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16 Cards in this Set

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Where were important cultural centers for music and art?

Venice, and Florence in Italy

What does baroque mean?

Large irregular shaped pearls

Claudio monteverdi

-The last great madrigalist and the first great opera composer

-sometimes called the father of opera

-first opera: orfeo Vin 1607

-last opera: the coronation of poppea

Henry Purcell (1659-1695)

-English composer

-organist at Westminster abbey in London

-composed the first important english opera Dido and Aeneas which was first preformed at a girl's school

-Dido's lament from Dido and Aeneas is based a ground base (recurring bass line?

Other Popular composers during early baroque period

-Girolamo Frescobaldi, organist at st.peters basilica in Rome

-Arcangelo Corelli, violinist and composer of trio and solo sonatas

Late baroque (1700-1750)

-called the age of absolutism and the age of science

-most important composers of late baroque were: Antonio vivaldi, J.S Bach, and G.F handel

-composers worked for three main institutions: the church, the court or the opera house

Antonio stradivarious

Important maker of violins

Features of Baroque music

-predominantly polyphonic texture

-melodies often long and complicated

- rythm regular and driving

-core of the baroque orchestra was the string family

- soloists improvised melodic extras called ornamentation

-baroque sounds were created by the use of harpsichord, recorder and festive baroque orchestra

Concerto, concerto grosso

The most important baroque orchestral form, usually in three movements

Variation form

Successive, uninterrupted repetition of a clearly defined melody with changes that retain the original melody somehow

Stylized dances

For orchestra or keyboard, were meant for listening not dancing

Antonio vivaldi

-Venetian composer

-priest, called the red priest because if red hair

-teacher at venetian orphanage for girls

-most famous compositions: the four seasons, set of four violin concertos

Johann sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

-german organist and composer

-worked mainly for the church

-stayed all his life in Germany

-was married twice and had 20 children

-went blind

-composer of the Brandenburg concertos

Vocal music

-opera invented in 1600 by a group of intellectuals in Florence called the camerata

-opera was the principal genre of secular vocal music

-plots for baroque opera were from ancient history


George frideric handel (1685-1759)

-born in Germany, studied in Italy, lived most of his life in England

-composer of Italian operas and oratorios

-started writing oratorios when the English public tired of Italian opera

-composer of the messiah, an oratorio played in Dublin first

-also became blind


A religious or sacred opera usually with characters