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66 Cards in this Set

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What is the 5 letter code for pacers?

position 1 chamber paced,
position 2: chamber sensed;
position 3: response to sensing;
position IV: programmability, rate modulation;
position V: antitachycardia fxn

When would you not want to use ventricular demand pacing (VVI, VVT)?

if AV synchrony (atrial kick) is needed to improve end diastolic filling of the LV

When would you use a VDD setting?

AV block with a normal atrial rate

when would you use AAI or AAT setting

nml AV conduction with atrial bradycardia
-in the setting of sinus node dysfunction, including sinus arrest, sinus block, and sick sinus syndrome

When would you use DVI setting?

AV block with atrial bradycardia

what are rate responsive pacemakers?

-have the capacity to sense atrial and ventricular activity as well as other stimuli;
-increased CO can be achieved with increased O2 consumption, increased catecholamines, increased temp

What are programmable features on pacemakers?

1. rate - upper and lower rates are usually set
2. stimulus output,
3. sensitivity,
4. refractory period,
5. antitachycardia modes

What are indications of preop pacemaker malfunction?

1. syncope,
2. dizziness,
3. fatigue,
4. chest pain,

When should you consider placement of a pacemaker in the abdominal position?

-usually it is placed over the pectoralis muscle,
-in some patients during physical activity inhibition occurs because myopotentials are sensed
-if this is a significant problem use the abdominal position

Why should you not routinely place a magnet over a pacemaker during surgery with electrocautery?

pacemaker can be unpredictably reprogrammed and it would not be evident until the magnet is removed

What pacemakers can be reprogrammed by cautery or inhibited by myopotentiials or fasciculations?

demand pacemaker

How should you deal with rate responsive pacemakers prior to surgery?

have the rate responsive mode deactivated prior to surgery

How can evoked potential monitoring affect pacemakers?

-can interfere for pacer function
-patients with VDD or DDD can develop tachycardia in the presence of evoked potentials, peripheral nerve stimulators, or transcutaneous electical stimulators
-these modes should be changed to VVI or VOO

How does lithotripsy affect pacer fxn?

usually it's safe with pacers,
- the focal point of the lithotriptor should be kept 6 inches from the pacer

If a MRI must be done in a patient with a pacer how should you handle the pacer?

if patient is not pacer dependent, pulse generator should be turned off (000) or explanted

How does radiation therapy affect pacemaker use?

radiation therapy can damage the pacer in unpredictable ways,
-pacer fxn should be evaluated

How does hypo or hyperkalemia affect pacer fxn?

-hypokalemia can lead to loss of capture;
-hyperkalemia can lead to ventricular irritability

What are pacemaker indications?

1. third degree heart block,
2. acute MI with type II mobitz block,
3. severe symptomatic sinsu bradycardia,
4. symptomatic bifascicular block,
5. any sig bradycardia with heart block

How do you test a demand pacemaker?

valsalva or carotid massage to decrease HR and see if pacemake kicks in
-if this does not decrease rate sufficiently, a magnet can be applied to convert the pacemaker to an asynchronous mode

How can you tell if there is LA hemiblock?

LAD + slight QRS widening

How can you tell if there is a left posterior hemiblock?

RAD + widening of QRS

What are indications for AICD?

1. patient's who survive sudden death episodes,
2. sustained VT,
3. syncope due to VT,
4. arrhythmias not amenable to ablation

What are the meanings of the 4 letter codes for AICD?

position 1: shock chamber
position 2: antitachycardia pacing chamber
position 3: tachycardia detection (electrogram or hemodyn)
position 4: antibradycardia pacing chamber

Why should you be careful about using a magnet in a patient with an AICD?

some ICDs can be deactivated in patient's with a magnet, others require programmed deactivation,
- ICD over a magnet can lead to unpredictably reprogramming or discharge

If deactivation of an AICD does not occur what can happen during surgery with an electrocautery?

ICD can interpret electrocautery as a dysrrhythmia and discharge

If an ICD is deactivated correctly preop what pacing can remain active?


How is lithotripsy affected in patients that have an AICD?

lithotripsy should be avoided unless it has been deactivated

How does evoked potential monitors and peripheral nerve stimulators affect AICDs?

interfere with ICDs and cause them to discharge

In patients with AICDs what should you have available in the room?

external defibrillating device

If electrocautery is to be used in a patient with an AICD or pacer what should you determine?

determine if reprogramming, conversion to asynchronous mode, and/or disabling rate responsive function is an advantage;
-in general suspend antiarrhythmia functions;
-have surgeon use bipolar cautery or harmonic scapel,
-have surgeon use short intermittent bursts of bipolar cautery

How should you manage a radiofrequency ablation in a patient that has a pacer or an AICD?

keep the radiofrequency current path as far as possible from the CRMD

In a patient that needs radiation therapy in the same location as the pulse generator of an AICD or pacer what should you do?

have surgeon put the pulse generator somewhere else

What should you do in a patient getting ECT that has a pacer or AICD?

consult with a cardiologist

Why should you worry about a patient being paced in an asynchonous mode in a patient with an intrinsic rhythm?

pacer can fire on a T wave and can induce VT or VF

Prior to surgery should you have a rep convert the pacemaker to an asynchronous mode or place a magnet over it?

need to know rhythm prior to surgery and whether pacer should be reprogrammed to not pace at all or whether a magnet converting the pacer to asynchronous mode is advisable

What do the first 3 letters of the pacemaker code describe?

the antibradycardia functions

What do the last 2 letters of the pacemaker code describe?

programmability and anti-tachycardia functions

What if the last 2 letters have no designation?

then the 1st 3 letters are used alone

What are the fixed rate or asynchronous modes?


