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83 Cards in this Set

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How many cranial nerve nuclei are located in the brainstem
Exception: CN 1, 2, (+ XI ?)
Alar and Basal Plates: derivatives and location
- Motor fibers are derived from the BASAL plate and are located more medially
- Sensory fibers address from the ALAR plates and I located more laterally
How many nuclei associated with a cranial nerve
Individual cranial nerve carries more than one modality and therefore have more than one nucleus associated with it.
Reticular formation: structure and function
– Integration and modulation info going through the brainstem

– Lateral zone processes afferent information
– Medial zone processes Eafford information
At which level of the spinal cord are all of the following apparent:
spinothalamic tract
red nucleus
substantia nigra
basis pedunculi
At which level of the spinal cord are all of the following apparent:
Spinal trigeminal nucleus
Lateral cuneate nucleus
Spinal vestibular nucleus
Dorsal Motor nucleus of Vegas
Hypoglossal nucleus
Open Medulla
At which level of the spinal cord are all of the following apparent:
Spinal trigeminal nucleus
Nucleus Cuneatus
Nucleus Gracialis
Hypoglossal nucleus
Closed medulla
Which landmark can used for the midbrain and micrographs
Red nucleus
Functions of the vestibular system
– Sensory organ to detect body position and motion
– Equilibrium: balance and postural stability
– Motor output: reflexes and controlled motor movements
– Vision: control of head and eye motion and stabilization of visual gaze during head/body movement
Anatomical structures of the vestibular system
– Otic capsule
– Membranous labyrinth
– Perilymph
– Fine connective tissue
Otic capsule
In the petrous part of the temporal bone (bony labyrinth?)
Components of the membranous labyrinth
1) 5 vestibular sensory organs:
– 3 semicircular canals
– 2 otoliths

2) Auditory cochlea
3) Endolymphatic sac
What are the three semicircular canals
– Superior/anterior
– Posterior
– Lateral/horizontal

*arranged orthogonally to each other
Function of the semicircular canals
– Detect angular ACCELERATION = head rotation [ each canal sensitive to specific plane]
– Together, specify the DIRECTION and AMPLITUDE of head rotation
Fluid between the membranous and bony labyrinth
Function of fine connective tissue in vestibular system
To suspend the membranous from the bony labyrinth
What is the bony labyrinth
cavity in the petrous part of the temporal bone that contains the membranous labyrinth
What are the otolithic organs?

= to saclike organs between the semicircular canals and the cochlea
Function of the otolithic organs?
Sense body orientation and linear motion

Urticle: horizontal plane
Saccule: sagittal plane
Composition of Perilymph + drainage
– Similar to extracellular fluid and CSF
– Low potassium and high sodium content
– Ultrafiltrate of CSF or blood
– Drains via venules and middle ear mucosa
What is the endolymph
Contained within contiguous open lumen of semicircular canals, urticles and saccules
Composition of endolymph + production + absorption
– Unique extracellular fluid
– HIGH potassium and LOW sodium content
– Produced by the dark cells of the sensory epithelium
– Absorbed by the endolymphatic sac
What are the five sensory epithelia
Cristae of the semicircular canals [3]
Maculae of the utricle and saccule [2]
Hair cells function + location
– Part of sensory epithelium
– Receptor cells for detecting movement of endolymph
Types of hair cells
– Stereocilia [60-100/hair cell]
- Kinocilium [1/hair cell]
When neurotransmitter is released by the hair cells
What are the supporting cells to the hair cells + importance
– Microvilli with tight junctions
– Important so that only cilia are exposed to high potassium levels
Are there more hair cells in the urticle/saccules or in the ampulla of the semicircular
urticle/saccules >> Ampula

