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46 Cards in this Set

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Brown vs. Board of Education 347 U.S. 483 (1954)

1. Overruled the decision in Plessy vs. Ferguson (1896) that has permitted separate but equal education to Negro Children 2. Declared the separation of Negro and while students to be unconstitutional and ordered desegregation of schools 3. Established principle of equal educational opportunity for all students

"Separate but Equal"

Castenada vs. Pickard 1981

Districts must have 1. pedagogically sound plan for LEP students 2. sufficient qualified staff to implement the plan (includes hiring of new staff and training of current staff) 3. A system established to evaluate the program. Castenada did not require bilingual education programs to meet these standards. It required only that appropriate action taken to overcome language barriers

Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

Context embedded communication provides several communicative supports to the listener or reader which help make the information comprehensible.

One to one social conversation with physical gestures, or storytelling activities that include visual prompts


A child may make an English error due to the direct influence of an L1 structure.

esta casa es muy grande = the house is more bigger

Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills

Context - reduced communication provides fewer communicative clues to support understanding. Examples include phone conversations which provide no visual clues

A note left on a refrigerator


Bilingual education program model(s) that provide primary language instruction on a temporary basis before students are provided instruction exclusively in English.

Transitional bilingual education programs are _________ in nature

Structured Immersion

The goal of this program is acquisition of English language skills so that the ELL student can succeed in an English only mainstream classroom.

Late Exit

A bilingual education model that provides primary language instruction throughout fifth and sixth grades at the elementary level before students are transitioned into English instruction


Bilingual education program models that develop and maintain students' primary language while simultaneously adding a second language.

There is no loss to students' primary language or culture

Early Exit

A bilingual education model that provides primary language instruction for a short amount of time until students are transitioned into English instruction.

Students in _________ transitional programs are typically transitioned into English instruction in second or third grade


Learners are transitioned into English content classes, and are given support in their first language, as in transitional programs. They also receive language arts in their native language, enabling them to become literate in both their primary and content languages.

Become literate in both languages


Bilingual education program model that provides instruction in students' primary language before being transitioned into English instruction. Transitional bilingual education programs may be early exit or late exit.

Goal - eventual monolingualism in English


Additive form of bilingual education where students continue to maintain their primary language while learning a second language. Common forms of developmental bilingual education may be Dual Immersion/two way Immersion or one way Immersion programs. Development bilingual education programs are also known as maintenance bilingualism.

The Fourteenth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution

This amendment established the constitutional basis for the educational rights of minority students. Guaranteed that no state can make or enforce any law abridging the privileges or immunities of citizens nor deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny equal protection of the laws.

Title VI Civic Rights Act of 1964

Prohibited discrimination in federally funded programs. Subsequently cited in many court cases stating that a student had a right to meaningful and effective instruction

Idaho vs. Migrant Council 1981

Established the legal responsibility of the State Department of Education to monitor implementation of programs for LEP students

Teresa P. vs. Berkeley Unified

Used Castenada vs. Pickard decision to evaluate the district program for LEP students

Denver vs. School District No. 1 (Denver) 1983

Used Castaneda vs. Pickard decision to evaluate the district program for LEP students

Plyer vs. Doe 1981

United States Supreme Court reasoned that illegal aliens though not citizens of the United States or Texas are people "in any ordinary sense of the term" and therefore are afforded Fourteenth Amendment protection. The state law severely disadvantaged the children of illegal aliens by denying them the right to an education. Texas could not prove that the regulation was needed to serve a compelling state interest so Supreme Court "struck down the law as unconstitutional, allowing illegal immigrant children a free public education"

Illinois vs. Gomez 1987

State responsibility includes establishing and enforcing minimums for implementation of language remediation programs. Requires the redesignation of students from LEP to FEP (fluent English proficient) status


Governor Ronald Reagan signs SB 53, the legislation allowing the use of other languages of instruction in California public schools. This bills overturned the 1872 law requiring English only instruction.

History of Bilingual Education in California

Lau Remedies 1975

HEW established some basic guidelines for schools with Limited English Proficiency students. Discontinued by the Reagan Administration.

Lau vs. Nicholas 1974

The US Supreme Court reaffirmed the 1970 Memorandum regarding denial of access and participation in an educational program due to inability to speak/understand English in a class action suit brought by Chinese speaking students against the school district.

