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29 Cards in this Set

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primary sclerosing cholangitis
noninfx inflamma and sclerosis of bile ducts
pruritis (1st sign), RUQ pain, jaundice, cirrhosis
elevated direct bilirubin
elevate alkaline phosphatase
high risk: IBD especially ulcerative collitis in young jewish males
primary biliary cirrhosis
autoimmi destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts
pruritis-->jaundice, steatorrhea, xanthelasmas
(+) AMA
elevated ALP, GGT, bilirubin (later)
women 35-60
more common in CREST, Sjogren's synd, Type I DM
uridine diphosphated glucuronosyl transferase
converst indirect bilirubin to direct
primary causes of jaundice
1: hemolysis: ince indirect bilirubin (G6PD def, sickle cell, AHA)
2) def of glucuronosyl transferase: incre indirect (gilbert, briggler najjar)
3) defect in transport of bilirubin from liver to bile duct: incre direct bilirubin (viral hepatitis, mononucleosis, rotor syn, dubin johnson synd)
4)obstruction of biliary system: incre direct
criggler najjar
type 2: AD, decreased uridine diphosphated glucuronosyl transferase-->chronic elevation of inderent bilirubin
type 1: AR, absent uridine diphosphated glucuronosyl transferase, no direct bilirubin, die in 1 YEAR
dubin johnsn
impaired hepatocellular secretion secondary to a carrier defect
darkly pigmented liver + elevated direct bilirubin
hepatitis A (HAV)
only acute
RNA virus
fecal/oral transmission via contaminated feced and water
actue: HAV IgM
late: HAV IgG (protected due to previous infs, or vaccinated)
incubation 2-6 weeks
Hep B (HBV)
serum hepatitis
DNA virus
HBs-Ag: indicates current infx (either acute or chronic)
HBe-Ag: marker for highest infectivity period
transmission: parentarraly, sexually, verticaaly
incubation: 2-6 mons
10% become chronic
hepatitis C (HCV)
leading infectious liver dis
episodic increases in transaminases (ALT, AST) wiht normal intervals, all other hep virus produce constant increases in ALT, AST
transfusion hepatitis
transmission: parenterally
incubation: 1-2 months
50-70%: chronic (hepatocellular carcinoma, cirhosis)
RNA virus
occurs only with HBV becaiuse require HBV's Ag coat for replication
2 types of infx:
coinfx: HBV and HDV acquired simultaneously
superinfx: hbv established then get HDV: increase mortatlity of HBV
parenterally and sexually
self limited
never chronic but fulminant in prego
trans: fecal/oral route via water
SE asia, Middle east
trans: parentally, sexually, vertically
increase survival of HIV pts
HBs-Ag: surface ag, indicates current infx, persist for about 3-4 mons, if present >6 mons=chronic, used in vaccines
Anti-HBs: antibody to HBsAg after symps disapear, indicates immnity
AntiHBc; antibody to the core, indicates exposure to hep B virus (past or present infx, not made by vaccines)
appears 4 weks after HBSAg, remains elevated after infx, present during WINDOW PERIOD, NOT PROTECTIVE
HBeAg: appears after HBSAG and disappears before it, indicates extreme infectivity
HBV DNA: in those wiht current infx, used to determine viral load after dx, higher value means higher infecivity, present in WINDOW PERIOD
level of HBS-Ag and anti HBS are too low to be measured even though are infected wiht HBV
negative: hbsag, and anti HBS-ag
posivitve: Anti-HBc, and HBV DNA
HBV vaccines
make anti HBSAg, but not antiHBCAg
alcoholic cirrhosis (Laennec's cirrhosis)
irreversible, most common cause of cirrhosis, end stage of alcoholic hepatitis
cause fatty liver (hepatic steatosis), focal liver necrosis, pmn infiltrate, intracytoplasmic eosinophilic hyaline inclusions (mallory bodies, alcoholic hyaline)
testicular atrophy
high estrogen-->spider angiomata-->gynecomastia, palmar erythema
hepatocyte death-->hepatic encephalopathy (due to high ammonia)
fibrosis-->portal HTN-->ascites (due to low albumin), esophageal varices, hemmorrhoids

early stage alcohilic cirrhosis: micronodular
late stage alcoholic cirrhosis: macronodular
cirrhosis due to viruses or toxins
methotrexate, amiodarone, HBV HCV
wilsons dis
accumulate CU in brain, kidney, liver, cornea
decreased ceruloplasmin
psycosis, athetosis, incordication (1st sign)
high urine Cu (screening test)
kayser fleisher rings
most common liver cancer
metastatic liver cancer
primary sites: breast, lung colon
primary liver cancer
hepatocellular carcinoma (hepatoma)
massive hepatomegaly at tumor site
massive elevation of ALP (made by liver), minor increase in AST, ALT (most of liver is normal)
AFP: tumor marker
casues: chronic HBV, HCV, aflatoxin exposure
usually termical ileum into ascending colon
risk: upto 7 years old, highest risk: 5-10 months
most significant risk: adenovirus infx (pharyngitis, red eye, casue peyers patcch to become huge and become a lead point)
vomit, sausage shaped mass palpable at RUQ and vacant RLQ, CURRANT JELLY STOOLS
midgut volvuls
duodenum and colon malrotate arounnd mesentary art-->constrinction of bowel and vessel
vomitting, diarrhea, abdo distension
necrotizing enterocolitis
risks: maternal NSAID used (def. blood supptly to baby gut), prematurity (immature gut), comorbid dis (icrease sympathetics-->vasoconstrict BV in gut)
bowel mucosa necrosis
vomit, blood in stool, lethargy, temp intability
stills dis
acutely febrile, polyarthrittis, neg RF, micrognathia
occurs before 16, 75% complete remission by adults
psoriatic arthritis
no RF
affects DIP-->sausage digits
Felty syndrome
splenomegaly, polyarticular RA, neutropenia
osteogenisis inperfecta
disorger of collagen-->increa bone Fx, blue thin sclera
newborn type is most severe: skull is WORMIAN BONES
osteopetrosis (marble bone, albers-schonberg dis)
sclerosis of vertebrla endplate-->rugger jersey vertebrae (radiologically)
very brittle bones
aseptic necrosis
cut in blood supply
secondary to trauma to head of femus, tibial tuberosity or scaphoid bone
osgood schlatter dis (aseptic necrosis of tibial tubeosisty) and legg calve perther dis (aseptic nec of femoral head in children w/out trauma hx casue hip pain, knee pain, self limited)