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15 Cards in this Set

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Staphylococcus Aureus

Most wide spread cause of SSI.

Resident in 30-70%

Produces pus, endocartitis, osteomyelitis

Staphylococcus Epidermidis

Resident in skin.

Spread by catheters, prosthetic valves, orthopedic implants

Streptococcus Pyogenes

Spreads by lymphatic system.

Causes anaerobic infection/tissue death.

Burn patients are vulnerable.

Usually direct transmission from contaminated surface.

Streptococcus Pneumoniae

Primary cause of pneumonia & otitis media.

Spread by respiratory tract- nose, nasopharynx then lungs and middle ear.

Thick capsule and cell wall

Pseuiomonas Aeruginosa

Resident in GI tract, sewage, dirt, water.

Can infect nearly all body systems.

Causes- septicemia, osteomyelitis, UTI, endocarditis

Neisseria Gonorrheae

STI, can become systemic.

Causes blindness in newborns.

Can lead to sterility & endocarditis

Neisseria Meningitidis

Highly infectious of meninges.

Transient type- resolves spontaneously.

More serious form causes seizures, respiratory arrest, coma

Bordetella Pertussis

Whooping cough.

Vaccine reduced mortality rate.

Used to be major killer of children

Enteric Bacteria

Facultative anaerobes

Resident in GI tract

Escherichia Coli

Resident in GI tract.

Most common cause of UTI.

Postoperative infection caused by contaminated endoscope, catheter.

Direct infection by bowel perforation.

Salmonella Enterica

Food poisoning- food/fecal contact.

Diarrhea, vomiting, fever

Resolves spontaneously

Salmonella Typhi


Spread by untreated sewage, contaminated drinking water.

Enters intestinal wall, mesenteric lymph nodes.

Causes septicemia, cardiovascular infection, death

C perfingens

Gas gangrene.

Anaerobic, spore forming

C tetani


Anaerobic, spore forming

Found in soil, GI tract

Infection travels by nerve pathways.

Causes spasms, convulsions, paralysis of respiratory system, asphyxiation

C difficle

Causes severe diarrhea.

Anaerobic, spore forming

Easily spread to immunocompromised