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57 Cards in this Set

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Acids are defined as compounds that dissociate in water to release:
Choose one answer.
a. hydrogen ions
b. hyrdoxide ions
c. chloride ions
d. calcium ions
e. potassium ions
Hydrogen Ions
he compound or molecule of interest analysed by a biochemist is referred to as:
Choose one answer.
a. a substrate
b. an atom
c. a solute
d. an analite
e. an analyte
Beer's law relates the:
Choose one answer.
a. amount of Stella one can drink in one session
b. molecular mass of a substance.
c. distance the incidence light has to travel.
d. difference between the colour of two different solutions.
e. concentration of a substance and the amount of transmitted light detected.
concentration of a substance and the amount of transmitted light detected
Marks: --/1
A primary objective of cell fractionation is to:
Choose one answer.
a. sort cells based on their size and weight.
b. separate the major organelles so that their particular functions can be investigated.
c. separate lipid-soluble from water-soluble molecules.
d. determine the size of various organelles.
e. view the structure of cell membranes.
separate the major organelles so that their particular functions can be investigated
In the fractionation of homogenized cells using centrifugation, the primary factor that determines whether a specific cellular component ends up in the supernatant or the pellet is:
Choose one answer.
a. the presence or absence of lipids in the component.
b. the percentage of carbohydrates in the component.
c. the presence or absence of nucleic acids in the component.
d. the size and mass of the component.
e. the relative solubility of the component.
the size and mass of the component.
Enzymes lower barriers that block chemical reactions by:
Choose one answer.
a. increasing chemical bonding
b. reversing entropy
c. increasing the activation energy
d. decreasing chemical bonding
e. lowering the activation energy
lowering the activation energy
The KM of an enzyme is:
Choose one answer.
a. the initials for Karl Marx.
b. the substrate concentration where twice the maximum velocity is reached.
c. the substrate concentration where 25% the maximum velocity is reached.
d. the substrate concentration where half the maximum velocity is reached.
e. its maximum velocity.
the substrate concentration where half the maximum velocity is reached
The advantage of light microscopy over electron microscopy is that:
Choose one answer.
a. light microscopy provides higher contrast than electron microscopy.
b. specimen preparation for light microscopy does not produce artefacts.
c. light microscopy provides for higher resolving power than electron microscopy.
d. light microscopy allows dynamic processes in living cells to be viewed.
e. light microscopy provides for higher magnification than electron microscopy.
light microscopy allows dynamic processes in living cells to be viewed
f an image in the light microscope is viewed through a X40 objective lens and a X10 eyepiece lens, the magnification is:
Choose one answer.
a. X400
b. X50
c. X10
d. X4,010
e. X40
Organisms maintain pH at a constant level through the use of:
Choose one answer.
a. carbohydrates
b. proteins
c. water
d. salts
e. buffers
Water is a polar molecule because of the presence of _____________ bonds.
Choose one answer.
a. hydrogen
b. ionic
c. ionic and polar covalent
d. covalent
e. polar covalent
polar covalent
Positive sub-atomic particles are called:
Choose one answer.
a. protons
b. neutrons
c. isotopes
d. electrons
e. ions
What is the term for the positive and negative ions of a compound breaking apart in solution?
Choose one answer.
a. Reduction
b. Conglomeration
c. Dissociation
d. None of the options given
e. Oxidation
Quantitative analysis:
Choose one answer.
a. detects the presence or absence of a substance in a sample.
b. is not necessary in a bioanalytical test.
c. determines the amount of a particular substance in a sample.
d. always yields a positive result.
e. is always necessary in a bioanalytical test.
determines the amount of a particular substance in a sample
The region of an enzyme that binds to a substrate is called:
Choose one answer.
a. a motif
b. the inactive site
c. the substrate site
d. the active site
e. an epitope
The active site
What is the valence of carbon?
Which of the following cytoskeleton proteins has a right-handed double helix structure with 13 protein subunits per turn?
Choose one answer.
a. Myosin (Type II)
b. Intermediate filaments
c. Actin microfilaments
d. Dynein
e. Tubulin
actin microfilaments
Water passes quickly through cell membranes because:
Choose one answer.
a. water movement is tied to ATP hydrolysis.
