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14 Cards in this Set

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What are the parts/domains of ATP synthase

F1 (matrix)

F0 (membrane bound

Describe F1 structure

in the matrix

3 alpha and 3 beta subunits form a ball structure

-Gamma subunit runs up middle

-Delta and epsilon connect domains

Carries out catalytic synthesis of ATP (conformational changes in Beta subunits)

Describe F0 structure

Membrane bound

-a-subunit is where protons enter

-protons bind to c-subunit (10-15) which forms a ring and is responsible for rotation

-B,d, and H subunits form strator which holds things together and restricts roatation

Describe flow of electrons through ATP synthase

Protons flow through the a-subunit of F0, and bind to c-subunit

-conformational change occurs translating up to B-subunits of F1, causing ATP synthesis

-protons then released from C into matrix

Explain Boyler's Binding Change mechanism

Three Beta-subunits in different states (open, loose, or tight)

-ADP + Pi bind to L state,

-conformational change from gamma causing beta conformational change to tight state bringing substrates together

-ATP forms

-Changes to open state and ATP released

Describe reversing ATP synthase

can use ATP hydrolysis to reverse flow of protons

explain how many Hydrogen you need per ATP

3 through ATP synthase to make ATP, but 1 more needed to balance charges

ATP (-4) leaves, and ADP (-3) and Pi (-2) enter, leaving a miss match, so bringing in one H+ equals this out

What is the P/O Ratio

ATP's per oxygen,

used to determine how many ATP per NADH/FADH2

How many ATP per NADH


How many ATP per FADH2


What is the exception to P/O ratio numbers

NADH produced in cytosol (glycolysis) cannot enter ETC

Uses a glycerophosphate shuttle to transfer electrons to FADH2, and only yields 1.5ATP

Describe the glycerophosphate shuttle

NADH produced in cytosol (glycolysis) cannot enter ETC.

Therefore passes electrons to DHAP (reduced), producing GAP. Which then reduced FAD to FADH2, which then goes into ETC

How much water is formed

For every 1 ATP synthesized = 1 water

+ 1 water formed at the end of the ETC

therefore 3.5/NADH and 2.5/FADH2

Describe net ATP gain from 1 glucose

2 ATP from Glycolysis

2 NADH from glycolysis (3 ATP)

2 NADH from PDC (5 ATP)

2 rounds of CAC = 6 NADH, 2 FADH2, 2 GTP (20 ATP)

30 ATP total