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62 Cards in this Set

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How much can effective writing skills impact one’s salary?
Employers value communication-related skills, they reward those skills, and the ability to communicate well, can translate into a higher salary. You can earn up to 3 times more
To interpret the words and actions of a message and attach meaning to them
To translate the meaning of the message into words, images, and actions
A set of circumstances that influences the purpose of communication, the best medium to use to communicate the message, and even how receivers interpret a message; a term that describes how people in a culture deliver, receive, and interpret messages. Low-context cultures rely on explicit language to communicate. High- context cultures derive meaning not just from words but from everything surrounding the words
A channel used to transmit a message. Senders can choose a medium from many options, including face-to-face conversation, videoconference, telephone, letter, memo, email, brochure, website, and group meeting
Any form of verbal or nonverbal response
Mixed message
A sender may say one thing but nonverbally communicate something very different. For example, john may tell his boss that he can stay late for a meeting but his nervous foot tapping and his repeated glances at his watch communicate different messages
Be able to give an example for each of these common barriers to communication: Psychological
Arise from a receiver’s attitudes toward the message or toward the sender
Be able to give an example for each of these common barriers to communication: Physiological
Arise from a receiver’s physical state
Be able to give an example for each of these common barriers to communication: Semantic
Arise from language that is ambiguous or difficult to understand
How should you decide on the best medium for your message?
The medium you choose should depend on which one best supports the purpose of your message (to request information), as well as how best your coworker will process that information.
Best supports the message to a coworker and how they will interpret it
Which communication skill do managers use most often?
Examples of social media include _______.
What is the goal of communication?
Develop a shared meaning between the sender and receiver
Active listening skills include __________. Chapter 2
What questions should you consider when analyzing your audience?
Why will they be interested in what I’m saying?
What barriers will prevent them from listening carefully?
What questions or objections will they have?
What’s the best way to connect with them?
According to the author of “On the Ladder of Inference,” faulty inferences can be reduced by
Becoming more aware of your own thinking and reasoning (reflection)
Making your thinking and reasoning more visible to others (advocacy)
Inquiring into others' thinking and reasoning (inquiry).
According to “The Power of Talk” author Deborah Tannen, little girls learn conversation rituals that focus on _______, whereas little boys’ conversation rituals focus on ______.
Little girls = relationships
Little boys = status
A common conversation ritual for women is to ______.
Mitigate criticism with praise
Why do men hesitate to ask questions or apologize?
Because they think it puts them in a one down situation
What is the difference between how women criticize subordinates vs. superiors?
Subordinates- soften it, we want to “take care of them”
Superiors- know they can handle it
What effect do unresolved personal conflicts at work have on employee satisfaction?
50% of people who leave jobs, claim interpersonal conflict, as the problem
What is the difference between cognitive conflict and affective conflict?
Cognitive Conflict- A conflict that results from differences in understanding content or tasks. Working through a cognitive conflict often leads to better decisions and work products. Deals with competing goals, lack of information, or a difference of opinion.
Affective Conflict- A conflict that results from differences in personalities and relationships. If affective conflicts remain unstated and unaddressed, they can lead to tension, stress, and dysfunctional work processes. Deals with relational and ego issues.
What’s the best way to improve the communication when a conflict is personal?
Go back to the problem at hand
In what instances is it appropriate to compromise?
When you’re working under a deadline
When you decide the outcome is trivial
When you and the other person have competing goal
High-context culture
Focus more on the environment in which the communication is taking the place, your status is important, focus more on relationship building (Asian cultuers)
Low-context cultures
What you say is more important then how you say it or who you are, the words you say and use are paid attention to. (America)
High power-distance cultures
Very into authority, focused on religion, very rule based, don’t like risk, and respect authority (Spain)
Low power-distance cultures
More into equality, might question authority
Individualistic cultures
Rewarding the individual for his or her work
Collectivist cultures
Focus on the group, developing relationships with someone from this culture is important, focus on the survival of the group not the individual
High uncertainty avoidance
Cultures that don’t like things that are different, they want to know what to expect, they don’t like uncertainty
Low uncertainty avoidance
More comfortable with risk, people who look different, who act a little different from the norm
Polychronic time orientation
Not as focused as we are, on the clock, meetings are more fluid, agendas will not be followed as carefully
Monochronic time orientation
Roberts rules of order, following the agenda, seen as an insult for being late
Masculine cultures
Emphasize or appreciate those behaviors normally associated with masculinity, macho behavior (Mexico, Italy)
Feminine cultures
More care taking, more universal health care, education paid all through college (Sweden, Norway)
What are the components of the ACE process?
