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86 Cards in this Set

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What sloughs off when we have our period?
Bartholin gland
secreats mucous, lubricating vagina
Ovulation (what and when?)
monthly discharge of matured ovum ( 2 weeks prior to next menstrual cycle)
matured ovum produce what hormone?
Tubal ligation
dissect tube to prevent pregnancy
sterilization means
you cannot produce a pregnancy
men and women
lining of uterus is not always inside the uterus- blood can back up the fallopian tube and into the abdominal cavity, scarring can occur, problems happen from that
What effect does estrogen have on the ligaments that hold up our uterus?
lack of estrogen weaken the muscles and prolapse of the uterus can happen
Significant Hormones and Hormone Changes during menstrual cycle?
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Luteinizing Hormone
Luteinizing Hormone
made by pituitary, send msg to oavries telling you to excrete an ova- stimulates progesterone
When is ovulation?
ovulation is about 13-15 days after beginning of menstrual cycle
When do we get pregnant?
during ovulation
Which hormone stimulates progesterone production?
Thyroid hormone
What to assess about sexual hx?
Menstrual history and history of pregnancies
History of exposure to medications
Pain with menses or intercourse
Vaginal discharge, odor, or itching- STD, yeast inf, etc
Urinary and bowel function
Sexual history (sexually active?), including sexual or physical abuse
History of STDs, surgeries, or procedures
Chronic illness or disabilities that affect health/self-care
Family and genetic history
Birth control put at higher risk for...
Prolonged or heavy menstrual bleeding can lead to
Diabetes can affect the flora and can cause
higher rate of STIs and UTIs
Asking the patient to label herself as married, single, etc. may be interpreted as
as inappropriate; asking about current meaningful relationships may be less offensive.
Which of the following refers to the partial or total removal of the external genitalia or other injury to the female organs?
Female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation
Female genital mutilation (FGM), or cutting, refers to partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to female organs.
Pelvic examination
manual exam in lithotomy position with on back with stirrups
Pap smear
to scrape off cells- prophylaxis to rule out cervical cancer- Every 2 years with healthy cells unless possible problems- atypical cells, will be annually
pap smear, if under 21 and sexual, start _ years past first sexual encounter.
Cryotherapy and laser therapy-
trying to get cervix to slough off outer layer of cells
Cone biopsy and loop electrosurgical excision (LEEP)
remove cells of cervix
Endometrial biopsy
through cervix into uterus for tissue sample
Dilation and curettage (D & C)
dilating cervix and cleaning out inside of uterus- light vaginal bleeding for a few days, come back from surgery with peri-pad.
What is the tool used when performing a pap smear?
Bimanual Examination of the Pelvis
Looking to see the size and position of the uterus, anything abnormal, and can feel the position of bladder
If a Pap smear shows atypical cells and no high-risk HPV types are found, when should the next Pap smear be performed?
6 months
1 year
2 years
3 months
1 year
abnormally heavy and prolonged bleeding
someone who has not had their period for at least a year
VDRL or an RPR-
both blood tests to check for syphilis , in both males and females. Will be pos if have disease, or neg if have not been exposed
Mg is a
muscle relaxer
Postmenopausal bleeding
not normal, is a sign of cancer
Permanent physiologic cessation of menses associated with declining ovarian function
what age does menopause happen?
Somewhere around 50 to mid 50s, early in 40s
s/s menopause is coming
Changes in menstruation- less and less regular, can still get pregnant
s/s of menopause
hot flashes, vaginal dryness, low Ca level, palpatations, diaphoresis (sweating), psych changes- irritability, psychosocial changes
What are hot flashes attributed to?
hormone surges
Alternative therapy for hot flashes
dress in layers, fan, ice chips.
Nutrition post menopause?
decrease fat and calories and increase calcium, whole grains, fiber, fruit, and vegetables. Calcium and vitamin D supplementation may be helpful.
Menopause dx when
mensus ceases (amenorrhea) for at least 12 months
Types of vaginal infections?
Trichomonas vaginalis
Atrophic vaginitis
How to treat vaginal infections?
