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15 Cards in this Set

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What type of organism is Bartonella?
Facultative, intracellular, slight curved rods.
What are three species of Bartonella that cause disease in humans?
1) B. henselae
2) B. quintana
3) B. baciliformis
What disease does B. henselae cause?
Catscratch disease and bacillary angiomatosis.
How does catscratch disease present?
Abscesses at site of cat scratch or bite followed by fever and lymphadenopathy.
What is bacillary angiomatosis?
Disease of small blood vessels of skin and internal organs usually seen in immunocompromised persons
What disease does B. quintana cause?
Trench fever
How does trench fever present clinically?
Relapsing fever
Maculopapulary rash
What is the reservoir for B. quintana.
How is B. quintana transmitted?
Human body louse
What disease does B. bacilliformis cause?
Oroya fever
How does oroya fever present clinically?
Infectious anemia
Why does oroya fever present with infectious anemia?
The bacteria destroys red blood cells and damages the liver and spleen.
How is B. bacilliformis transmitted?
Where does B. bacilliformis infection commonly occur?
South America
What antibiotics are used to treat Bartonella infections?
Azithromycin or
Rifampin plus Doxycycline