35 000 vs 8000
How does endolymph motion transform into neuronal signals (at rest and in motion)
– In the stereocilia there are stretch activated potassium channels
• In resting conditions, some channels are open and allows some membrane depolarization to occur causing activation of voltage sensitive calcium channels → glutamate release → VIII nerve excitation
• Activation occur when stereocilia are pushed towards kinocilium → opening of more stretch sensitive potassium channels → more Ca enters cell → increased impulse frequency
• To inhibits, move stereocilia in opposite direction of kinocilium → closing of strech receptors → hyperpolarization
What is the ampula
Swelling at the end of semicircular canals
Describe the hair cells in the ampulla
All hair cells in the ampulla orient in the SAME direction, with kinocilium closest to utricle
What is the cupula
Acellular, gelatinous mass
– Hinged gate spaning the ampulla lumen
– Senses motion of fluid to semicircular canals
– Hair cells cilia embedded into cupula
– Surrounded by endolymph
What is the sensory epithelium of the semicircular canals
What is a sensory epithelium of the otholithic organs
Maculae of orticle and saccule
Describe the otholitic membrane
acellular gelatinous mass
What is the otoconia
Calcium carbonate crystals that sit on top of the oncolytic membrane
– Pressure on the otoconia deflects hair cell cilium
– Response to gravitational force
– Detects head tilt and acceleration/deceleration
During a head turned to the left, what is happening to the firing rates in the left and right ampula
– Increase firing rate on the left ampula
– Decreased firing rate on the right ampula
Central curvilinear landmark within the otholithic organs
Vestibular afferents: neuron cell type
Scarpa's ganglion
aka Vestibular ganglion
Path of the vestibularcochlear nerve
int. auditory meatus --> cranial cavity --> enters brainstem at junction of pons and medulla (cebellopontine angle) --> vestibular nuclear complex & cerebellum
Location of vestibular nuclear complex
Dorsal pons and the medulla beneath the fourth ventricle
What are the four vestibular nuclei
1) lateral vestibular nucleus aka Deiter's nucleus
2) medial vestibular nucleus
3) superior & medial vestibular nuclei
4) inferior vestibular nucleus
Role of lateral vestibular nucleus
Innervates gravity–opposing muscles of LIMBS to maintain POSTURE
Role of medial vestibular nucleus
Reflex adjustments of NECK and TRUNK muscles to RESTORE head position after disturbance
Role of superior and medial vestibular nuclei
– Eye movements
– This vestibulo-ocular reflux
Role of inferior vestibular nucleus
Integrates multisensory input, and cerebellum to regulate VOR gain (calibration of system)
Input to lateral vestibular nucleus
- urticle
- saccule
- semicircular canal
Pathway of lateral vestibular nucleus (Deiter's nucleus)
Lateral vestibulospinal tract
– Descends entire spinal cord (mostly in ant. cord)
– Uncrossed [ipsilateral]
Target of lateral vestibular nucleus
Ventral horn: at Alpha & Gamma neurons that innervate gravity opposing muscles of limbs
What senses angular acceleration (head rotation)?
semicircular canals
What senses linear head motion?
urticle and saccules
In someone falling toward their left, how does the lateral vestibular system respond?
- innervation of hair cells from left semicirular canals, urticl ena saccule --> vest. ganglion --> CNVIII -- > lat vesticular nucleus
- left lateral vestibular nucleus activated
- left lateral vestibular tract activated
- uncrossed innervation of spinal cord [IPSILATERAL]
- proximal left arm and leg musculature innervated to counter imbalance
Function of medial vestibular nucleus
- influences neck and axial muscles
- stabalizes head in space
Input to medial vestibular nucleus
primarily semicircular canals
Medial vestibulospinal tract pathway
- medial vestiulospinal nucleus --> tract
- descends in medial longitudinal fasciculus
- bilateral projections to cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (ipsilateral projections more dense)
- motor neurons innervate neck musculature

