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95 Cards in this Set

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Familial hypercholesterimia pathogenesis?
defective LDL receptor especially in the liver, hard time removing LDL cholesterol from blood stream= very high cholesterol in blood stream--> early onset artherosclerosis
Diseases associated with familiar hypercholsteremia?
angina, stable angina, MI, ischemia, PVD, stroke, artherosclerosis
What is the cause for all these diseases with familial hypercholesterolemia?
cholesterol deposits in wall, cholesterol stays in blood longer and leads to serious disease
How familiar hypercholesteremia inherited?
autosomal dominant
what is it Familial adenomatous polyposis
APC geneon chromosome 5q..tons of polyps in colon can develop into CRC
What age is FAP usually discovered
before age 35, disease of the young!
What is spherocytosis
sphere-shaped RBCS bc lack of spectrin
Problem with shape of RBC in spherocytosis
spleen can not take abnormal shape, can not remove them anymore, eventually get a splenectomy
Is anything wrong with the function of these RBC?
no 100% function just not bi-concave shaped
Von Willebrand disease is what
excessive bleeding bc no VWF factor
What 2 things does a lack VWF effect
can't attach to glycoprotein 1b or VIII..disrupts both wayts to form a clot
What is ehlers-Danlos syndrom
Connective tissue disease, many forms of abnormal collagen/elastin
How will the patient appear in Ehlers-danlos
hyperextensive skin and joints
What is Marfan syndrome?
fibrillin deficiencye, yielding defected microfibrils
How does a pt look with marfan syndrome?
tall thin, lens disolcation (CT in lens needs this), aortic dilation/aneurysms (microfibrils strengthen BV wall), arachnodactyly (long & slender fingers/toes) , mitral valve prolapse (can't sustain P so prolapse can lead to mitral regurgitation)
What is the path of achondroplasi
decreased chrondrocyte proliferation in growth plate of long bones, short bones
What happens to the growth plate?
early ossification- reach adolescents and won't grow anymore
What if there's a fracture in the growth plate?
will not grow anymore and scar tissue develops in site of fracture
Neurofibromatosis 1 "Von Recklinghausen Disease"
neurfibromas, optic nerve gliomas, pigmented nodules in iris, cafe au lait spots, axillary freckiling..neurologic tissue
Neurofibromatosis 2
acoustic neurofibromatosis- bilateral schqannomas on acoustic nerve, multiple meningiomas, hearing loss..
Tuberous sclerosis
hamartomas and benign tumors of brain, sprouts out like a potatoe..cysts of liver, kidney, & pancreas..red elevated lesions on benign tumors face..MR, facial, cutaneous lesions (shagreens' yellow patch pre-sacral/ ash leaf patches hypopigmented ash-leaf lesions)
Von-Hippel Lindau
high risk of RCC! capillary heamngiomas in cerebellum and retina...cysts of liver, kidney, & pancreas
CHeck RCC every time! Most get polycythemia bc too much erythropoiten...too much alkaline phosphatase
Huntington's disease
inherited- won't see symptoms till 30-40, degeneration of caudate nucleus, putamen, and frontal cortex
see chorea, psychiatric disturbance, cognitive decline--> death, trinucleotide repeat CAG on chromosome 4
What do we anticipate with huntington's disease
each generation has an earlier expression of it
Polycystic kidney disease
renal cysts early adulthood, high risk of berry anyeurms..anywhere cysts renal tubule loses function there..good if can get a kidney transplant
What hapens if a berry anyeursm explodes
subarachnoid hemorrhage- worst headache of my life- poor prognoosis
Polycystic Kidney Disease
kidney and liver cysts, fatal in infant
Describe hemochromatosis
small intestin take up excess iron, even w a normal diet
Where does this excess iron usually deposit
liver, pancreas, heart, & skin--> can lead to cirrhosis
What are the complications of hemochromatosis
cirhosis, cardiomyopathy, bronze-colored skin..."bronze diabetes"
What is chediak-higashi syndrome
WBC have abnormal microtubules, fault movement
What do you see common with Chediak-Higashi syndrom
recurrent infection, development of lymphoid cancers, partial albinism, neuropathy
why do you get partial albinism with this syndrome
cant make melanin- pigment skin/hair devoid- lighter complex
Beranrd-soulier disease causes
excessive bleeding due to lack of GpIb needed for platelet adhesion to VWF
Glanzmann's THombasthemia
results in excessive bleeding bc no gpIIbIIIa can not plate-plate adhese!
Glucose-6Phosphate dehydroganse deficiency causes
iability to eradicate radical oxygen species especially in RBC
What enzyme do RBC use to eradicate radicals?
glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase
What happens to the RBC when G6PDHD is defieicnt
they start hemolysising when excess radicals develop
What drugs must you keep G6PD deficient people away from?
sulfa-drugs, will incr radicals and incr hemolysis
G6PD is crucial in what pathway?
to make NADPH
what happens if you have low NADPH
glutathion stays oxidized which increases free radicals
What are Heinz bodies?
oxidized hemoglobins precipitates in RBCs
what are bit cells?
they come from phagocytic removal of Heinz bodies by splenic macrophages
What is fragile X syndrome?
structural defects in chromosome X... X = diff shape (dangly arm)
