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110 Cards in this Set

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stim lactotrophs in ant lobe of pituitary gl
stores oxytocin and ADH
pos pituitary gl
HCG reset recs for thirst and ADH release leading to
dec Na and sumx polyuria
size of thyroid in pregnancy
normal, fluctuations in t3 and t4 and tsh
contribute to inc insulin res in later pregnancy and a shift from carbohydrate to fat metabolism
placental hormones
produce a state of relative hypercortisolism that may be a trigger for labor
corticotropin releasing hormone and adrenocorticotropic hormone
effects of progesterone
tidal vol and minute ventilation inc sumx leading to dyspnea, lower esophageal sphincter tone (GERD), relaxes tone and contraction of ureters (hydronephrosis and inc risk bacteruria)
cardiovascular changes in pregnancy
erythrocyte mass and plasma vol inc (physiologic anemia) CO inc, vascular res and BP fall
musculosketeal changes
weight gain and relaxin (CL and placenta)
thick yellowish secretion rich in nutrients from mid-late pregnancy
inc vascularity, vagina takes on bluish/violet color known as
Chadwick's sign
Lactobacillus acidophillus acts on glycogen in vaginal epi to
dec vaginal pH (more acidic)
softening at the isthmus, easrly dx pregnancy
Hegar's sign
uterus weight and volume with pregnancy
50-70 g inc to 800-1200, vol 10ml inc to 5L
pos of uterus after 12 weeks gestation
straightens and rises out of pelvis, can be felt in abdomen
uterus rotates to the right
to accomodate rectosigmoid structures on the left
cervical canal fill with tenacious mucus plug
to protect fetus from inf
normal red velvety mucosa
cervical erosion/eversion
small nodule on ovary in early pregnancy
corpus luteum (ovarian follicle)
brownish black pigmented line along midline
linea nigra
every trimester due to high estrogen, progesterone, HCG
nausea with or without vomiting
first trimester, 2-5 lb due to slowed peristalsis, changes in taste/smell, weight loss
breast tenderness, tingling
1st trimester
weight loss
1st tri
1st/3rd tri, progesterone/ sedative
every trimester due to high estrogen, progesterone, HCG
nausea with or without vomiting
first trimester, 2-5 lb due to slowed peristalsis, changes in taste/smell, weight loss
breast tenderness, tingling
1st trimester
weight loss
1st tri
1st/3rd tri, progesterone/ sedative
groin/lower ab pain
2nd tri (14-20wks) tension/stretching round ligs
ab striae
late 2/3rd tri
3rd tri reg, painful then associated with labor otherwise braxton hicks rarely assoc with labor
loss of mucus plug
3rd tri, no contractions, bleeding or loss of fluid no cause for concern
3rd tri
heartburn, constipation
all tri
all, relaxation of jnts/ligs
urinary frequency
all, inc sec vagina and cervix, asx milky white discharge
best confirmation for pregnancy
urine testing for beta HCG
PMH questions for pregnancy
SLE, STD, deithylstilbesterol, HIV
most frequently used method of calculation for expected weeks of gestation and EDD
menstrual age
Naegele's rule for estimating EDD
add 7 days to first day of LMP, minus 3 mos, add 1 year
if pt cant remember LMP or irreg menstrual cycles use
vaginal US to confirm dating in 1st tri
inc diet each day by:
300 kcal, 5-10 g protein, 15 mg iron (27 according to lecture), 250 mg Ca, 400-800 microg folic acid
amt of folic acid recommended in multivitamin
400 micrograms
FDA recommends avoiding fish with high levels of mercury such as
shark, swordfish, king mackerel, canned albacore tuna
most weight gain in what tri?
