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74 Cards in this Set

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what is the most common type of thyroid carcinoma
papillary carcinoma
what is the MOA of ergot alklaloids
block 5HT2 receptors to cause vasoconstriction

ergotamine, methysergide
what is the MOA of the -triptan drugs?

(sumatriptan, almotriptan, eletriptan, zolmitriptan, etc)
stimulate 5HT1 receptors to cause vasoconstriction

sumatriptan is the big one
avoid use w other serotonin drugs ..or may get serotonin syndrome
what is the MOA of the -setron drugs

(ondansetron, granisetron, dolasetron, palonosetron etc)
block 5HT3 receptors to prevent Nause and vomiting
what is the MOA of metoclopramide
5HT4 agonist to prevent vomiting

(5H4 in gut increases GI motility)
MOA of buspirone
5HT1 agonist - used to treat anxiety
MOA of bromocriptine
Dopamine receptor agonist

(increase D2, decreases prolactin) major use is for hyperprolactinemia, also used in Tplant pt's to suppress T cells (prolactin stimulates T cells)
loops like furosemide and torsemide are contraindicated in people with what allergy
sulfa allergy
AEs of loops
hypoCa (thiazides = hyperCa)
alkalosis (body tries to reabsorb the K you're dumping by exchanging it for H on the way out the tube)
triamterine and amiloride = what are they and MOA?
potassium sparing diuretics

block Na/K exchange in late distal tubule and collecting duct
what are the osmotic agents
mannitol and urea

grab h20 as they filter through the kidney - used in ARF, maintain urine flow following toxic ingestions, and decrease ICP
where do we see michaelis gutman bodies?
michaelis gutman bodies seen in malakoplakia

malakoplakia - soft yellow plaques in bladder mucosa. composed of foamy macrophages and MN giant cells w concretions (these are the michaelis gutman bodies)
what is the most common site of hyperplasia of the prostate

this anteromedial portion is estrogen sensitive
what is the most common area of adenocarcinoma of the prostate

this posterolateral portion is androgen sensitive
alpha blockers and finasteride are used to tx what
what are the typical causative agents of acute and chronic prostatitis?
acute - bacterial, usually gram negatives like e coli

chronic - usually non bacterial, but can be chlamydia

Dx w urine Cx and tx w Abx if bacterial
what kind of cancer is prostate cancer
what do we use to determine the grade of prostate cancer
gleeson score

score range 2-10...the higher = worse Px
where does prostate cancer like to met to?
BONEs...osteoblastic lesions

mets via lymph or blood
what rib corresponds to the sternal angle
rib 2

sternal angle is at T4
when you suck on my nipple, what dermatome do you activate

easy 4 me to get off when you suck my nipple THATS RIGHT
what are the attachments of the diaphragm
xiphoid, ribs 6-12 on either side, bodies and interverterbral discs of L1-L3
primary motion of T spine is

upper T spine - rot, F/E, SB
lower T spine - F/E, SB, rot
what is mullers muscle
elevates eyelid - SNS innervation

levator palpebrae also elevates eyelid - CN III
what are the mm of the tongue

what CN innervates all 3
what does genioglossus muscle do
sticks tongue out
what does styloglossus muscle do
pulls tongue in and up
what does hyoglossus muscle do
pulls tongue down
damage to left CN XII manifests how in the tongue
tongue will point to the side of the CN damage (L in this case)

genioglossus mm of healthy side becomes dominant
what CN provides taste to tongue
anterior 2/3 - CN VII

posterior 1/3 - IX
what CN provide touch/temp to tongue
anterior 2/3 - V3

posterior 1/3 - IX
how many CNs provide sensory input to tongue

which muscle retracts the mandible
which mm opens mouth, protrudes mandible, AND laterall displaces mandible
lateral pterygoid

only mm of mastication to open mouth
what are the mm of mastication
teMporalis, Masseter, Medial pterygoid, lateral pterygoid
what do the digastric and geniohyoid muscles do
open mouth
all the muscles of the larynx are innervated by the recurrent laryngeal nerve except which mm ...what is IT's innervation?
cricothyroid - superior laryngeal nerve
the left recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around which structure
aortic arch
the right recurrent laryngeal nerve wraps around which structure
right subclavian artery
what is the function of the cricothyroid mm?
tighten vocal cord (superior laryngeal nerve)
what is the function of the thyroarytenoid mm?
relax vocal cord (recurrent laryngeal nerve)
what is the function of the lateral cricoarytenoid mm?
close glottis (recurrent laryngeal nerve)
what is the function of the posterior cricoarytenoid mm?
open glottis (recurrent laryngeal nerve)
what nerve provides sensation ABOVE the glottis?

sensation BELOW the glottis?
sensation ABOVE - superior laryngeal

sensation BELOW - recurrent laryngeal
innervation of pec major?

adducts shoulder
main shoulder abductors?
first 60 degrees deltoid, then serratus anterior

deltoid - axillary n
serratus anterior - long thoracic
what mm anteverts shoulder?
antevert - deltoid - axillary n

retrovert - teres major - subscapular nerve
what muscle causes outward rotation of shoulder?
infraspinatus - suprascapular nerve
what muscle causes inward rotation of shoulder?
subscapularis - subscapular nerve
muscles of rotator cuff?

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis
nerves of the brachial plexus?

c5-c6 - upper trunk
c7 - middle trunk
c8 - T1 - lower trunk
posterior cord - c7..axillary and radial nerve
upper brachial plexus injury presents as
waiters tip position, erbs
c5, c6 injured
posterior cord injury presents as
wrist drop, using crutches for too long
radial nerve injury
injury to lower brachial plexus presents as
claw hand, klumpke palsy (pull arm during birth)
ulnar nerve injury - c8-t1
pronator teres innervates by?
median n
the lateral epicondyle is the origin of which group of muscles?
forearm extensors
how does a leg present in a femur neck Fx?
leg abducted and externally rotated
what nerve innervates adductor magnus and minimus?
an injured common peroneal nerve leads to what presentation?
loss of dorsiflexion --> footdrop
injury to tibial nerve leads to what presentation?
cannot plantarflex foot and toes
cobalt OD produces what tell tale sign when you lavage the Pt?
pink gastric lavage

long term sequelae = dilated cardiomyopathy
SSx of benzene toxicity
severe BM damage, wine urine
SSx vinyl chloride toxicity
portal vein fibrosis = recurrent exposure

chronic exposure = angiosarcoma of liver
anxious Pt presents w cherry red lips...you suspect
CO poisioning
india ink is the stain for what organism
all bacteria have a cell wall except which one?

has a cholesterol membrane
all bacteria have peptidoglycan in their cell walls except which two?

teichoic acid is found in which bacteria
gram positive - thick peptidoglycan cell wall
LPS/endotoxin found in which bacteria
gram negative - think peptidoglycan cell wall w an outer membrane containing LPS....a component of LPS is lipid A, which is endotoxin
what makes up mycobacteria's waxy cell wall
mycolic acid
what molecule is fond in spores, allowing them to survive 1000s of years bc they don't dry out
dipicolinic acid
the buzzwords hypopigmented ash leaf patches, leathery cutaneous shagreen spots, and adenoma sebaceum of the face should make you think
tuberous sclerosis
clinical Sx that differentiates cutaneous porphyria tarda from the other porphyrias is?
NO abdominal pain (the others have abd pn)
what does cutaneous porphyria tarda urine look like under woods lamp
woods lamp shows urine fluoresces w distinctive orange-pink color due to increase levels of uroporphyrins