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101 Cards in this Set

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What is making you work so late?

We have been working so late.


Off the top of my head - it means saying something from memory and without thinking much about it.

Off the top of my head, I think we've collected about 10 dollars.

Rob, off the top of your head, do you know exactly how many phrases and idioms we have taught so far?



pile up - gather a large quantity of something into a one place to form a pile

..., so they often pile up food on their plate

get your money's worth - get good value for the money you have spent

John says buffet diners want to get their money's worth - get good value for the money they spend

vicious circle - problem or difficult situation which has the effect of creating new problems which then make the original situation even worse

It's a very vicious circle, I think, right? Everybody wants to overwhelm everybody around you.

caterer - person or company which provides food and drink for special social occasions

They know that… 'Who's the caterer? Ah, these guys are catering. Oh my God, this is gonna be great.

sometimes inviting as many as five thousand guests.



The problem is that no matter how extravagant and expensive one buffet is,

Have you ever been to an all-you-can-eat buffet, Sam?



But feasts are big and boastful

In fact buffets are thought to have come from Sweden in the Middle Ages.


It seems the secret to enjoying a buffet is trying a little bit of everything, without stuffing yourself until you can't move


I need time to perfect my act for the talent show


To Juggle ان يوفق، للتوفيق بين

You need to juggle business and your life

Chatbot - a computer programme designed to have conversations with humans over the internet.

LaMDA is a chatbot - a computer programme designed to have conversations with humans over the internet.

wishful thinking - something which is unlikely to happen.

Professor Benders says that talking about them in connection with computers is wishful thinking.

She thinks the words we use to talk about technology, phrases like 'machine learning', give a false impression about what computers can and can't do

False impression

anthropomorphise - treat an animal or object as if it were human

In other words, we anthropomorphise computers - we treat them as if they were human

blindsided - unpleasantly surprised

And while we're busy seeing ourselves by assigning human traits to things that are not, we risk being blindsided.

get/be taken in (by) someone - be deceived or tricked by someone

The more fluent that text is, the more different topics it can converse on, the more chances there are to get taken in.

New Year's resolution

a promise that you make to yourself to improve your lifestyle by starting to do something good for you (or stop doing something bad) in the coming year

Did you make any New Year's resolutions this year

Are you feeling out of shape after Christmas, like Neil?


Get away with - succeed

what is the least amount of exercise someone can get away with doing whilst still staying healthy?

Which is good news because fewer and fewer of us of doing what the UK government recommends

Fewer of us


the government recently downgraded its recommendations because so few Brits were following it.

Push yourself- increase the amount of effort you put into whatever activity you are doing; try harder

how hard do you push yourself when you go swimming?

Zoe says that if you don't have much time to exercise it's okay to do shorter sessions, as long as you push yourself - try harder and put more effort into what you're doing


a trade-off - you accept the disadvantages of something in order to get the benefit it brings.


sedentary - it involves little exercise or physical activity.

Another problem for many people is that their job is sedentary

Sat down - seated, sitting جالس

easy wins - tasks that are both easy to accomplish and bring benefits.

Especially people who have office jobs are sat down all day, we then look at some of the easy wins

more bang for your buck

idiom which means that you get better results for the same amount of effort you put in.

The big focus around short, sharp exercise sessions is you get more bang for your buck.

Easy wins, like short but intensive bursts of exercise, increase fitness and give you more bang for your buck


It has something to do with....

It has nothing to do with....

It has nothing to do with football!

It has something to do with you.

I don’t like to be out of shape


deflate - to take the air, energy or force out of something

My tyres deflated after I drove over some broken glass.

My hopes of getting the job were deflated when I saw who the other candidate was.

Deflated - feeling less confident and positive than before

Her criticism let me feeling a bit deflated

bickering - arguing over something unimportant

Stop bickering with your brother about that game.

Stop bickering and do your homework!

on edge -

1. mtense due to being nervous or worried.

2. Nervous and not relaxed.

What's the matter? You've been on edge all day!

After that argument, I was on edge all day.

I feel on edge.

What's more, there may even be evolutionary reasons why we're attracted to bad news.


Seek out يبحث عن

Compelled- enforced, forced, obliged

we'll be investigating why we feel compelled to look at, and even seek out, bad news.


