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45 Cards in this Set

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for human behavior, mostly look at telenceph/diencephalon
grey matter seen on corex- 6 layers
Basal Ganglia


Cuadate, Putamen, G.P.


Cortical Striate Fibers
fibers from multipe layers of the cortex. travel from cortex to the striatum
Extrapyramidal Multiple Pathways
from the striatum back to corex and down the SC to Coordinate 4 limbs

Lenticular, Ansilar, Thalamic Fasicularis

Sulcus Limitans
Made up of Thalmus

sep dorsal and ventral thalmus
Dorsal Thalmus

Ventral Thalmus

motor (hypothalmus, autonomic)
-sometimes assoc w/ Basal Gang
contain lateral (optic) and medial (auditory) geniculate
post commissure and pineal gland(sometimes)
not elaborated upon in man-more developed in lower species

supcollic-visual reflexes
infcollic-auditory reflexes
metencephalon- cerebellum, pons

myelencephalon-medulla, SC
Limbic Lobe
border b/w Telenceph and Diencph
Telencephalic structures

1. amygdala
2. hippocampus
3. cingulate gyrus
4. HC gyrus
what does the limbic lobe develop?
1. emotions and memory
2. our response to dfft emotional stimuli
3. sexual preferences
4. eating preferences
5. dvlp out emotions
what does the limbic lobe primarily receive?
olfactory impulses

only impulse that terminates directly into the telencephalon
central sulcus
separates frontal from parietal
2 primary functions of the frontal lobe
1. motor cortex
2. original thought
Precentral Gyrus
Primary motor cotrex
Area 4
3 Subdivisions of Inferior frontal gyrus
1. pars opercularis
2. pars triangularis
3. pars orbitalis
lobes that have opercular areas
frontal, temporal, parietal

all turn inward to insular cortex
Brocas Speech Area
just in front of the base of the precentral gyrus

areas 44 and 45

ability to learn how to speak
what happens if brocas area is cut off?
muscles of the larynx/pharynx will loose motor associations but will NOT be paralyzed
Prefrontal Cortex
ant to primary motor cortex
most developed in Man
Original Thought

creative/abstract thought
Long Association Bundles
connect prefrontal cortex to all other areas of CNS
Postcentral Gyrus
sensory association cortex
helps to understand external environment
damage to post central gyrus (sensory cortex)
Temporal Lobe
ant-post-and heschel's gyrus
auditory impulses come into context here (41+42)
Receptive aphasia
loose areas 21+22 in auditory association cortex

cant understand what is being spoken
Expressive Aphasia
loosing Brokas area
disease of association cortex

symptoms of profound dementia are from the association cortex
Corpus collosum
connects the 2 hemispheres

can be separated and still perfom well
cingulate gyrus
part of limbic lobe
necessary in laying down new memories
Lamina Terminalis
connects the anterior commissure to the optic chiasma
what does the lamina terminalis represent?
the closure of the ant neuropore
Posterior Commissure
interconnects areas on either side of the sup collic called the PRETECTAL NUCLEI
-visual relfexes(pupil constriction)
Dorsal Longitudinal Fasiculus
relays impulses from the hypothalmus down to the brainstem
subcallosal gyrus

paraolfactory area of broca
receiving olfactory impulses

rec olfact sensations

precommissural fornix
originates lateraly in temp lobe
concerned with memory formation
terminates in mammillary bodies

part of fornix that passes anteriorly
most medial projection of temporal lobe

contains the amygdala
Uncal Herniation
massive intracranial bleed that forces unci to be forced down into tentorium cerebelli
Hippocampal Gyrus
most medial gyrus of temp lobe
contains the hippocampus (but they are phylo dfft)
located in the floor of the inf horn of the lateral ventricle

amygdala is in rostral tip of that
Insular Cortex
phylogenetic appearance in bears
dogs/cats have it on surface

Represents Visceral anatomy from rostral to caudal

substantia nigra
sits on top of cerebral peduncles and provides all of the Dopamine to cortex
which sensations do not pass through the post limb of the internal capsule on way to primary cortex?
1. olfaction
2. vision
3. auditory
transmits corticobulbar fibers
passing down to CN motor nuclei