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105 Cards in this Set

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The collection of microorganism found in a specific part of a body .


Inhibit , hinder , hamper .

Tastebuds... n.

Flavour receptors found on the tongue.

Trait ... N .

Characteristic that can be inherited

It can be physical or behavioural .

Synonym: feature , characteristic .


Something that the majority of people would use it .

Gut ... N .

Digestive organs in the abdominal cavity like stomach or intestine.

Barley... N.

Savoury flavour.

Means salty .


Soup containing meat or vegetables sometimes thickend with with cereal .

Boogie on down .

start yr stuff

,throw shapes

hit the dance floor.

( Modern idioms ) to dance .

Like nobody's business

Idiom means very quickly or very well .

At all cost

Idiom means whatever happens

Sit on the fence

Idiom means delay making a dicision . محلك سر

Twitch n.

Sudden jerky movement like spasm in a part of yr body .

Spasm n.

contaction in muscles that cause a quick and uncontrolled movement like it is like when yr leg twitches or yr eyes spasms .

Jerk ... N.

Synonym: twitch , spasm .


Sensation that causes laughter or discomfort and occurs by external stimuli .


Sensation is described as pins or needles it can be caused by pressre on nerves , reduced blood flow or nerve damage .

It s passive n occure without external stimuli.


تنميل ، خدر

Cramp ... N .

Painful contractions in muscles caused by various reasons like fatigue or dehydration.

Muscles soreness

Pain Typically after workout ..

Divergent thinking

The ability to generate multiple solutions or ideas from a single problem or scenario .


Synonyms: enhance , boost , support, encourage.

Convulsion.. n

Sudden , violent contractions in muscles , uncontrolled shaking or jerking of the body Caused by neurological conditions like epilepsy.

Whst do u reckon ?

Whats yr opinion? But in an informal way .

Crave ... V.

Have a strong desire

Synonym: long for , wish , hunger for , thirst for ....

Erratically ... Adv.


Malfunction .. n .



When u do something to excess like eating, drinking or spending money .


Tolerance... تساهل

Catonine tails

Now means by which someone criticises themselves as a form of self punishment because they feel guilty.



سردين سمك


The first third of the year .


Realize , understand.. to be aware of something.

Open up

Speak more easily than usual especially about worries n problems

To take something with a pinch of salt means... ( Idiom)

Don't believe everything u r told ,

Dont mind of this

Dont care of that .

Mixed bag

It can be good or bad .

Culture shock

An uncertain feeling when in a new environment.

Ritual ... N. Or adj .

Synonym: Rite شعيرة

U r assigned a role .

تم تعيينك او تخصيصك لتؤدي دور معين .

Demarcation.... N.

The act of the boundary of something.

فصل بين حاجتين

Ex: my children havent been raised with the line of demarcation between the adult's table and kid's table .

Mind- boggling

Difficult to understand.

Chapping ... N

I often use my lip balm to prevent chapping.

Lush. .... Adj

Prolific, productive


15 days

Ease.. v or n .

To Facilitate.

Frantic .... Adj

Distraught مضطرب with fear , anxiety n worries

Synonym: hectic

Antynom: calm


Grind .. n.

Hard n dull working

Stroll .... N.


Sizzling... Adj informal

Very hot

The sizzling summer temperature


Active in night

Soothing... Adj .

Synonym: calming , sedative مسكن.

Cramming ... N.

Completely fill

Confine... V.

Restrict ...

Seize ..v.




Implement .. v.

Synonym: Execute

Consolidate .. v.


Revise the vocabularies to consolidate them in yr mind .

Grasp... V.

Understand or hold firmly.


Dull adj

Boring , tedious مضجر


Wordrope or closet

Dining... N

تناول الطعام




راحة نفسية

Antynom: panic


Ex: you keep me awake all the night with your snoring .

Nudge ... V.

Synonym: prod , poke .

Manky ... Adj

Dirty, filthy ,unattractive, used up

Advantageous.. adj

Useful , beneficial , helpful.

Colonial ... Adj


Paternalistic ... Adj

أبوية .

Paternalism... N.

Making decisions for other people n limiting their freedom.

Infantilize ...v.

To treat someone as a child

Ex: Seeing yourself as a victim infantilizes you .

Autonomy... N .

To be independent .

تعني استقلال الفرد او الحكومات نفسيا وماديا .

The ability to make your own decisions rather than being influenced by someone else .

Antynom: dependance


Antynom: deliberately

Subtle .... Adj

Using Cleverness and indirect ways to achieve something.


The one who is shopping.

Executive... Adj.


For the public good

للصالح العام .


Clay , mud


Weaken .


Ways of gentle persuading or encouraging someone to take decisions.

It is in yr best interests

Means it is the most advantageous for u to do .

Engineer ( something) out

Design is such a way that something is not required.

Geared around

Organised n prepared towards a certain activity .

Swim against the tide

Do the opposite of most people.

Drive someone towards

Push someone to accept a new situation.

Bum... N.

( Ass , butt ).. informal American slang words .

Buttocks is neutral ( formal n informal ) .

Bum ... British word .

Underdog ... N.

Person who seems least likely to win .

Look down yr nose at someone

Think u r better than that one .

Choking ... N

Failure of a sport player to perform their best due to psychological pressure or social expectations.

Top dog

Informal.. most successful person in a gr .

In the filb side

The opposite, less positive, less popular side .

Pitch ... N.

Spill the beans... Idiom

Tell people secret info .

Nutmeg ... N.

جوزة الطيب



Mass - produce

Produce alot of the same product cheaply in a factory .


Made specifically forcone person in particular


Difficult to read n spell n write

Colour - coded

Using different colours to represent different parts of something.


Collect money for funding something.

Litter collection

جمع القمامة .