In what situations do you need to use persuasion rather than simple explanation?
If you’re trying to get someone to change their mind about something, or get someone to do something a little out of the ordinary. Ie. If you want to return something after the 30day return policy. Its harder to persuade because you’re trying to get someone to change their mind, change their behavior.
Explain the difference between direct and indirect approach in messages and when it’s appropriate to choose one over the other.
Direct- simple request, claim adjustment, most business messages
Indirect- giving someone bad news, claim refusal
It’s better to write a letter than an email when ______________.
You’re communicating sensitive information, when you need a paper trail
List rules for writing effective email messages.
Start with a strong subject line
Write in direct order
Keep paragraphs short
Stick to one message, if you have more than one thing to communicate, send separate messages
Know memo structure.
To: From:
Bottom line statement
No salutation, no complimentary close
Usually used internally, in-house, for multiple people within the organization
What is “you” viewpoint and why should one use it?
Emphasizing the benefits that the receiver will get, or wording things to show the person you’re writing to is important
Use it because it improves your business relationships, will get people to be more corporative
Why consider audience benefits when analyzing how to communicate your message?
People need to know what’s in it for them in order to get them to corporate
When is it appropriate to send a confirmation message?
when you want to acknowledge that you’ve received certain information
or when you want to check that you’ve understood information correctly
it’s a good way to get a spoken arrangement down in writing
usually after a meeting, its good to follow up with “this is what was decided...”
Be able to recognize examples of effective and ineffective writing as described in our text.
Ineffective- passive voice, long winded and convoluted
Effective- be direct, use active voice
Know correct business letter format.
Know how its laid out, return address, inside address, what does ENC mean?
Persuasive messages should ______, _________, and ________.
Show there’s a problem or a need for change
Address any objections the audience might have
Emphasize audience benefits
What are the differences between a routine claim and a persuasive claim?
Routine- asking for something reasonable, that’s within policy
Persuasive- asking for money back, or beyond the scope of the policy that you’re asking for something
What is the most important part of writing a bad-news message? Why?
The explanation, explaining why you cant do what they want
Because you have to justify your decision in terms the audience can accept, and you have to keep their good will as best you can even though you aren’t doing what they want
Be able to recognize instances in which business research would be required.
In instances where you have to look further into something your boss wants you to investigate what looks best from a variety of options
What are the steps of conducting business research?
Analyze the research question and topic
Identify any audience concerns and needs
Define the research activities
Develop a work plan
How do you know if your sources are credible?
Age, how recent is it?
Know APA citation and reference rules.
Everything in a reference list must be cited in the paper, if its not in the paper, it cant be on the reference list
If you cite an author, the date must be after the last name in the paper
Direct quotes require page numbers
Why is it important to be skilled at recognizing nonverbal cues?
60%-90% of our communication is nonverbal
What is the most important part of writing a bad-news message? Why?
The explanation, explaining why you cant do what they want
Because you have to justify your decision in terms the audience can accept, and you have to keep their good will as best you can even though you aren’t doing what they want
Be able to recognize instances in which business research would be required.
In instances where you have to look further into something your boss wants you to investigate what looks best from a variety of options
What are the steps of conducting business research?
Analyze the research question and topic
Identify any audience concerns and needs
Define the research activities
Develop a work plan
How do you know if your sources are credible?
Age, how recent is it?
Know APA citation and reference rules.
Everything in a reference list must be cited in the paper, if its not in the paper, it cant be on the reference list
If you cite an author, the date must be after the last name in the paper
Direct quotes require page numbers
Why is it important to be skilled at recognizing nonverbal cues?
60%-90% of our communication is nonverbal