Equal Educational Opportunity Act of 1974

Provided definitions of what constituted denial of equal educational opportunity

The failure by an education agency to take appropriate action to overcome language barriers that impede equal participation by students in an instructional program

Bilingual Education Acts of 1968 and 1974

Provided supplemental funding for school districts interested in establishing programs to meet the special educational needs of large numbers of children of LE speaking abilities in the United States.

Aka Title VII

May 25, 1970 Memorandum

The Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW) issued an interpretation of the Title VI I regulations that prohibited the denial of access to educational programs because of students LEP


Emerging linguistic system that has been developed by a learner of a second language (or L2) who has not become fully proficient yet but has not become fully proficient yet but is only approximating the target language: preserving some featured of their first language or L1 in speaking or writing the TL and creating innovations.


Codemixing occurs when the child uses both languages within the same phrase or sentence


Permanent interference such as an accent

Silent Period

Phenomenon when children are first exposed to a second language, frequently they focus on listening and compression.

Children are often very quiet - speaking little as they focus on understanding the new language.


Involves changing languages over phrases or sentences

Me gustaria manejar - I'll take the car (I'd like to drive - I'll take the car)


Chacón-Moscone Bilingual-Bicultural Education Act established transitional bilingual education programs to meet the needs of limited English proficient (LEP) students. Program requirements follow federal guidelines for identification, program placement and reclassification of students as fluent English proficient (FEP)

History of Bilingual Education in California


Bilingual Education Act strengthened, spelling out in great detail the obligations of school districts to language minority students.


Governor Deukmejian vetoes AB 2813 to extend the bilingual education into law


Governor Deukmejian again rejects a reauthorization bill and the bilingual education law is allowed to expire. The Sunset Provisions of the law go into effect. School districts continue to enforce the provisions of Chacón-Moscone without a clear mandate to do so.


Four school districts in California are granted "waivers" by the State Board of Education exempting them from compliance with the provisions of the Bilingual Education Act. The waivers allowed the districts to establish "sheltered English immersion" programs and to dismantle their bilingual education programs.


The Orange Unified School District is sued in California State Court in Sacramento in Quiroz et al. vs. State Board of Education by plaintiffs claiming that LEP students' rights are violated by the school district waivers for English-only instruction.

March 1998

Judge Robie rules that the State Board of Education was not authorized to grant waivers to the expired Bilingual Education Act. Further, the ruling stated that Orange Unified School District did not have to provide bilingual education under California law; only federal legal requirements for educating language minority children applied.

May 1998

Governor Pete Wilson vetoes Senate Bill 6. SB 6 contained many of the provisions of the Chacón-Moscone law but granted flexibility to school districts to use bilingual education or English immersion according to local needs and preferences.

May 1998

Governor Pete Wilson vetoes Senate Bill 6. SB 6 contained many of the provisions of the Chacón-Moscone law but granted flexibility to school districts to use bilingual education or English immersion according to local needs and preferences.

June 3, 1998

Passage of Proposition 227 virtually banning bilingual education except under certain special conditions and establishing a one-year "sheltered immersion" program for all LEP students.

July 1998

A request for an injunction against implementation of Proposition 227 in Valeria G. v. Wilson is denied by Judge Charles Legge of U.S. District Court in San Francisco. The ruling is based on precedents established in Castañeda v. Pickard that allowed "sequential" programs for teaching English language and then academic content such as the "structured English immersion" design of Proposition 227. However, Judge Legge's ruling clarifies school districts' obligation to language minority students to "recoup" any academic deficit that occurred while students are learning English within a reasonable period of time until LEP students are achieving academically at a level comparable to their English-speaking peers.

April 1999

The California State Board of Education eliminates the redesignation criteria formerly in place for classification of a limited English proficient student from LEP to Fluent English Proficient (FEP). Each of the 1,000 school districts is now required to set their own criteria for classifying students as fluent English speakers. A state-sponsored English Language Development test and linked to the ELD Standards was developed based on the Escutia Bill (1996).

January 2006

A study by AIR/WestEd on the impact of Proposition 227 after five years of implementation shows that assessment data do not show a significant difference in English-only versus bilingual education approaches to instructing English Language Learners.

April 2014

SB 1174 (Lara) is passed to place an initiative on the November 2016 election ballot to overturn most provisions of Proposition 227.


: A submersion program places ELL students in a regular English-only program with little or no support services on the theory that they will pick up English naturally. This program should not be confused with a structured English immersion program.