18-20

what happens to the white:gray ratio in the brain of adolescents

increased white matter associated with increased myelination

when is the normal onset of puberty for girls?

10.5 with a range of 8 to 13.5 years

when is the normal onset of puberty in boys?

11.5 range is 9.5 to 13.5 years

what is the usual age range for menarche in women

11 to 14 years

what is the usual age for first ejaculation in males

12 to 15 years

what is tanner staging?

1-5 scale that rates sexual development in adolescents

which adolescent group is most likely to engage in risk taking behavior?

middle adolescents 15-17 year olds

what is a more effective method to discussing risk taking behavior with adolescents

in terms of short term benefits instead of long term consequences

formal operations, identity crisis and role confusion is associated with which developmental phase?

late adolescence (18-20)

what is the average age of first intercourse?

age 16

what percentage of sexually active teenagers use contraceptives? why so low?

less than half. they think they're special and different, (think they wont get STDs and pregnant, because they're dumb)

what percentage of american girls become pregnant before age 20?

1/3 (yikes!)

what is a major reason that teens are less likely to seek prenatal care

requirement of parental consent

what are the 2 most common genetic causes of mental retardation

Down syndrome and fragile x syndrome

what is the IQ range for mild mental retardation


what is the IQ range for moderate mental retardation?


what is a receptive communication disorder?

child cannot understand language (written, spoken, or both)

what is an expressive communication disorder?

child cannot express language or express language appropriately

what are phonological and articulaton disorders?

phonological- child misplaces/leaves out sounds

articulation - child cannot make proper motor movements for certian sounds (lisping)

a child who specifically violates social norms ie: animal torture, stealing, violent has what disorder

conduct disorder

a child who is defiant resentful and noncompliant but does not grossly violate norms may have what disorder

oppositional defiant disorder

what disorder are motor and vocal tics associated with? when does this condition begin?

tourrette's disorder

between age 7-8

dysfunction in the caudate nucleus relating to dopamine is associated with what condition?


what does one treat tourette's with?

antipsychotic medication



alpha agonists (clonidine, risperdal) - useful if there is associated symptoms of ADHD as well

what is required for an ADHD diagnosis

evidence of disorder before age 7

persistance of symptoms for at least 6 months

What is required for an ADHD combined type diagnosis

at least six symptoms of hyperactivity impulsitivity and inattention

what is required for an ADHD inattentive type disorder

at least 6 symptoms of inattention and less than 6 of HI

what is required for a diagnosis of ADHD primarily hyperactive type?

6+ symptoms of H-I and less than 6 of inattention

how do CNS stimulants such as methylphenadate (ritilin) and dextroamphetamine sulfate (dexedrine) work

treat ADHD by increasing dopamine in brain

how do strattera and guanfacine work?

treat ADHD by regulating levels of neural NE

when is school phobia most often seen?

it is a manifestation of seperation anxiety often seen at age of 7-8

what is selective mutism. how do these children communicate

some children (more often girls) cannot speak in some social situations and instead will whisper or use hand gestures

relatively rare. onset around 6 years poor prognosis if it remains beyond 10 years