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10 Cards in this Set

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Name the bacteria (3) and their toxins (4):

Exotoxin causes increase in [cAMP] or [cGMP]
B. pertussis→pertussis toxin
(increase cAMP→inhibit bactericidal activity)

E.coli→ST & LT toxin
(ST toxin: increase cGMP; LT toxin increase cAMP; both→watery diarrhea)

V. cholerae→cholera toxin
(increase cAMP→intestine secrete more Cl- and absorb less Na=osmotic loss of fluid in diarrhea)
B. pertussis
pertussis toxin

(AB: B causes inactivation of Gi so increase cAMP→inhibit bactericidal activity)
E.coli (2)
B. pertussis→pertussis toxin
(increase cAMP→inhibit bactericidal activity)
ST & LT toxins

(ST toxin: increase cGMP; LT toxin increase cAMP; both→watery diarrhea)
V. cholerae
cholera toxin

(AB5: B activates Gs so increase cAMP→intestine secrete more Cl- and absorb less Na=osmotic loss of fluid in diarrhea)
Bacteria and their toxins (4) that secrete exotoxin to...

inhibit protein synthesis
C. diptheriae→diptheria toxin
P. auriginosa→exotoxin A
S. dysenteriae→shiga toxin (bind 60s ribosome)
E. coli→shiga-like toxin
S. dysenteriae
shiga toxin (bind 60s ribosome→inhibit protein synthesis)
C. diptheriae
diptheria toxin (inhibit protein synthesis)
P. auriginosa
exotoxin A (inhibit protein synthesis)
B. anthracis
anthrax toxin
3 proteins (PA, EF, LF) cause dermal necrosis
S. aureus
TSST-1 (superantigen that promotes excess cytokine release→toxic shock)

Exfoliative toxin (scalded skin syndrome)

Enterotoxin/heat stable toxin (food poisoning from premade toxin