Here she outlines the problem for BBC Radio 4 programme, Why Do We Do That?

Search out

Feel ick - an informal American phrase which means feel sick, often because of something disgusting or disturbing.

We go searching out for bad news, looking for things that will make us feel ick inside

We are conditioned.

Joyous 😊

Think we're conditioned to believe that negative experiences shape us more than joyous ones.

To make up for something - means to compensate for something bad with something good.

Ella thinks that the little good news we do hear doesn't make up for the depressing news

Romanticise- if you romanticise something, you talk about it in a way that makes it sound better than it really

Good news is hard to find. In fact, Clara thinks society has romanticised bad, traumatic news

Altogether بشكل كامل

Pouring into

Maybe it's best to stop doomscrolling altogether, but with so much bad news pouring into our mobile phones every day, it's not easy.


.... although there's still plenty of time for 2023 to bring us more doom, hopefully along with a little positivity too.

On tap

When something is on tap, it's easily available so that you can have of much of it as you want.

'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger'

saying which expresses the idea that by going through difficult life experiences, people build up strength and resilience for the future

now we have the news on tap - easily available so that you can have as much of it as you want, whenever you want.



is it some kind of compulsion that comes from somewhere way, way back?

fresh - new or different

You didn't drink your tea! I'll make you a fresh one.

I'll take a fresh look at my notes before the exam.

Fresh tremors (tremors are when the earth moves because of an earthquake)

rattle - move quickly, often loudly

As a verb means "shake violently"

As a noun means "loud and repeated noise"

The wind was so strong that it rattled the windows.

The explosion rattled the cups on the table 5 km away.

The area was rattled by earthquakes.

Imagine the strong wind rattle the windows of a house.

When you bump into a table, the plates and cups might rattle.

Babies often play with a rattle (it's a toy they shake, it make a rattle, the noise, and the name of it is a rattle)

wind down - gradually end, often in stages

It means relax as well

The company are winding down their international operations to save money.

The party started to wind down around 11 and, by midnight, everyone had left.

Death toll from Turkey-Syria earthquakes rises to 46,000 as rescues wind down.

After a hard work day, you might wind down by listening to music 🎶

Tremors affecting Turkey and Syria killed over 44,000 people and left thousands homeless.


The latest quake has caused many buildings weakened by earlier tremors to collapse.


Hospitals evacuated right after new tremors rattle Hatay



Us and Canada are concerned that the Chinese app could be a security risk.


Chinese authorities have criticised the move, saying it's an overreaction

Purging I'd a verb and means to remove something or someone from something else

We will purge corruption from this organisation.

The new leader purged his opponent's supporters from the party.

Citing is

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

Citing security concerns, Canada bans TikTok on government devices. More people are leaving their jobs citing stress. Make sure you cite any research you mention.

overstretching - getting something to do too much.

If you overstretch your clothes, then you pull them so far they become too big

I'm going to stop now. I don't want to overstretch myself.

We've overstretched our budget - we have no money.

To rabbit on - describes someone talking continuously so that other people lose interest in what they are saying and become bored.

Mark just won't stop rabbiting on about the weather - it's so boring!

Freya likes to rabbit on about how amazing her boyfriend is!

Our meeting always overruns because our boss likes to rabbit on about timekeeping!

Climate deniers - people who don't believe that climate change is happening or that it isn't caused by humans.

Make up around يشكلون حوالي

Climate deniers make up around nine percent of the American population, according to some estimates.

Campaigner ناشط

Now, Sarah works as a climate campaigner at the US National Centre for Science Education

Disinformation - false information

معلومات مضللة، نشر معلومات كاذبة،

Marco Silva is a climate disinformation reporter for the BBC

Ill-informed - knowing less than you should about a particular topic. (Unaware).

Full-blown - completely developed or committed.

It's quite important to make here a very clear distinction between being wrong, ill-informed about climate change and being a full-blown climate denier.

Versed - competent, skilled

A lot of people may not be very well versed with the science

at times - sometimes

to be honest, they can at times be quite complex, quite dense

Oh how best to talk....

Here's Marco Silva again, sharing some advice on how best to talk to people about the climate with BBC

The idiom to take a long, hard look at something - means to examine something very carefully in order to improve it for the future.

