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25 Cards in this Set

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Cultural revolution
-Started in 1966: "down to the countryside" movement - youths were encouraged to get rid of "impure" elements
-denounces Mao's regime because the boys become more cultured and intelligent in the countryside
-Pierre Barberis' "Le roman d'education": but two boys instead of 1, city boys ergo reversal of roles, initiateur = books
-both success and failure of re-education
-formal and informal
-L's attempts to "civilise" LPT
Influence of books
-fetishisation, how they create power, forbidden
-destruction of old China through books: Mao's China based on Marx's readings of French Revolution; re-education of boys also based on similar readings
-intellectual maturity: beauty of literature and mind-broadening philosophy; opening mind up to world
-emotional maturity: relationship with LPT - courage (abortion); experience of emotional trauma; how to treat others
Magic of literature
-almost like falling in love, giddiness, teenage infatuation
-words/books = wine - intoxicating
-mirroring Balzac's "Ursule Mirouet": landscape and cinematic focus; flirty tone when first reading - coy; explores theme of sexuality
The West/France
-freedom of individual
-books = forbidden - different, libertarian culture
-empathy, curiosity and love can transcend cultural differences
-frozen in time
-"exotic" culture
-magical quality of trunk
-lack of names
-Phenix du Ciel
-fable - moral: "any system that fears knowledge and education and that closes its mind to moral and intellectual truth will prove itself, in the end, to be impotent"
-Roland Barthes' "Theorie du text": "toute texte est un tissue nouveau de citations revolues" - "tissue" = sheepskin coat echoes first making of books; covering body in it - warmth and comfort - East meets West
-blood and leaves = ink and paper
-Mao's red book
-books affect the story of their lives
Other art forms
-violin: even that becomes Communist propaganda
Luo and LPT have sex
-ginkgo - ancient Chinese remedy for memory
-chapter of their own story: blood and leaves
-loss of innocence and realisation of sexuality and independence - phallic tree
-red blood vs red nail varnish - eroticism - different relatioships
-unnamed - more relatable?
-voyeur: never acts upon his feelings for LPT
-gains strength and courage
-outgoing, theatrical
-only gains knowledge of sex, relationships and heartbreak
-willingness to open her mind
-strength and bravery
Link with outside world - fantasy
Power of books
"un choix dont la raison nous resta obscure et qui bouleversa notre vie"
Magic of books
-"le livre reve"
-"magie", "beaute", "parfum"
Book = LPT
Different cultures
"malgre mon ignorance totale de ce pays nomme la France"
Books = desire
"ce petit livre me parlait de l'eveil du desir, des elans"
-"tomabai tour a tour amoureux avec la frivolite et le serieux de mes dix-neuf ans"
-"une saveur exotique, sensuelle, genereuse comme le parfum envoutant d'un alcool"
"c'etait le premiere fois de ma vie que j'avais envie de recopier un livre"
"Mozart pense au president Mao"
Narrator's feelings
"je me sentis soudain enhavi par un sentiment de jalousie"
"Balzac m'a fait comprendre une chose: la beaute d'une femme est un tresor qui n'a pas de prix"
"ces sont des feuilles de ginkgo [...] son sang a coule par terre, sur les feuilles"
"C'est quoi un dentist?"