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80 Cards in this Set

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obturat - L. obturare, p. p., obturatus,
to close by stopping up. (Obturator foramen)
occipit - L. occiput, gen., occipitis,
the back of the head. (Occipital bone)
ocul - L. oculus,
eye. (Bulbus oculi, orbicularis oculi muscle)
odon - Gr. odons,
tooth. (Labyrinthodont, thecodont)
oid - New L. -oid (from Gr. 0 + eidos, form),
suffix that indicates resemblance to. (Arachnoid, diploid, pterygoid, sphenoid, xiphoid)
olecran - Gr. olekranon,
elbow tip. (Olecranon)
olf - L. olfacere,
to smell. (Olfactory organ)
om - Gr. omos,
shoulder. (Metacromion, omohyoid muscle, omotransversarius)
oment - L. omentum,
membrane. (Greater omentum)
00 - Gr. oon,
egg. (Epoophoron, oogenesis)
oper - L. operire,
to cover. (Operculum)
ophthalm - Gr. ophthalmos,
eye. (Ophthalmic nerve, ophthalmologist)
opistn - Gr. opisthen,
behind. (Opisthonephros, opisthotic)
opt - Gr. optikos,
pertaining to sight. (Optic nerve)
orb - L. orbis, dim., orbiculus,
circle. (Orbicularis oculi muscle, orbit)
orch - Gr. orchis,
testicle. (Mesorchium, orchid [from shape of root])
os - L. os,
mouth. (Ostium of oviduct)
os, oss - L. os, gen., ossis, dim., ossiculum,
bone. (Ossicle, ossify)
ost - Gr. osteon,
bone. (Osteichthyes, teleost)
ostrac - Gr. ostrakon,
shell. (Ostracoderm)
ot - Gr. otikos,
pertaining to the ear. (Otic capsule, otolith, parotid gland)
ov - L. ovum,
egg. (Ovary, oviduct, oviparous)
palae, pale - Gr. palaios,
ancient. (Paleontology, paleopallium)
palat - L. palatum,
roof of the mouth. (Palate, palatine bone)
palli - L. pallium,
a Roman cloak. (Neopallium)
palpeb - L. palpebra,
eyelid. (Levator palpebrae superioris muscle)
pampin - L. p ampinus,
tendril. (Pampiniform plexus)
pan - Gr. pan,
all. (PanAmerican, pancreas)
par - L. pareo, p.p., partus,
to bring forth. (Oviparous, parturition, viviparous)
par, para - Gr. para,
beside. (Paradidymis, parapophysis, parasympathetic nerve, parotid)
pariet - L. paries, gen., parietis,
wall. (Parietal peritoneum)
pat - L. patina, dim., patella,
dish or plate. (Patella bone)
path - Gr. pathetikos,
sensitive, liable to suffer (from pathos, suffering). (Pathology, sympathetic nervous system)
patr - Gr. pater,
father. (Patriotheria, patriotic)
pect - L. pectus,
chest. (Pectoral girdle, pectoralis muscle)
pectin - L. pecten,
comb. (Pectinate muscles of heart, pectineus muscle)
ped, pes - L. ped, dim., pedunculus,
foot. (Bipedal, cerebral peduncle, pes)
pelluc - L. pellucidis,
to shine through. (Pellucid, septum pellucidum)
pelv - L. pelvis,
basin. (Pelvic girdle, renal pelvis)
per, peri - Gr. peri-,
prefix meaning around. (Perineum, periosteum, peritoneum)
peron - Gr. perone,
pin, fibula. (Peroneal nerve, peroneus muscle)
petr - Gr. petros,
rock. (Petrify, petrosal bone)
phalang - Gr. phalanx, gen., phalangos,
a line of soldiers. (Phalanges)
phall - Gr. phallos,
penis. (Phallic, phallus)
pharyng - Gr. pharynx, gen., pharyngos,
pharynx. (Glossopharyngeal nerve, pharynx)
ph or - Gr. phoros, from pherein,
to bear. (Epoophoron, pterygiophore, spermatophore)
phragm - Gr. phragma,
fence, partition. (Diaphragm)
phren - Gr. phren,
diaphragm, mind. (Phrenic nerve, phrenology)
phys - Gr. physis,
a growth. (Apophysis, epiphysis, hypophysis, symphysis)
pia - L. pia,
tender. (Pia mater)
pin - L. pinus,
pine tree. (Pineal gland)
pir - L. pirum,
pear. (Piriform lobe, piriformis muscle)
pis - L. pisum,
pea. (Pisiform bone)
plac - Gr. plax, gen., plakos,
flat plate. (Placoderm, placoid scale)
plant - L. planta,
sole of the foot. (Plantaris muscle, plantigrade)
plast - contraction of Gr. emp/assein, p.p., emplastros,
to daub on. (Epiplastron, plaster, plastron)
platy - Gr. platys,
flat or broad. (Duckbill platypus, platysma muscle)
pleur - Gr. pleura,
side, rib. (Metapleural fold, pleural cavity, pleurapophysis)
plex-L. plexus,
an interweaving, network. (Brachial plexus)
poll - L. pollex, gen., pollicis,
thumb. (Abductor pollicis muscle)
pon - L. pons, gen., pontis,
bridge. (Brachium pontis, pons)
pop/it - L. poples, gen., poplitis,
knee joint. (Popliteal fossa, popliteus muscle)
post - L. post,
after, behind. (Posterior, postorbital process)
pre - L. prae-,
prefix meaning before, in front. (Precaval vein, premaxillary bone)
prepu - L. praeputium,
the foreskin. (Prepuce)
prim - L. primus,
first. (Primates, primitive)
pro - Gr. pro-,
prefix meaning before, in front. (Pronephros, prosencephalon, protraction)
proct - Gr. proktos,
the anus. (Proctodeum)
pron - L. pronus,
bending, leaning forward. (Pronator teres muscle, prone)
prostat - Gr. prostates,
one who stands before. (Prostate [stands before the bladder])
prot - Gr. protos,
first. (Protonephridium, protoplasm, Prototheria)
pseud - Gr. pseudos,
False. (Pseudobranch)
psoa - Gr. psoa,
a muscle of the loin. (Psoas major muscle)
pteryg - Gr. pterygion, gen., pterygos,
wing fin. (Actinopterygii, metapterygium, pterygoid process)
pub - L. puber,
young adult. (Puberty, pubic hair, pubis)
pudend - L. pudendum,
external genitals (from pudere, to be ashamed). (Pudendal artery, pudendum)
pulmo - L. pulmo, gen., pulmonis,
lung. (Pulmonary artery)
pulvi - L. pulvinus,
cushion. (Pulvinar)
pylor - Gr. pylorus,
gate keeper. (Pyloric region of stomach, pylorus)
quad - L. quadrare, p.p., quadratus,
to make square (from quadrus, square). (Quadrate bone, quadratus lumborum muscle, quadriceps femoris muscle)