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24 Cards in this Set

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Abnormal condition of an organism that impairs bodily functions
External factor
Internal factor
Inflammation of the meninges. Can be caused by irritants, bacteria, or virus. Swelling can cause brain damage of death. Vaccine available
Inflammation of the brain. Can be caused by irritants, bacteria, or virus. Swelling can cause brain damage or death. Can be a symptom of many diseases.
Make antibody to Acetylcholine receptor. Affects muscles. Autoimmune
Myasthenia Gravis
Rare progressive paralysis occurring after an infection. Inflammation around myelin sheath causes weakness and paralysis. Occurs most often in adults. Immune system attacks part of peripheral nervous system. Was linked to vaccinations. Autoimmune
Guillan-Barre Syndrome
Attacks motor neurons. Those affected determine the muscles weakened or paralyzed. Nervous system disease
Attempts to drink bring on muscles spasms in respiratory muscles, trunk, and limbs. Causes convulsions and dehydration. Nervous system disease
Caused by Clostridium tetani. An anerobe makes a toxin that affects motor nerves and certain cells in spinal cord
Treponema pallidum. Neurological symptoms dont appear for years after original infection that is not treated. Inflammation causes degeneration of brain and spinal cord cells leading to dementia.
Chronic infectious diease caused by Mycobacterium leprae. 95% of the wold's population is immune to this. Victims used to be seen as "outcasts" . If treated early most cases are no longer contagious after 3 months
Hansen's Disease - Leprosy
Autosomal dominant, occurs usually at >40 years. Causes progressive loss of motor and mental deterioration.
Huntington's Disease
Autosomal Dominant, causes benign tumors to grow from nerve sheaths. They can sometimes turn malignant.
Failure of the bottom end of the neural tube to close. Spinal cord is "open". Recently, folic acid deficiency has been linked to an increased occurrence
Spina Bifida
Failure of the top of the neural tube to develop and close. Children born without "higher" brain tissue, skull, or scalp. This is incompatible with life.
Cerebrospinal fluid does not escape from the ventricles of the brain and builds up. The pressure causes brain damage.
Can cause failure of the brain to finish growth and development.
Nutritional Deficiencies
Lead can cause brain damage in children
Slow poisoning
Exact cause unknown. Changes in proteins in nerve cells. Nerve ending are degenerate, signals are disrupted. Damaged areas are replaced by "amyloid plaques."
Gradual deterioration in nerve centers that control movement. Affects ability of body to properly utilize dopamine and acetylcholine
Disturbances in electrical signals at the level of the action potential. Overwhelming signals trigger action potentials where they should not be
Electrical disturbances often as a result of infection, high fever, or head trauma
A condition where blood volume or hemoglobin level is subnormal