ABX and antifungal meds
Pelvic inflammatory diesease
Pelvic inflammatory diesease leads to
leads to scarring of tissue that can lead to sterilization, tx is ABX
2 types of genital viral infections
Human papillomavirus (HPV) and Herpes type 2
Are genital viral infections curable?
no just treatable
How often are pap smears necessary with HPV?
Malignant Disorders of the Female Reproductive Tract
Cervical, uterine, vaginal, vulvar, and ovarian cancers
Treatment of Reproductive Malignancies
Surgery- remove cancer area,
radiation- to area to kill cells, or a
combination of these
Can female repro cancers be cured?
yes if caught early
Uterine Fibroids or Myomas
Very common, like polyps, can be inside or outside the uterus
If inside, herder to get pregnant,
outside of uterus no concern
have possibility of bleeding
Treatment of Uterine Fibroids or Myomas
Can have them removed, can get to be as big as a baby, can burst with lots of bleeding
Surgical removal of the uterus to treat cancer, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, endometriosis, nonmalignant growths, persistent pain, pelvic relaxation and prolapse, and previous injury to the uterus.
Total hysterectomy
take out everything, inc ovaries and tubes, lymph nodes
Types of approaches to hysterectomy
What type of therapy is preferred to hysterectomy?
Hormone therapy
Why do all hysterectomy surgeries require a f/c?
so close to bladder, we don’t want to nick the bladder during surgery, want the bladder collapsed
How many voids to measure after f/c has ben removed?
abdominal hysterectomy
suprapubic cut- more pain, complications
removal of tubes
removal of ovaries
nsg dx after hysterectomy?
Disturbed body image
Acute pain
Deficient knowledge
Why do we check vitals and count peri pads post hysterectomy?
in case of Hemorrhage
DVT- higher risk with ______ surgery
How to promote early diagnosis of vulvular cancer
Encourage regular pelvic exams, Pap smears, and self-examination for early diagnosis.
Treatment for vulvar cancer includes wide excision of the vulva: vulvectomy
Chemotherapy usually admin via
s/e chemotherapy
neutropenia, thromobocytopenia, nephrotoxicity, neurotoxicity, hair loss, hypersensitivity reactions, nausea, and vomiting.

more susceptible to anemia (decrease RBC), bleeding (Decrease plt), and infection (decrease WBC) d/t decrease of blood cells
examples of chemotheraoy drugs?
Paclitaxel (Taxol)
Carboplatin (paraplatin)
Liposomal therapy
Internal (intracavitary radiation)
surgically put in radiation seeds inside a cavity
What precautions to take if pt is receiving intracavitary radiation?
If pregnant do no take care of a family member or pt that has radiation seeds implanted in them, need a nurse that can get in and out very quickly and efficiently, nurse wont be spending a lot of time with them. Will have a radiation cart outside door and sign on door. Double glove for urine specimens
patient prep for pap smear
Scheduled between mensus so blood flow does not interfere with the test
Woman should not douche, have vaginal intercourse, or use vaginal medications or deodorants 24 hrs before the test
assist pt into lithotomy position
relaxation techniques
patient prep for ultrasound
Women should have a full bladder for uterine US
For and, breast, or scrotal scan oil or gel is applied to the fully exposed area
For transvaginal or transrectal, a condom is placed on the transducer along with gel
almost any disease that disturbs a woman's metabolism or nutrition can depress ovarian function and cause amenorrhea
Failure of ovulation is associated with greater risk for
endometrial cancer
How long does the intracavitary radiation capsule stay in the uterus?
1-3 days
Who can visit a pt with intracavitary radiation?
noone, they are on strict isolation
Activity order for pt with intracavitary radiation?
Strict bedrest on back with head of bed flat or slightly elevated. movement in bed is restricted to prevent dislodgement of implant
Can pt get up to void with intracavitary radiation?
No, they will have a f/c
Diet and specific meds for pts with intracavitary radiation?
low residue, lots of fluid, and antidiarrheals to prevent BMs
Estrogen treatment
Used when bleeding is heavy and acute,
Is associated with an increased risk for coronary heart disease and breast cancer
If HRT- estrogen with progestin- necessary, what is the recommendation?
to maintain quality of life, take HRT at the lowest possible dose to relieve symptoms for the shortest period of time
Estrogen given alone can cause
endometrial cancer, gallbladder disease, thromboembolic conditions such as DVT and stroke,