He's been looking into this long and hard, and when I spoke to him, he gave me a couple of tips.

Throwing insults - you say offensive, hurtful things directly to someone.

backfire, they have opposite effect from the one you intended.

Don't confront them telling them that they're this or that, throwing insults at them, that their beliefs are wrong - that sort of attitude or strategy is only likely to backfire.


Marco mentions Professor van der Linden, a psychologist who has taken a long, hard look at the issue of climate denial

No more drilling on federal lands, period'. That's what Joe Biden promised before he became president.


backing - supporting


(N, V)

The public are backing the politician. She's still popular despite the financial scandalI'll always back you, don't worry.

Go for يختار، يذهب الى، تبحث

they often try to feel better by eating their favourite food… I usually go for a peanut butter sandwich myself.

So, it very often is grabbing something on the go which obviously, as we know, is not great for us… So you go for something that's quick, so hence why a lot of chefs have quite a bad diet.

emotional eating - eating lots of food because we feel sad, not because we're hungry.

Comfort food is a type of emotional eating.

Emotional eating is often caused by feelings of depression, anxiety or stress.

most comfort food is high in carbohydrates and sugar and, after a few minutes, it leaves us feeling even worse than before.



Chef Danny Edwards, who has suffered with depression, works in one of the most stressful places imaginable

appetite can become suppressed because you sometimes don't want to eat, or you don't feel like you can stop and eat


Grab something on the go

So, it very often is grabbing something on the go which obviously, as we know, is not great for us

Even though he's surrounded by food, Danny says that working under stress actually decreases his appetite


Sit-down meal.

To grab and go - take something quickly because he doesn't have much time, although he knows this isn't very healthy.

In a busy kitchen there's no time for a sit-down meal, so Danny has to grab and go.

Calling someone bananas is slang for silly or crazy.

If you roll your eyes, you move your eyes upwards to show you feel annoyed, bored or don't believe what someone is telling you.

So I proposed to do this for my PhD study, and everyone thought I was a bit bananas, you know, and there was quite a bit of, I guess, eye rolling maybe.

What did people say in the field? Were they sceptical?


if someone is patronising you, they speak or behave towards you as if you were stupid or unimportant

hugely sceptical and sometimes very patronising. But this again comes from the fact that general practitioners, psychiatrists, medical specialists get almost no nutrition training through all those years of study.

So the next time you're feeling down and your brain is calling out for a donut, you might be better eating an apple instead!


your appetite can become suppressed because you sometimes don't want to eat

My appetite is suppressed

I'm not surprised by that because the discipline of psychiatry was very medication- and brain-focused.

لست متفاجئًا من ذلك لأن تخصص الطب النفسي كان شديد التركيز على الأدوية والدماغ.

hugely sceptical and sometimes very patronising.

Sceptical - dubious, questioning, doubtful, suspect, suspicious

Grab and go, you take something quickly because you don't have much time.

there's no time for a sit-down meal, so Danny has to grab and go

if someone is patronising you, they speak or behave towards you as if you were stupid or unimportant.


longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England

But the sadness Helen felt didn't disappear, and the longer she lived abroad, the more she wondered whether her feelings were somehow connected to being born in England, into a culture where, traditionally, expressing your emotions was discouraged.

in Japan, crying is considered weak and shameful.


As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it,


A stiff upper lip

As you can imagine, it fits with the era of empire, of white British men going around the world conquering it, and having a stiff upper lip and ruling over the people

Believing themselves

in other parts of the world, and believing themselves, the white Europeans, to be superior… and one sign of that superiority, and Darwin writes: Englishmen rarely caught cry except under the pressure of the acutest grief.

When we cry, our top lip starts to wobble and so this gave rise to the idiom a stiff upper lip, meaning to not show your feelings when you are upset, even though it is difficult not to.


Repressed - means unable to show your true feelings and emotions. قمع، مكبوت

Fortunately, most Brits are less repressed nowadays, but it's still hard for some people, especially men, to express their feelings.

melancholy - intense and thoughtful sadness.

grief - strong feeling of sadness, especially caused by someone's death.

In Irish culture, melancholy is expressed artistically in poems or songs. And in other cultures, India for example, grief can be expressed by professional mourners who are paid to cry by the family of the person who has died.