What are the clinical findings associates with fragile X?
MR, large ears & jaw, males= macroorchidism, 50% female have MR
what is triple repeated?
CGG..demonstrates acnticipation
Fragile X
X-large jaw, ears, testes
What gene is this linked with expression and methylation?
What type is Fabry disease?
spingolipidosis, but x-linked! not AR
What is decreased in fabry?
alpha-galactosidase A
What are the characteristics of Fabry
angiojeratomoas (wart-like growth w telangiectasisa) and renal failure
What is the unique thing with Fabry disease?
won't see CNS dysfunction as much
What is LEsch-Nyhan syndrome
defective purine salavge due to deficiency of HGPRT
Describe the salvaging of purines
cells are constantly broken down and when they are they release DNA.. and its made up of purines that are constantly re-integrated to DNA and recycled by this enzyme
What happens if the purines are not recycled?
excess production of uric acid
What are clinical findings of Lesch-Nyhan?
very high uric acid serum levels, gout, self-mutilation (eating fingers), retardation, choreoathetosis
Describe supersaturation of HGPRT and when would this happen?
When you breaking too many cells and releasing purines, happens w excessive drinking, protein bars, chemo/radiation therapy, tumor lysis, & organ meat
What is commonly found after excessive drinking pain in ?
toes= gout
Any injury to skeletal m. cardiac or brain
increases creatinine kinase
Duchenne muscular dystrophy linked with
lack of dystrophin- protein for muscle tone and function
Without muscle tone you get
muscle atrophy, increase in creatinine kinase, and eventually wheelchair and death
What is becker muscular dystrophy
some loss of dystrophin, go on longer without wheelchair bound- can last longer
what do you see in bruton's agammaglobuinemia
no antibodies in blood, low mature B cells..don't mature enough to make antibodies!
bruton agammaglobulinemia likely to hav
recurrent bacterial infections
What is wiskott-aldrich syndrome
Lack of making igM (first antibody made when encounter a microbe--> igG)
Most common recurrent infection
otitis media
Eczema is?
type I hypersensitivity, inability to have normal igM is one part of the story, also have some anomaly with type I hypersensitivite= overactivity
lower # platelets..not that their bleeding a lot, but it is low! Small platelets all the time (MPV..mean platelet volume)
Lack of NADPH oxidase?
chronic granulomatous disease
Why does a granuloma form?
Neutrophil can't get rid without ROS, so macrophages keep coming and bring T-cells eventually form a granuloma
B27 HLA: triad
sacroilitis, bamboo spine, uveitis (iris)
Reactive arthritis in HLA B27
Cant see, cant pee, cant climb a tree
The conjunctivitis, urethritis and arthritis is caused by
immune system
Someone w HLA B27 with chlymdia trichomatos can develop?
reactive arthiritis
Urethritis is due to?
chylmadia triggers in appropriate response so inflammation occurs in conjunctiva, urethra, and joints...treat chylmdia urethritis still htere
HLA b27 w bacterial gastroenteritis severe by shigella/ecoli etc.
high risk to develop urethritis as well, not bc shigella- just like chlymdia trigger immune system to bring it about
Psoriatic arthritis
psoriasis, rheumatoid arthritis like symptoms- no rheumatoid factor- can be a serum marker
Rheumatoid arthritis
autoimmune effects on the joints, ultimately cartilage on bone of joint eaten away by MAC...acutely inflammed but feels hot to touch and to patient as well- feels inflammed, burning sensation
HLA Dr2 disease at risk?
narcolepsy, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes
Triad of narcolepsy
sleep attacks, cataplexy, sleep paralysis- suddenly fall asleep and go right into REM- usually w stress- Dreams
what is cataplexy
loss of voluntary muscle control, brought in pt by significant emotionally upsetting event
Sleep paralysis
fall asleep, but lose voluntary muscle skeletal control- bc the skeletal muscle paralysis in 3-4, can intiate premature in an early stage for them...wide awake but wont be able to move at all!
Multiple sclerosis (DR2)
nystagmus, scanning speech, intention tremor

nystagmus- involuntary moving of eye
scanning speech- goes through bad times and remits, bad again etc. loss of good muscle control of speech
Scanning speech
not physical able to say but will keep scanning for the right word
intention tremor
intend to do something see a tremor, but when stop doing something the tremor goes away
Parkinson's tremor
limb at rest has tremor, when pick up something goes away
diff from MS!
Type I diabetes (DR2)
recurrent or hyperglycemia, DKA, retinopathy, nephropathy
DR3, SLE, give the insulin to me!
remember that + diarrhea!
triad: malar rash, nephropathy, arthritis

malar rash wrap around to center..kidney problem in arthritis
DR3 also incr risk what eating problem
celiac disease
gliadin and gluten found in
whaeat, rye, barley , oat

MAC destroys the villi with these auto-antibodies...be-headed wont absorb nutrients very well
Where does the fat go w malabsorption
goes out w the stool- steatorrhea
rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid
Juvenile starts when
<16 yrs old, Ra-like arthritis burning but no rheumatoid factor
usually will self-resolve prob not life-long disease
Rheumatoid arthritis
4!!!! criteria/7 to make diagnosis and assoc w Dr4! and Dw14!