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35 Cards in this Set

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platysma + innervation
O:fascia and skin overlying pectoralis major and deltoid muscles

I: lower border of mandible and skin of face

A: tense skin of neck, draws corner of mouth downward

Inn: facial nerve (CN VII)
sternocleidomastoid + innervation
O: (two heads) from manubrium and sternal end of the clavicle

I: mastoid process and superior nuchal line

A: turns head obliquely to the opposite side when acting alone or flexes the neck when both muscles act together

Inn: spinal accessory nerve (CN XI)
digastric + innervation
O: anterior belly- digastric fossa of mandible
posterior belly- mastoid notch of temporal bone

I: hyoid bone by means of intermediate tendon

A: both raise the hyoid and depress mandible
posterior: retracts hyoid

Inn: anterior- nerve to mylohyoid (CN V3)
posterior- facial nerve (CN VII)
stylohyoid + innervation
O: styloid process of temporal bone

I: hyoid bone (perforated near insertion by digastric muscle)

A: raise and retract hyoid

Inn: facial nerve (CN VII)
mylohyoid + innervation
O: mylohyoid line of mandible

I: hyoid bone and median raphe

A: raise hyoid, depress mandible, support tongue

Inn: nerve to mylohyoid (CN V3)
omohyoid + innervation
O: superior border of scapula (inferior belly)

I: hyoid bone (superior belly); central tendon is held to clavicle by fascial sling

A: depress hyoid

Inn: ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
sternohyoid + innervation
O: manubrium of sternum

I: hyoid bone

A: depress hyoid

Inn: ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
sternothyroid m + innervation
O: manubrium of sternum

I: thyroid cartilage

A: depresses larynx

Inn: ansa cervicalis (C1-C3)
thyrohyoid + innervation
O: thyroid cartilage

I: hyoid bone

A: depress hyoid, elevate larynx

Inn: C1
muscles innervated by ansa cervicalis
sternohyoid, sternothyroid, both bellies of omohyoid
muscles innervated by facial nerve CN VII
platysma, posterior belly of digastric, stylohyoid m.
muscles innervated by nerve to mylohyoid
mylohyoid and anterior belly of digastric
scalene muscles + innervation
O: transverse processes of cervical vertebrae
anterior: C3-C6
middle: C1-C7
posterior: C4-C6

I: first and second rib (posterior)

A: flex and rotate the neck and head; raise upper 2 ribs during forced inspiration

Inn: VPRs of cervical nerves
Temporalis muscle OIA
O: whole of the temporal fossa and the temporalis fascia

I: the muscle and the tendon attach to anterior and medial border of the mandibular ramus from tip of coronoid process down to the region directly posterior to the 3rd molars

A: elevates the mandible during biting and mastication, posterior fibers retract mandible
medial pterygoid OIA
O; medial surface of the lateral pterygoid plate, the posterior portion of the palatine (pyramidal process) and maxillary tuberosity

I: medial aspect of the angle of mandible, inferior to mandibular foramen

A; elevates and protrudes mandible (bilateral); produces side-to-side movements (unilateral)
superior head of lateral pterygoid OIA
O: infratemporal crest, greater wing of sphenoid

I: articular disk, joint capsule, anterior condylar neck

A: control position of disc during closing
inferior head of lateral pterygoid OIA
O: lateral surface of the lateral pterygoid plate

I: depression on the anterior condylar neck (pterygoid fovea)

A: protrude and depress mandible (bilateral); side-to-side movements (unilateral)
masseter OIA (deep portion)
O: deep medial surface of the zygomatic arch

I: the superior half of the lateral mandibular ramus

A: elevate the mandible (transverse movements when firing unilaterally)
masseter OIA (superficial portion)
O: the anterior 2/3 of the inferior surface of the zygomatic arch

I: the lateral aspect of the ramus of the mandible down to the angle of the mandible

A: A: elevate the mandible (transverse movements when firing unilaterally)
lateral excursion of the mandible
inf. head of lateral pterygoid
medial pterygoid
both heads of masseter
elevate the mandible


medial pterygoid
depress the mandible
inf. head of lateral pterygoid
ant. digastric
retrusion of the mandible
posterior fibers of temporalis
protrusion of the mandible
inf. lateral pterygoid
medial pterygoid
superior constrictor + inn
O: pterygoid hamulus, pterygomandibular raphe, posterior end of mylohyoid line, side of tongue

I: median raphe of pharynx, pharyngeal tubercle

A: constrict wall of pharynx

Inn: CN XI via X
middle constrictor
O: stylohyoid ligament, hyoid bone

I: median raphe of pharynx

A: constrict wall of pharynx

Inn: XI via X
inferior constrictor
O: thyroid cartilage

I: median raphe of pharynx

A: constrict wall of pharynx

Inn: XI via X
salpingopharyngeus + inn
O: cartilaginous part of auditory tube

I: merges with fibers of palatopharyngeus and attaches with them

A: elevates pharynx

inn: CN XI via X
stylopharyngeus OIA + inn
O: medial aspect of styloid process

I: thyroid cartilage

A: helps to elevate the pharynx/larynx

Inn: CN IX
palatopharyngeus + inn
O: posterior border of hard palate and aponeurosis of soft palate

I: pharyngeal wall and posterior border of thyroid cartilage

A: elevate pharynx/larynx

inn: XI via X
geniohyoid + inn
O: inferior genial spine

I: body of hyoid

A: pulls hyoid anterosuperiorly, thereby shortening floor of the mouth (aids in swallowing)

Inn: C1 via hypoglossal (CNXII)
palatoglossus (substance of anterior arch)
O: palatine aponeurosis
I: side of tongue
A: elevates posterior portion of tongue

Inn: XI via X
levator veli palatini
O: petrous portion of temporal bone & cartilage of auditory tube
I: palatine aponeurosis
A: elevates the soft palate

Inn: XI via X
tensor veli palatini
O: scaphoid fossa, spine of sphenoid and membranous portion of the auditory tube
I: palatine aponeurosis
A: tenses the soft palate, opens auditory tube
Inn: V3
has an insertion at thyroid cartilage

has an origin here

inferior constrictor