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19 Cards in this Set

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ZERO in Division
When you divide 0 by a number, it's 0. When you divide a number by 0, the answer is undefined. 1/0=undefined. 0/1=0. 0 cannot be a denominator!

When all the answers fall into the original set. Ex. 2+4 = Even, the set of even numbers is closed. Ex. 2+3=Odd, this set is not closed.ExE=E. (closed) 0x0=0. (closed)

Means the order does not make a difference. 1+2=2+1. Does not work in subtraction. Multiplication- a x b= b x a.
Grouping has changed (parentheses moved). Addition, not subtraction. Multiplication, not division. (axb)xc=a(bxc).
Change "associations."
Natural Numbers
Natural numbers are 1,2,3,4,... where the 4,... represents to positive infinity. Counting numbers.
Whole Numbers
Whole numbers are the natural numbers (1,2,3,4,... pos. infinity) and zero. Natural numbers + 0.
The integers are natural numbers, their opposites (negative numbers), and zero. Example- ...-2, -1, 0, 1, 2, . Natural numbers + whole numbers + negatives.
Rational Numbers
Rational numbers are numbers that can be written as a fraction a/b with a and b being integers and b≠0. Rational numbers either terminate or end with a repeating decimal. Example- 1.5 or 2 1/3 = 2.33.
Irrational Numbers
Irrational numbers are numbers that cannot be written as a fraction a/b with a and b being integers and b≠0. Irrational numbers do not terminate and do not end with a repeating decimal. Example- pi (3.14...), and the square root of 2 & 3.
Real Numbers
Rational + irrational numbers.
Prime Numbers
Prime numbers are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, etc. These numbers have only two factors (1 and the number itself).
Composite Numbers
Composite numbers have three or more factors. Examples: 4, factors are 1, 2, 4, 12.
Equal in value. Examples- 1/2=5/10 or .5 etc.
Scientific Notation
Used to express very large or very small numbers, usually in science. Positive exponent= large number, Negative exponent = small number.
Identity Property
This property does not change the value (identity) of a number. Addition- a+0=0+a. Multiplication- times positive 1, a x 1 = 1 x a = a.
Inverse for Addition
The opposite of a number. The inverse property for addition is adding the opposite of a number to result in zero: a + -a = 0. -a and a are additive inverses.
Inverse for Multiplication
The inverse property for multiplication is multiplying by the reciprocal to result in 1. (3/2)(2/3)=1, (-5)(-1/5)=1 since -5 = -5/1. So, -5 & -(1/5) are reciprocals. This is a(1/a)=(1/a)(a).
Distributive Property
Process of distributing the number on the outside of the () to each term on the inside. Combines addition and multiplication. States that a(b+c)=ab+ac, and that (b+c)a=ba+ca. You cannot use it with only 1 operation. 3(4x5x6) does not equal 3(4) x 3(5) x 3(6).
Improper Fraction
When N > D.