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19 Cards in this Set

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What is the most common result of pre-renal acute renal failure?
Acute Tubular Necrosis (muddy brown casts in urine are pathognomonic) resulting in hyperkalemia and metabolic acidosis
What would you expect to see in a pt with pre-renal acute renal failure (ARF) with regard to urine output, BUN and creatinine?
Hi BUN and Creatinine
BUN:creatinine ration will be >20:1 b/c tubules can't filture out the BUN (blood urea nitrogen)
What causes acute tubulointersitial nephritis and what does it cause in terms of acute renal failure?
Occurs secondary to an allergic reaction (usually to drugs such as NSAIDs, diuretics, PCN - things filtered through the kidneys) or d/t infection (pyelonephritis)
What labs would you expect to see in intrensic or renal acute renal failure with regard to BUN and creatinine?
Hi BUN and creatinine
BUN:creatinine ratio of <10:1
What is the MCC of calcium stones?
Idiopathic Hypercalciuria
What is the cause of cystine stones?

Imparied tubular resorption of:

causes black looking stones and may form a staghorn stone - auto recessive disorder causing cystinuria
What is the clinical presentation of trichomoniasis?
Frothy, Yellow green discharge
Putrid smell
Darting trichomonads
What is the clinical presentation of bacterial vaginosis?
Grey white discharge
Fishy smell (KOH whiff test)
Clue cells
What symptoms does lymphogranuloma venereum cause? What is its cause?
Large palpable granulomas develop in the inguinal LN

Chlamydia types L1, L2, & L3
How can you tell the difference clinically between chancroid and syphillis?
Chancroid chancres are soft and PAINFUL and appear as a school of fish on micro exam - d/t Hemophilus ducreyi

Syphilis causes a painless, hard chancre 2-10wks post sex (1st stage) then moves to a maculopapular red rash on palms and condyloma lata on genitals (2nd stage) then causes gummas (granulomas), tabes dorsalis (don't know where feet are), psychosis, demntia, luetic aneurysm (wrinkled tree @ vaso vasorum), aortitis, and aortic regurg
How does HPV 16 or 18 (or 30s-50s) cause cancer?
Suppresses p53 and RB tumor supressor genes via their viral E6 and E7 genes
What tests will be positive when testing for genital herpes?
+ Tzanck test shows multi-nucleated giant cells
What is the most common germ cell tumor in men? Is it malignant or benign?
Seminoma (painless, tx w/ radiation, +/-HCG test)

What are the signs/symptoms of a Leydig cell tumor in prepubertal boys? Postpubertal?
General: Solid tumor in testicle + for intracytoplasmic Reinke crystals

Prepubertal: precocious puberty d/t excess testosterone produced by Leydigs

Post-pubertal: gynecomastia d/t conversion of the testosterone produced by the Leydigs into estrogen compounds via aromatase
A pt's histology report comes back describing a cystic tumor lined with cells like fallopian tube epithelium (ciliated and secrete watery secretion). What type of ovarian tumor is this?

Either cystadenoma or cystadenocarcinoma (1/2 of all ovarian carcinomas and bilateral)
What is a unique characteristic seen in Brenner tumors?
Contractile ability of tumor cells d/t transitional epithelium composition
What is a struma ovarii?
Ovarian tumor that is typically made of thyroid tissue resulting in hyperthyroidism
Why do Granulosa-Theca cell tumors cause secondary endometrial hyperplasia/endometrial cancer?
Granulosa produces estrogen and Theca produces androgen which is converted to estrogen

+Call-Exner bodies (follicle filled w/ eosinophilic material)
What is a Krukenberg tumor?
Tumor in ovary that metastasized from somewhere else characterized by bilateral replacement of ovaries with mucin-producing signet ring cells

Usual source of mets is the stomach