average weight gain
28 lbs/ 10 kg
weight gain for low BMI <19.8
28-40 lbs
normal BMI 19.8-26
25-35 lbs
high BMI 26-29
obese >29
15 lbs
weight gain w twins
35-45 lbs
ACOG recs for exercise
30 mins or more on most days of the week
prevalence of abuse during pregnancy
clues to domestic violence
frequent changes in apts, chronic headache, ab pain, bruises
approx 20 wks, diminished circulation and may lead to dizziness and fainting esp when lying down
supine hypotensive syn
devices for pap smear in pregnant women
ayre wooden spatula or broom
gestational HTN
greater than 140/90 after week 20 and without proteinuria
chronic HTN
greater than 140/90 before pregnancy, before week 20 and 12 weeks pospartum
greater than 140/90 after week 20 and with proteinuria
normal bmi before pregnancy
normal wgt loss for first tri
no more than 5%
brownish patches around forehead, cheeks, nose, jaw
facial edema after 24 weeks suggests
gestational HTN
dyspnea with cough, distress
inf, asthma, pulmonary embolus
apical impulse
may be in 4th ICS
systolic or continuous soufle
common, inc bld flow in normal BVs
mammary soufle
late pregnancy, lactation, 2 or 3rd ICS parasternal areas, sys and diastolic
fetal movements
felt by mother 18-20 weeks, by doc after 24 weeks
regulat uterine contractions before 37 weeks with or without pain or bleeding
abnormal, preterm labor
fundal height 4cm greater than expected
multiple gestation, large fetus, extra amniotic fluid, uterine leiomyoma
fundal height 4 cm less than expected
missed abortion, transverse lie, growth retardation, false pregnancy
weeks FHR can be auscultated
10 with doptone, 14 w fetoscope
location of FHR 12-18 wks
midline of lower ab
FHR during early and near term pregnancy
160s, 120-140
FHR after 32-34 weeks
inc w fetal movement
FHR that drops noticeably with fetal movement
poor placental circulation or dec amniotic fluid volume
perineal incision to facilitate delivery
pink cervix or vagina
nonpregnant state
multiparous cervix
may admit a fingertip thru ext os
narrow passage btw endocervical canal and uterine cavity
internal os, closed regardless of parity
cervix length prior to 34-36 weeks
1.5-2 cm usual
shape of uterus until 8 weeks
inverted pear
uterus shape 10-12 weeks and size
globular, 8 cm
two distinct uterin cavities sep by a septum
bicornuate uterus
first leopold maneuver
upper pole, buttocks- firm and irreg
second leopold maneuver
sides of maternal abodomen, hand along back-firm, smoothe, length of hand by 32 weeks; arms/legs irreg bumps
third maneuver
lower pole, face womans feet, if hands diverge presenting part is descending into pelvic inlet
fourth maneuver
confirmation of presenting part, grasp lower pole with dominant hand and upper with nondominant, head lower pole (smoothe, firm, round)
duration of pregnancy
166 days from conception, 180 from LMP, 37 weeks
post term
beyond 42 weeks
number of deliveries after 20 weeks
preterm labor
10% in US, before 37 weeks
screening for neural tube defects
AFP 15-20 weeks
drugs contrindicated in pregnancy
quinolones, tetracycline, aspirin
interval of prenantal visits
every 4 weeks until 28 weeks, (28-36) every two weeks, every week after 36 weeks
size of uterus at 20 weeks
level of umb
50 g glucose challenge
at 28 weeks
tx for nausea and vom
frequent meals, B6, antihstamines
implantation of placenta over cervical os, painless vaginal bleeding, has to be delivered by c section
placenta previa
first stage of labor and duration
onset to complete dilation, 8-15 hrs
second stage of labor, duration
complete dilation to delivery of fetus, 1-3 hrs
third stage of labor
delivery of fetus to delivery of placenta, 15-30 mins
active phase of labor
>4 cm, progressive dilation, cm/hr in nulliparous, -2 cm in multiparous, reg frequent contractions every 2-3 mins
cardinal movements of labor
engagement, descent, flexion, int rotations, extension, ext rotation expulsion
fetal tachycardia
>160 bpm
fetal bradycardia, mc cause
<120 bpm, inc vagal tone
uterus most easily palpable beyond
12-14 weeks