- contralateral projection cross at level of medulla
In someone falling toward their left, how does the medial vestibular system respond?
- innervation of hair cells from left semicirular canals, urticl ena saccule --> vest. ganglion --> CNVIII -- > left MEDIAL vesticular nucleus
- left medial vesticular nucleus activated
- activation of medial vestibulocpinal tract (decending MLF bilateral)
- innervates cervial motor neurons
- neck muscles respond to keep head erect
Function of the superior and medial vestibular nuclei
Reflex to stabilize visual image in response to head turn
(Vestibulo-ocular reflex VOR)
Input to superior and medial vestibular nuclei
Semicircular canals
Pathways from superior and medial vestibular nuclei in VOR
3 neuron arc
1) bipolar neuron's
2) medial and superior vestibular nuclei
3) Motor neuron's in the abducens nucleus and the oculomotor nuclei that innervate oculomotor muscles
Which muscles are innervated by horizontal VOR
Lateral recti [L&R]
Medial recti [L&R]
Projections to medial rectus originate from
Midbrain at oculomotor nucleus
Projections to lateral rectus originate from
Pons at abducens nucleus
Describe VOR to medial rectus
Semicircular canals --> Scarpa's ganglion --> medial vestiular nucleus (rostra medulla --> synapse --> aducens nucleus (pons) --> synapse --> MLF --> cross over --> oculomotor nucleus (midbrain) --> synapse --> innervate medial rectus
Describe VOR to medial rectus
Semicirular canals --> Scarpa's ganglion --> medial vestiular nucleus (rostra medulla --> synapse --> aducens nucleus (pons) --> synapse --> abducens nerve --> innervate lateral rectus
Explain why there are 4 synapses happening in the abducens nucleus
At the abducens nuclei, activation of the left nucleus will cause inhibition of right and thus only left lat rectus + right medial rectus will be activated in a given movement
At the abducens nuclei, activation of the left nucleus will cause inhibition of right and thus only left lat rectus + right medial rectus will be activated in a given movement
What is in charge of adjusting VOR and control of gain
Inferior vestibular nucleus
Function of Inferior vestibular nucleus
Eye + Vestibular vestibular system --> cerebellum --> Purkinje cells --> are they them same? --> if not system recalibrate to compensate

- direct connection of where your body is moving, and a visual represeantion of what happening
- detects slippage between visual and vestibular input
Define : Nystagmus
Rhythmic alteration of slow (VOR) and fast (saccades) eye movements during VOR
Pathological vs physiological nystagmus
- saccades happen normally during normal eye movement (they are generally not perfectly smooth motions)
Caloric testing for nystagmus
- inject warm fluid into ear canal
- induce fluid movement on one side through semicircular
- percieved by CNS as head movement ---> cause nystgmus
Causes of dizziness and balance disorders
– Often difficult to diagnose
– Maybe due to vestibular dysfunction
– Non-vestibular causes: fluctuations in blood pressure, Visual system problems, peripheral neuropathies
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV)
- small part of oticonia breaks off
- can get stuck in ampulla of semicircular canals
- sense gravity in linera motion
- mismatch between right and left
Meniere's disease
– A.k.a. endolymphatic hydrops
–problem getting rid of endolymph but you keep making it
- increase in pressure of endolymph
Vesticular neuritis
– Viral infection of the vestibulo-cochlear nerve or facial nerve
Perilymph fistula
- hole in the oval or round windows of the cochlea
- lumens are contiguous, so in case of leak you wlil get decrease in pressure of endolymph
- hair cells very metabolically active and sensitive to toxins
- particularly sensitive to aminoglycoside Ab
- can damage or kill hair cells
Mal de Debarquement
- adjust to being on boat
- come back to land
- vestibular system cannot undergo necessary plasticity to readjust to life on land
- can last for days or can be permanent
Aging, dizziness and balance
- common deficit of aging are problem with audition, dizziness and stability
- usually problem with hair cells dying
- also get problems with visual system
Characteristics of bilateral vestibular dysfunction
- could be caused by toxicity (aminoglycosides)
- slow onset of loss of vestibular function
- instability of eyes with head movements
- instability when walking in dark (w/o visual input)
Characteristics of unilateral vestibular dysfunction
- severe acute symptoms
- extreme diziness, nausea and vomitting
- deviation towards side of lesion when walking
- abnormal nystagmus
- displaced otoconia
Characteristics of vestibular compensation
- gradual recovery from unilateral lesions
- learning induced changes to central circuits
- vestibular inputs ignored in favor of vision and proprioception
Some common causes of dizziness due to mismatch bw vestibular and visual inputs
- rotation induced dizziness
- false visual motion (optic ilusion)
- motion sickness
- alcohol