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28 Cards in this Set

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DNA Genetic Structure
Can you see Genotype and what is an ex of it?
No and bloodtype
Phenotype and give an example
observable psychological function. Eye color, hair, etc
the chance of sharing a gene with parents
a trait that comes through generations
Natural Selection
survival of the fittest
Men have why chromosomes? Women?
Men =XY Women =XX
How many chromosomes are unisex?
Gender Identity
means how a person views himself or herself in terms of gender
gender roles
a societies expectations of how men and women should behave
Gender Schema Theory
Suggests that we learn a cultural recipe of how to be a male or a female which influences our gender based perceptions and behaviors
social learning theory
proposes we learn gender behavior like any other behavior. Through reinforcement, punishment and observation
What type of identical twins are more alike?
ones that share the same placenta
Where is the greatest neuronal spurt?
the frontal lobe
Whats the frontal cortex do?
decision making
why do teens have occasional impulsiveness
because the frontal cortex lags behind the limbic system development and because myelin speeds up nerve conduction
When is the earliest age of conscoius memory
3.5 years old
are things you care about easier or harder to remember?
whats fluid intelligence and does it decline or stabilize through time
ability to reason speedily and declines with age
crystilline intelligence and does it decline or stablize through time
accumulated knowledge and skills and does not decrease with age
Who are the most dangerous drivers
teens and elderly
At what age does the biggest decline in senses occur?
what area doesn't decline through time?
incorporating new experiences into our current understanding (schema)
The process of adjusting a schema and modifying it
our experiences
more brain activity is associated with being alone or with others?
being with others
Does day care effect parent's attachment with their children?
No, as long as they aren't in there too long.