b. it moves through hydrophobic channels.
c. it moves through aquaporins in the membrane.
d. the bilayer is hydrophilic.
e. it is a small. polar, charged molecule
Which of the following best describes the cross-section structure of the microtubules in the basal body of a cilia or flagella?
Choose one answer.
a. 9 triplets + 1 doublet structure
b. 9 singlet structure
c. 9 doublets structure
d. 9 triplets structure
e. 9 doublets + 2 singlet structure
9 Triplets structure
The process of capturing energy by breaking down complex molecules into simpler molecules is called:
Choose one answer.
a. metabolism
b. gluconeogenesis
c. catabolism
d. anabolism
e. phosphorylation
Which of the following provides "walk ways" for organelles to follow in cytoplasmic streaming that can be observed in plant cells?
Choose one answer.
a. Intermediate filaments
b. Myosin (Type II)
c. Dynein
d. Actin microfilaments
e. Tubulin
actin microfilaments
Which of the following is true of the evolution of cell membranes?
Choose one answer.
a. An individual organism selects its preferred type of cell membrane for particular functions.
b. Cell membranes have stopped evolving now that they are fluid mosaics.
c. Cell membranes cannot evolve if the membrane proteins do not.
d. All components of membranes evolve in response to natural selection.
e. The evolution of cell membranes is driven by the evolution of glycoproteins and glycolipids.
All components of membranes evolve in response to natural selection.
Which of the following types of movement DOES NOT involve interactions between dynein or kinesin motor proteins and microtubules?
Choose one answer.
a. Formation of pseudopodia
b. Axonal transport
c. Separation of chromosomes during mitosis
d. Movement of cilia
e. Movement of flagella
Formation of pseudopodia
Who described the "Fluid Mosaic Model" of cell membrane structure?
Choose one answer.
a. Singer and Nicholson
b. Marie Curie
c. Charles Darwin
d. Robert Hook
e. Banting and Best
singer and nicholson
All the reactions in Glycolysis take place in the:
Choose one answer.
a. vacuole
b. mitochondria
c. cytosol
d. ribosomes
e. nucleus
Which of the following are connected to Desmosome junction proteins?
Choose one answer.
a. Myosin (Type II)
b. Intermediate filaments
c. Tubulin
d. Actin microfilaments
e. Dynein
Intermediate Filaments
Which of the following is NOT an intracellular compartment?
Choose one answer.
a. Chromosome
b. Lysosome
c. Mitochondria
d. Nucleus
e. Chloroplast
Before entering the Kreb's cycle, pyruvate must be converted to:
Choose one answer.
a. lactate
b. glucose
c. ATP
d. succinate
e. acetyl CoA
Acetyl CoA
Mammalian blood contains the equivalent of 0.15M NaCl. Seawater contains the equivalent of 0.45M NaCl. What will happen if red blood cells are transferred to seawater?
Choose one answer.
a. Water will leave the cells, causing them to shrivel and collapse.
b. NaCl will passively diffuse into the red blood cells.
c. The blood cells will take up water, swell and eventually burst.
d. NaCl will be exported from the red blood cells by facilitated diffusion.
e. The blood cells will expend ATP for active transport of NaCl into the cytoplasm.
Water will leave the cells, causing them to shrivel and collapse.
Which of the following best describes the cross-section structure of the microtubules in a cilia or flagella shaft (not the basal body)?
Choose one answer.
a. 9 triplets + 1 doublet structure
b. 9 doublets structure
c. 9 triplets structure
d. 9 doublets + 2 singlet structure
e. 9 singlet structure
9 doublets + 2 singlet structure
Which of the following cytoskeleton proteins has pairs of globular heads with intertwined tails that form the thick bipolar filaments in muscle sarcomeres?
Choose one answer.
a. Myosin (Type II)
b. Tubulin
c. Intermediate filaments
d. Dynein
e. Actin microfilaments
myosin type 2
Which of the following statements is NOT CORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. The thickness of a plasma membrane is 2.5 nm.
b. The nucleolus forms ribosomal RNA.
c. Golgi apparatus consists of a series of flattened sacs (cisternae) which are not physically connected to each other.
d. Organelles provide intracellular compartments for specific cellular processes to take place.
e. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is studded with ribosomes.
Which of the following is unlikely to be found in a phagocytic vesicle in a macrophage?
Choose one answer.
a. A bacterium
b. A disabled organelle
c. A healthy living cell
d. A dying/apoptotic cell
e. A virus particle
a healthy living cell
n the standard genetic code the start codon is:
Choose one answer.
a. AUG
b. UGA
c. UUG
d. UUU
e. ACG
The simple order of steps for protein synthesis is:
Choose one answer.
a. mRNA - Protein - ribosomal RNA