Describe the asynchronous mode.

-paces but does not sense the atrium, ventricle, or both chambers
-may compete with the intrinsic rhythm resulting in afib or aflutter, and in pacemaker firing on the T wave of the ventricle - not generally a problem in absence of myocardial ischemia or electrolyte abnormalities

Describe a demand or synchronous pacemaker mode.

pacemaker senses the atrial impulse (P wave), ventricular impulse (R wave), or both.
-pacemaker is either triggered (fires) or inhibited by the sensed signal

What are considered the atrial demand/synchronous pacemakers? Describe.

-atrium is paced and sensed, either inhibited or triggered
-an intact AV conduction system is utilized to achieve ventricular depolarization

Describe ventricular demand or synchronous pacing.

-ventricle is paced or sensed and either triggered or inhibited
-pacing is characterized by no AV synchrony, indicated in the setting of AV node dysfunction or presence of supraventricular arrhythmias

What are the dual chamber demand or synchronous pacemakers?


Describe dual chamber demand pacemakers.

-Ensures coordinated AV synchronous depolarization of the heart
-sinus node function must be normal in a pt with abnormal AV nodal function

What do VAT and VDD modes pace?

the ventricle after sensing atrial activity

What does the DDD mode provide?

-for "AV universal pacing", both the atrium and ventricle are paced and both are sensed
-there is a preset AV interval and synchronized atrial and ventricular depolarization in pts with varying intrinsic atrial and ventricular rates

Where should the bovie be in regards to location?

- as far from the pulse generator and as close to the site of surgery and to the return pad as possible

What are EKG findings of pts with pacemakers?

- atrial pacemaker: atrial spike
- ventricular pacemaker: spike immediately before the ventricular complex
- AV sequential pacemaker: two spikes

Describe first degree heart block?

PR interval >= 0.2 seconds

Mobitz type I second degree heart block

AKA Wenkebach
-progressive prolongation of the PR interval until a beat is dropped

Mobitz type II second degree heart block

sudden dropping of the QRS without warning

Right bundle branch block

-QRS >=0.12
-Look for R-S-R in leads V1 and V2
-does not imply cardiac disease

Left bundle branch block

-implies CAD, HTN, or LVH
-in its presence, EKG diagnosis of an acute MI is difficult

3rd degree heart block

atrial beat bears no relationship to ventricular beat

How do you workup or initially evaluate a pt with a pacemaker?

1. Determine whether the pt has a cardiac rhythm management device (CRMD) - hx, med records, CXR EKG
2. Determine the type of CRMD - manufacturer's card, check on-line database, CXR
3. Determine CRMD function - have cardio or pacemaker service interrogate the device
4. Determine pt dependency upon the CRMD

What is preoperative preparation for a pt with a CRMD?

1. ensure availability of temporary pacing and defibrillation equipment
2. If electromechanical interference is to be used, determine if reprogramming, conversion to asynchronous mode, and/or disabling rate responsive function is an advantage
3. Suspend anti-arrhythmia functions
4. Advise surgeon to use bipolar cautery if possible and/or harmonic scalpel

What is the intraoperative management of a pt with a CMRD?

1. monitor EKG and peripheral pulses (pulse ox, A-line) continuously
2. manage CRMD dysfunction due to EMI
3. Prepare for emergency defibrillation or cardioversion

How should you manage a lithotripsy pt with a pacemaker or AICD?

-Avoid focusing the lithotripsy beam on or near the pulse generator
-if the lithotriptor triggers on the R wave, atrial pacing should generally be disabled, consult with cardiologist

What happens when a magnet is placed over a medtronics AICD?

magnet suspends shocking function of an AICD for a detected high rate, but it does not affect the pacing function (for bradycardia) at all

What happens when a magnet is placed over a medtronics pacemaker?

magnet converts the pacemaker to an asynchronous mode
-when the magnet is removed, the pacemaker goes back to normal operation
-can be deleterious if hte pacer fires on a T wave in a pt with an intrinsic rhythm as this can induce VT or VF

What happens if you place a magnet on a Boston Scientific pacemaker?

Flips a switch to 1 of 3 positions
1. asynchronous mode - mainly to check battery, good mode in the presence of EMI so pacer won't be inhibited
2. magnet has no effect mode
3. store e-gram (EKG) mode - used when pts have palpitations or other symptoms which may be attributable to devise, makes possible to r/o pacer as cause of the problem

Taping a permanent magnet provided with the pacemaker to the skin over an implanted demand pacemaker will....

Convert the pacemaker to an asynchronous mode

What is the asynchronous heart rate set for each brand of pacemakers?

-Boston Scientific - 100 bpm
-Medtronic - 65 bpm
-St. Jude - 97 bpm
-as battery life is depleted, asynchronous rates will slow

How will electrodes present in the atrium appear on EKG? Right ventricle? Left ventricle?

-atrium - will create P waves
-right ventricle - LBBB
-left ventricle - RBBB

What are the causes of pacemaker failure?

1. hypokalemia will cause loss of capture
2. hyperkalemia will causes VT or VF
3. MI
4. hypoxia
5. acidosis
6. myopotential inhibition - sux or shivering
7. electrocautery