b. DNA - tRNA - Protein
c. Amino acids - mRNA - Protein
d. None of the options shown
e. DNA - mRNA - Protein
DNA - mRNA - Protein
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Before protein synthesis can occur:
Choose one answer.
a. amino acids must be bound to each other by phosphodiester bonds.
b. amino acids must be free and not bound to tRNA.
c. introns must be inactivated.
d. tRNA must be charged by binding to their appropriate amino acid.
e. none of the options shown are correct
tRNA must be charged by binding to their appropriate amino acid.
Which statement about cell division is INCORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. Mitosis is the division of the genetic material in the nucleus.
b. Cytokinesis is the division of the cytoplasm.
c. All cell division (both mitosis and meiosis) results in genetically identical daughter cells.
d. The continuity of life is based on cell division.
e. The frequency of cell division varies with the type of cell.
All cell division (both mitosis and meiosis) results in genetically identical daughter cells
Which statement about eukaryotic cell cycle control is CORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. Cell cycle control molecules - cyclins are present at a constant concentration in the growing cell.
b. Checkpoint of mammalian cell cycle is only found in the S phase.
c. Eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated at certain checkpoints by both internal and external signals.
d. Cyclin-Cdk complex halts the cell cycle at checkpoint.
e. Eukaryotic cell cycle is only regulated by build-in cytoplasmic signals.
Eukaryotic cell cycle is regulated at certain checkpoints by both internal and external signals
Glucose has the formula C6H12O6 and contains an aldehyde functional group. Which statement is CORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. Glucose is a ketose sugar.
b. Glucose is a pentose sugar
c. Glucose is an aldose sugar.
d. Glucose is a disaccharide.
e. glucose is a breakdown product of glyceraldehyde.
aldose sugar
Compared to lard and butter, olive oil and cod liver oil have:
Choose one answer.
a. more cholesterol
b. more hydrogenated fatty acids
c. fewer unsaturated fatty acids
d. more unsaturated fatty acids
e. more trans-unsaturated fatty acids
More unsaturated fatty acids
Which statement about lipids is correct?
Choose one answer.
a. All lipids contain nitrogen.
b. All lipids are made from glycerol and fatty acids.
c. All lipids do not dissolve well in water.
d. All lipids have low energy content.
e. All lipids are acidic when mixed with water.
all lipids do not dissolve well in water
Which statement about lipids and phopholipids is incorrect?
Choose one answer.
a. At the surface of a cell, phospholipids are arranged in a bilayer.
b. A cell could not exist without phospholipids.
c. Lipids are varied in form and function
d. Lipids include waxes, fats and steroids.
e. A phospholipid has three fatty acids attached to glycerol
A phospholipid has three fatty acids attached to glycerol
Maltose is a disaccharide consisting of two glucose residues linked by an alpha 1,4 linkage. Which statement is CORRECT?
Choose one answer.
a. Two glucose residues are linked by a peptide bond.
b. Two glucose residues are linked by a glycosidic bond.
c. "Alpha" gives no information about the position of the OH group on the sugar ring.
d. Two glucose residues are linked by an ester linkage.
e. Two glucose residues are in linear forms in maltose.
Two glucose residues are linked by a glycosidic bond
The nuclear pore complex is involved in:
Choose one answer.
a. DNA synthesis.
b. the export of proteins to the cytoplasm.
c. the export of messenger RNA to the cytoplasm.
d. the import of messenger RNA.
e. RNA synthesis.
the export of messenger RNA to the cytoplasm
The nucleolus is:
Choose one answer.
a. responsible for ribosomal RNA synthesis.
b. none of the options given.
c. found in the cytoplasm.
d. responsible for metabolism.
e. the largest organelle in the cell.
responsible for ribosomal RNA sythesis
Which polysaccharide has the greatest number of branches?
Choose one answer.
a. Cellulose
b. Glycogen
c. Amylopectin
d. Sucrose
e. Amylose
Secondary structures of proteins describe the:
Choose one answer.
a. sequence of amino acid residues.
b. conformation of the peptide backbone.
c. globular structure of a protein.
d. properties of the functional side chains of a polypeptide.
e. number of amino acid residues in a peptide.
conformation of the peptide backbone.
The major macronutrient for all microbial cells is:
Choose one answer.
a. calcium
b. phosphorus
c. nitrogen
d. potassium
e. carbon
Choose the TWO correct answers from the five options. A bacterial culture enters stationary phase because:

1. the cells are preparing for rapid growth.

2. toxic products of metabolism may have accumulated.

3. the energy source may have been depleted.

4. the cells have aged and old cells cease dividing.

5. the cells must synthesise new proteins before they can resume growth.

Choose one answer.
a. 1 and 2
b. 2 and 3
c. 1 and 5
d. 2 and 4
e. 1 and 4
2 and 3

toxic products of metabolism may have accumulated.
the energy source may have been depleted.
Some bacteria are able to grow at high salt concentrations because their cytoplasm contains high concentrations of:
Choose one answer.
a. amino acids such as proline.
b. lipid
c. polyalcohols like glycerol
d. sodium ions
e. catalase
amino acids such as proline
The enzyme catalase detoxifies which of the following molecules?
Choose one answer.
a. hydrogen peroxide
b. superoxide anion
c. hydroxyl free radical
d. singlet oxygen
e. triplet oxygen
hydrogen peroxide
Which term most accurately describes the material surrounding cells in a biofilm?
Choose one answer.
a. Extracellular polysaccharide
b. Glycocalyx
c. Extracellular polymeric substance
d. Slime
e. Matrix
extracellular polymeric
How do bacteria multiply?
Choose one answer.
a. Depending on the species, by either binary fission or hyphal extension.
b. By meiosis
c. By hyphal extension only
d. By binary fission only
e. By budding only
binary fission or hyphal extension
Phosphorus is needed by microorganisms for the synthesis of:
Choose one answer.
a. proteins
b. DNA and RNA only
c. DNA, RNA and proteins
d. phospholipids only
e. DNA, RNA and phospholipids
DNA, RNA and phospholipids
Photosynthetic bacteria include:
Choose one answer.
a. Anabaena
b. Shigella
c. Vibrio and Escherichia
d. Vibrio
e. Escherichia
Catabolism is a term used to denote:
Choose one answer.
a. an energy consuming process involving the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic ones.
b. the synthesis of organic substances from inorganic ones
c. the breakdown of compounds to release energy
d. an energy consuming process
e. the combined processes of metabolism and anabolism
the breakdown of compounds to release energy
The term "primary metabolite" means:
Choose one answer.
a. a compound produced by a microorganism during the growth phase
b. a compound that is essential for the nutrition of microorganisms
c. a compound produced by a microorganism at the stationary phase
d. a compound that is essential for the synthesis of the main macromolecules
e. a compound needed for the production of energy
a compound produced by a microorganism during the growth phase